

15 May



  • Increased base player movement speed by 5%.
    • Note that this change is multiplicative with sources of Increased Movement Speed.
  • When you are stunned, you now become immune to stuns for 1 second after the stun ends.
  • You no longer have to attack the door in the Welryn College.
  • Capped the max respec cost per point at 5000 gold temporarily so that people don’t get left with impossible to respec characters.


  • Teleport
    • Flat ward node grants 8 ward per point (down from 10).
    • The intelligence scaling ward node requires 4 points in the flat ward node (up from 3).
    • The health to ward node now converts 4% of current health per point (down from 10%).


  • Glancing Blow affix changes
    • "Glancing Blow and Armour" can no longer spawn on amulets or relics.
    • "Glancing Blow and Armour" can now have up to 15% glancing...
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14 May


If it gives a stack trace there should be a line at the end of the file like “C:/Users/BIM-RIG/AppData/Local/Temp/Eleventh Hour Games/Last Epoch/Crashes” (taken from your last log file)

Can you do the same thing except looking at the GPU part of Task Manager? Your GPU could be running out of memory (which is unrelated to the Memory tab of Task Manager)


Could you try observing the game’s memory consumption over time? Knowing what your memory usage is right when the game starts will be helpful. Does the amount of memory go up just over time, even if nothing is happening? Does it go up (permanently) when you use a skill? Does it go up when you change zones, even if you run back and forth?

Knowing any particular locations or skills involved helps too.

I know that’s a lot of questions, but the more information we can collect about this, the better we can address it!

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Hi everyone,

If you haven’t tried the new 0.7.0e patch please do so! If you have an older CPU (2011 and before) this issue should now be resolved.

If your error message was related to memory then it may not be fixed yet. We are working on solutions for this as well, but it is an entirely separate issue from the one we released with 0.7.0e.

If you’re still having issues please upload your log file and any crash information that is mentioned at the end of it.


Vengeful Souls is working for me-- Can you screenshot your Hungering Souls tree?

The Lichskin issue is a known bug-- you can cast manually once after entering a new zone.

13 May


We know that the patch size for Windows is quite large and we are working to determine the cause of these large patch sizes, as the patch sizes for both Mac and Linux are closer to what we’d expect. Please note that a patch size doesn’t mean that the game will take up that much more storage. Rather, the patch usually overrides data that was already present.


Monolith of Fate

  • Timeline modifiers now grant increased experience.
  • There is now an objective arrow pointing towards bosses.


  • The Sentinel’s Armour visuals now vary based on base types.
    • There are two variations for helmets, gloves and boots.
    • For body armour the combination of chest and pauldron visuals is different for every base type.
  • Changed the level requirement formula so that more emphasis is put on the highest affix tier an item has.
    • Old: level requirement = highest tier + sum of tiers to
    • New: level requirement = (2 x highest tier) + sum of tiers
    • The values for each tier have been changed from 1, 4, 7, 12, 17 to 1, 3, 6, 10, 14.
  • Glyph of Stability
    • Now reduces instability added by 0% to 60%.
    • Instability added is no longer always rounded up.
  • Reduced values of glancing blow at most tiers (the max va...
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I’ve tried this out myself and I ended up with +150 lightning, fire and lightning protection. Can you post an image of your skill trees?


It seems that it’s affecting the mitigation percentage directly rather than the amount of armour or protections. Thanks!


These will be fixed next patch. Thanks!

12 May


I’m not able to reproduce this issue. Have you tried using Lunge in a variety of places since? It’s possible that something was blocking it instead.


If you read Lunge’s tooltip, it states that it costs more mana depending on how far away the enemy is. So the tooltip is a bit unclear, but this node does have a useful effect.

Edit: though it seems that this scaling cost isn’t working currently, so there’s definitely something wrong here. Thanks!


I’m seeing devouring orb ignite multiple enemies. Or were you wondering if an orb could ignite the same enemy multiple times?


Thanks for the report! It seems Vital Boon is overriding the flat amount of health regen with the 10% increased.


Thanks for the reports!


Thanks for the report.

Penance is working for me. It’s expected that it won’t show up in the Character Sheet because it does not add a chance to apply bleed to all hits; Penance only adds a chance to bleed for melee and thrown attacks.

It appears that Flash of Brilliance is giving 3% increased blind chance instead of +3% blind chance.


Sorry about that! Can you post your log file and system information so we can look into this? You can upload these files to ...

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Does this happen in all areas or just here? It’s possible that the effect is clipping through the floor.


What zone is this in? For the most part objects that can get between the player and the camera can’t be clicked on but there are some that we need to fix manually.

If you find this kind of issue in other places, screenshots are very helpful! There isn’t a great way to fix all of the exceptions at once so knowing where to look helps out.


Moving this to Feedback and Suggestions. There are more skills planned for all classes, and there will be more work put into passives over time as well.