

08 Feb


Originally posted by redfoxx15

What platform are you playing on, Epic or Steam?

This. We believe this issue was resolved (i've confirmed with mulitple players it's no longer happening) but if it isn't for you we'd love to get some more information.

03 Feb


We are actually still looking into this. No changes should have been made with EAC that impacted it's ability to run on Steam Deck to my knowledge.

21 Jan


Originally posted by KING-O-SAURUSREX

You’re going to have to give me another way to contact Hi-Rez. Radar hasn’t sent a single message in the discord since October of last year. And his discord settings make it so that only friends can send DMs. So I can’t communicate with him at all.

You could also just drop me a DM here and I'll be happy to take any feedback around this.

19 Jan


Originally posted by DarkAndSparkly

This is what! The third or fourth widely popular employee to leave in recent months? It’s concerning. Happy employees are the key to a great company.

While there have certainly been changes here, our commitment to Rogue Company still remains. Hats is a veteran of the team who I recall working with regularly during Alpha. While not super vocal in the past, he knows the game inside and out, and he knows what the community has been saying. Incredible amounts of passion and I'm personally really excited to see where things go this year.

20 Dec


Our apologies, this has been resolved now! Thanks for the callout!

15 Sep


Hey again Rogues! It’s been just over a week since the Formal Affair release and we hope everyone has been able to enjoy all the new content including our new Quickplay feature. We wanted to provide you another update on the issues we’ve been working on since this post.

We have fixed all the issues mentioned in that post on our internal servers with one exception. The “jitter” animation bug has proved a bit more elusive than expected, and while very easy to reproduce, we are still working on a fix for this issue. Once this is complete they will be pushed through the update p...

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13 Sep


Originally posted by Ghostofslickville

Yup. Completely gone.

Apologies this wasn't communicated more effectively. Surrender has been disabled until we have resolved the network connection issue which is currently fixed internally but being tested. We hope to have this resolved very soon.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Aero_Junkie

RCCS players from the Spring tournament have posted on Twitter how they hadn't been paid in roughly 90 days. It's not misinformation when it was them who posted it and Hi-Rez responded to the post.

Example: https://twitter.com/MyPstory/status/1562913271350300674?t=0oust4LOktG4050l4VagrQ&s=19

The state of the game is deplorable.

Your statement was RCCS was canceled because of payments. That is not accurate information. You also are stating the past 2 RCCS players did not get paid (unless you mean something else by "screwed over"). This is also inaccurate information.

My statement in that twitter thread was to let players know payments were coming the following week which did happen.


Originally posted by injured-ninja

You can’t turn crossplay off - it’s forced. Wtf?

The toggle still exists on the Xbox version, but it will effectively remove you from any active queues. We've had a couple folks inadvertently toggle it.


Originally posted by Aero_Junkie

They'll never fix anything. RCCS was permanently canceled because they weren't able to play the winners aside from Drew. The others all got screwed over out of the past 2 RCCS.

RC is dead because the devs are trash and wouldn't listen to the community that's leaving to play Veiled Experts, Shatterline, etc.

I understand and respect your dissatisfaction with the current state of Rogue Company but please don't spread misinformation. All winners for both RCCS events have been paid along with any casters and administrators.


Originally posted by Its_Syxx

How is this not a priority hotfix that can be pushed out quickly? Hasn't it been over a week at this point?

Hey there! Sorry you had such a poor experience.

The update has only been out for 3 days, it wasn't until yesterday we could really reproduce the disconnect reliably so the team is still working on that.

Could you verify you didn't inadvertently toggle your crossplay setting off? That will create exponentially longer queue times I'm afraid.

10 Sep


Originally posted by templar40k

Why not allow players to play and remove surrender option in ranked for the weekend instead?

I would rather play without surrender honestly

That's effectively what i was communicating above (apologies it didn't come across). The Surrender function is complex and touches a lot of different systems which we'd prefer not to accidentally impact. We had folks working on disabling surrender (without breaking something else) most of yesterday afternoon/evening and the team made the decision until we can either implement this or a fix (which is also being worked on) it's best to turn Ranked off.


