

13 Aug


Thanks, I’ve noted this. It’s technically intended for the fight to not trigger when going back through the door but I’ll see what can be done to adjust.


What was the name of this zone? The picture of the minimap is quite helpful but having a zone name will make it faster for us to fix.



Could you upload a screenshot of the area you teleported to (including the minimap) to a site like imgur.com? It seems like there’s just something below the ground that’s configured wrong but it will be much easier to find with an image.



I’ve made a note of this, thanks!


Sorry about this! I’m not able to reproduce this but I can look into it with some more information. Can you please post your log file and system inform...

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This will be fixed next patch. Thanks.


I’m having trouble reproducing this (and I don’t recall seeing it on the streams I’ve seen). If it isn’t happening for you with all enemies, knowing which enemies you see it happen on and what Monolith layout you were in will help a lot!

Once I know a few enemies that have the issue I’ll prioritize looking into this.


12 Aug


Thanks, I have all of these noted.


This will be fixed in our next patch. Thanks!

11 Aug


If this is in regards to The Fallen Tower, that will be fixed for the next patch.

If not, please close the overlay map (tab) and let us know what zone name is displayed in the top right.



Thanks, I’ve confirmed that it only happens with Overgrown Path.

10 Aug


This will be fixed next patch. Thanks!


Thanks, this will be fixed for next patch.


Thanks for the report-- I’ve made a note of this. In the future a zone name in the title makes issues easier for others to find and add details. Thanks again!


Thanks for the report-- I’ll look into that Retry button.

Unfortunately the standalone launcher currently requires enough space on your C: to download and extract the patch (which in this case is near the size of the entire game), in addition to the space already taken up by the game. I’m not certain how Steam differs.



Sorry about this! If the issue is still happening, a list of Monolith zones that it has happened in, as well as what objective type and a log file will help us look into this.

Is it this zone

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It sounds like something went wrong in either the saving or loading process; unfortunately there’s not much I can do to look into this without a way to reproduce it or a log file

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This has been fixed internally.

This might be technically correct given the wording but it’s definitely, uh, pretty good. We’ll have a look.

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Is your Player Light disabled? It’s currently a setting under Graphics.


Thanks for the report! We replaced all of the objects in that zone for this patch so there’s probably just a few elements that aren’t set up properly.