

09 Jun


Originally posted by ExchangeableFat

They get back within a day. I got fully refunded for it!

Super glad to hear!

OP I believe we've gotten most of these answered at this point but if not, hang in there you should have an answer by tomorrow at the latest.


Originally posted by AliGamer145

Yea it’s crazy that ONE person has that power

Hey there! This narrative has been growing for a bit and there seems to be quite a bit of confusion and misinformation so let me attempt to bring some clarification to a few points if you'll indulge me.

  1. Rome does not "own," "run," or have undue power over any aspect of Rogue Company esports. We have an entire team dedicated to these events who work across all our titles who plan and oversee all aspects of this work. His work is primarily to help us execute our overall strategy in the most efficient and quality way possible.
  2. Decisions like banning someone from competitive is never ever made by a single individual, it is done with the consent and approval of multiple Hi-Rez employees with an extensive background in both esports and player management.
  3. We have a standard of behavior we hold participants in our competitive events to which spans all of our titles like the SMITE Pro League. We understand emotions can be high and we both expect and w...
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Hey Rogues!

It’s been a pretty busy week for the team with our Launch from Beta, chasing down balance/gameplay concerns, and reading all of your feedback from various channels. We appreciate every bit of your patience and your thoughts which are being circulated to the team for review.

Some of you have reported seeing PC players in your console game and vice versa after the update. Last month in our statement we committed to holding our crossplay feature until we did some additional anti-cheat work and would communicate with you before its release. This was a commitment to quality and to you, our community, that we took seriously.

Late last week after an extensive amount of review from my team, I determined our anticheat initiatives, which include EAC, were in a vastly improved state, and represented where we stood prior to May. I informed the game team of this success, and it was determined our July update would be the moment when we turned on crossplay....

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Originally posted by x-twigs

hi Radar, i played a couple of ranked games today where me and my premade were the only PC players in the lobby if you need additional match ID’s

Was this Ranked Strikeout?


Originally posted by FilthyAmbition

How about some marketing to get the player count up?

We agree! It's why Rogue Company was briefly featured on the OTK event on Twitch yesterday which at the time had over 300k concurrent viewers. We've also dialed up our advertising to new players and emailed former players.


Originally posted by Luna259

PS5, Europe (UK). Also in game, names get shown as loading

There is definitely a problem with your connection to us. Have you gotten far enough to get a MatchID by chance?


What platform are you on and in what region are you playing? Also if you could DM me your game name I'd like to look at your account.


Would you mind DMing me your in game name? I'd like to track down the matchID for this. To be clear you can be matched up with a mixed party in some situations but in general this should not have been turned on.

08 Jun


We're looking into this now. Skrimish LTM should be available.


Apologies for the confusion around this, this queue was turned on inadvertently. We're fixing this now.


Originally posted by Gawdiator

Was there no Rogue Reward this season?

Those should have gone out, drop me a DM with your account name.


We are working on a fix for this but it unfortunately may require a hotfix. In the interim if you purchased the wrong one, please contact the Player Support team and we'll get you squared away.


Folks, a few of you reported an issue this morning that when you opened your Free Supply Drop you received the same items on multiple accounts. We determined there was in fact an issue with how this was distributing rewards so if you didn't own the BLAM Melee Wrap and Watergun Assassin avatar these are the reward you received.

We of course want this experience to be an exceptional one so if you received those items today (we'll verify it on our side) please contact our Player Support team and we'll get you fixed up with another one as quick as we can.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

External link →

If you received the BLAM melee wrap and Watergun Assassin Avatar, please contact our Player Support team and we'll get you situated with another Supply Drop to open at no cost.



Originally posted by B-Ricch

Literally hoped on and have played 3 games so far each have been heavily laggy

If you get a matchID associated with a laggy experience please pass that along, we'd like to investigate.


Could you provide us a matchID if you have one and what platform and region you are in?


We're currently looking into this issue, appreciate you reporting it to us. What region are you playing in and what platform?


Originally posted by SzinpadKezedet

I'm pretty sure resupply isn't working anymore, because I was playing Lancer and Juke, both have resupply, and I wasn't getting any grenades back from the crates. Sometimes it would play the sound and it would disappear but I wouldn't get any grenades back, and other times I literally just couldn't pick it up when running over it.

Appreciate you reporting this, we'll look into it.


Originally posted by Ghostofslickville

Looks decent, and I'm glad they are aware of certain bugs, but it's a bit weird they are releasing a new rogue with so many known issue related directly to her.

Plus they still haven't acknowledged the "unable shoot, and dying during revives" bug. These two bugs have been reported alot and they still haven't filed them under "known" yet?

The known issues list (which i need to update because they fixed two of those Juke issues) relates directly to this update release. The issues you are referencing are already being investigated and worked on.


Hey everyone, and welcome to update day! We hope you are as excited as we are but if you do run into issues please report them here so we can get them identified. What information will help us this most:

Short Description:
Steps to Reproduce it if you can:

Also a reminder on our current known issues from this update:

  • Draft Pick Spectators will only see one team’s perspective - this will be fixed in a future release.
  • Juke’s Turret bypasses Sigrid’s Shield.
  • Ibex Weapon Mastery for 2nd and 3rd milestones only award 1 mastery point, we plan on fixing this as soon as possible in a hotfix.
  • Juke is able to destroy her own turret via a thrown melee weapon.
  • Fringe instances where Impact Grenade will fail do deal damage when used at danger-close ranges.
  • Kestrel’s drones under the effect of the reflector gadget may reflect at odd angles.
  • Sometimes the Supply Drop button will appe...
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