To add further context I couldn't fit in the tweet, the team has been working on a fix all afternoon and into the evening. It's a little complex and we'd rather not rush something so in order to address disruptive matches we're going to disable Ranked for the rest of the weekend. This should give the team time to create a proper fix for rollout.

09 Sep


Originally posted by Sea-Engineering4032

Any words about "Quick Play Mode" and why I don't get any XP points?

Quick Play is currently being tested right now and isn't meant to be in full release. We are turning it on temporarily to get your feedback around it but expect that to be in it's final iteration later.


Hey Rogues! We wanted to quickly note this week's update and where things stand. First, we want to sincerely thank everyone for their patience and for reporting their experiences through what was admittedly a difficult update. We had several issues which the team has either addressed or is in the process of tackling as soon as possible. A few that we have resolved:

  1. The Battle Pass being inaccessible was due to an unfortunate configuration issue which didn’t unlock the content properly.
  2. The same issue impacted Contracts as the Battle Pass.
  3. Thanks to your reports, we noted an issue where players could receive a duplicate cosmetic in their Supply Drop. We immediately turned off the ability to open these and resolved the issues internally before rolling out a fix a few hours later. While the number of impacted players was minimal, we will fix those players’ accounts by granting them another Supply Drop.

This is a list of the immediate...

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07 Sep


Originally posted by Ghostofslickville

Yeah I don't know what to do, mite just leave as its just one item, but where do I draw the line then?

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We believe we've identified the issue and we're going to automatically grant a drop to anyone affected. We don't have an ETA on that (it may require a downtime) but as soon as possible.

12 Jul


Originally posted by Rhymsz

I did send a ton and a ton of them already since alpha!

And yet I still see the same bugs in the game.. How do we know that it's being worked on? We've been lied to a many times so I say this how do you know this time will be different!

Also why didn't they just hop on EU servers, I promise you they will find plenty of faulty things themselfs.

Howdy! Let me provide some clarification if I could!

First thank you to anyone who responded to this, the information was very valuable to the team!

This is a specific issue we're trying to resolve and I'd wager server performance is probably one of the top concerns we see here (based on my experience anyway). Here are a couple reason why simply hopping on the EU servers won't yield helpful results.

  1. We aren't on EU internet. Without getting technical (because I'm not really qualified to anyway) there is a LOT that happens to you between your PC and our servers. We need to know our routing isn't taken into account.
  2. When we say servers that's quite literal, there could be dozens of servers you connect to so if you and I play in the same region that doesn't mean we'll have the same experience. One bad piece of hardware can ruin my experience but not yours.
  3. Similar to number 1 our experience from a North American location is going to ...
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01 Jul


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, we really do appreciate it. Like a number of you I was here when Rogue was trying to stand on two wobbly legs and all our feedback came through our Discord. I remember driving conversations for that first Roadmap and how excited (and a little nervous) the team was about sharing the future.

Rogue Company is not dead by any means. Our data doesn't show that and the team is still working very hard on our next update which you'll hear more about soon. To be specific to your question, yes we are slowing down updates just a little, adding a week or two more to each cycle. This gives the team more time to test, iterate, and catch any unanticipated issues/bugs which I think all of us would agree isn't a bad thing. Regular Update Shows are still 100% going to happen.

One more statement I'll make is bugs suck. I promise you most of us hate them more than you do, because not only doesn't it represent a failure to implement...

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Originally posted by Abarthpunto

Just to clarify, according to eac I have been unbanned yet hirez apparently “do not have the means” to fix an issue on their end about my account still appearing to be banned

Howdy! If I extrapolated your account correctly from this screenshot, we probably don't want to cover this publicly. If you want to drop me a DM, I can probably elaborate on why your account status is where it is.

In general when false ban waves go out, EAC lets us know "Hey we banned some people we shouldn't and we're fixing it." This has happened twice in 2.5 years but I'll definitely follow up with them to ensure we didn't miss a communication because that would be important for us to know.

29 Jun


Originally posted by BAE339

My ticket # is 198834. Thanks!

Appreciate it, I'm reviewing today.