

20 Jun


Originally posted by Zeck683

bet necromancy gear gonna take inspiration from soul dye theme im guessing thats why you want feedback haha

This isn't used for Necromancy Gear - you've seen the vast majority of the gear in the First Look, barring the T95 stuff which doesn't use this style either.


Originally posted by lesse44

Looks hideous not gonna lie...

Would you be able to expand on what is that you dislike about the design? Specific details would help us work on how we can improve it.


Hey 'Scapers -

We've been monitoring your discussions since Parcels of the Dead released yesterday, and we've seen some constructive feedback about some of the design elements of the Soul Dye pop up in your chats.

Whenever we introduce Dyes, we want to make sure they meet the expectations of being a really special thing to have - so the Art Team are keen to hear your feedback to help guide improvements to the existing design and make it even better.

Whether you're happy with the design as it is, or you have things you'd like to see improved, we'd love to hear from you. Drop a comment below with your thoughts, and to best guide the team, please focus on elements of the design they could focus on to level up the look!

Thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback, we really appreciate it.

UPDATE: 10:40 Game Time, June 21

Thanks so much everyone for sharing your thoughts. We're passing these to the Art Team now s...

Read more External link β†’

19 Jun


Originally posted by bortj1

Yeah, sure... and you DON'T have to talk to Oziach to start getting rare drops πŸ˜‰πŸ™„

The meme lives on πŸ˜‚


Originally posted by TR1987

Why are we still able to build stuff that's already built....?? Went to build the t3 wc and it auto'd to the t3 slayer instead (which I have already built....)

You can use it as a training method for Construction. Infinitely rebuilding the Fort Buildings is an alternative to POH or Construction Contracts.


One added detail just to share -

When you get your Tier 3 Cabin built, you automatically have the chance to find Imcando Piece Birds Nests from any Woodcutting source. Speak to Oak for a free one.

If you're hunting down Imcando Pieces, there is bad luck mitigation in place. Every nest you find is getting you closer. Good luck!


Just to confirm - while this gives you a free Imcando hatchet piece, the team confirmed you do not need to speak to Oak for the chance to find Imcando Piece Birds Nests to activate.

Once you have Tier 3, they automatically have a chance to drop through Woodcutting sources. You won't have missed out on any chances if you didn't speak to Oak before seeing this (just in case anyone panics!).


Originally posted by Zakh-

No new quest for the Fort?

Not this time. We do have a quest for Fort Forinthry coming up next though, called Dead & Buried: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/development-update--necromancy-reveal-date


Once you have Tier 3, it will be from the new Nests that can ONLY come from nests acquired while Woodcutting (so Miscellania etc still will not be a way to get them, even after Tier 3).


Originally posted by Time-Assumption-5659

Did you speak to Bill after talking to Oak the first time? Then build the new wall segment, then returned to Oak to get the next stage. Then Bill to unlock the Grove building.

This. Reports we've seen on this so far seem to indicate it's missing talking to Bill - vs going to the Blueprint table - after you finish the Wall and talk to Oak again.


Originally posted by DovrickTheBear

Hey there,

The quest "New Foundations" is now broken.

The south west wall segment is no longer constructible due to new placed terrain.

Please see the attached screenshot. Both of the skilling locations are not available.


Thanks for the report - passing it to the team to look at now.

16 Jun



Check out Chev's overyew -*ahem*...view on Fort Forinthry's newest update: Woodcutters' Grove! If you didn't catch the stream, this is a quickfire look at what awaits in Monday's update.

You can find out more details, including the new requirements for upgrading the Fort's core buildings from New Foundation, in our News Post: ...

Read more External link β†’

14 Jun


Originally posted by MegaGothmog

Question: Its pointed out that birds nests can drop Imcando fragments at Tier 3 Grove.

If i start stocking up on birds nests now and open them afterwards.. will that still work? Or will the game recognize that they came from before the update?.. like.. the nests are revamped so old ones won't have the same drop table.

It won't no.


Originally posted by x2o55ironman

Hatchet rebalance

Dragon: T55 β†’ T60

Crystal: T57.5 β†’ T70

Hatchet requirements are re-tiered

1 to 90 instead of requiring odd values like 51

Okay, so Crystal Hatchet will be level and tier 70 now, to be consistent

A brand new best-in-slot T80 Augmentable Hatchet! Once you have unlocked Tier 3 of the Grove you will be able to find fragments of the hatchet in birds nests. Once you have gathered all the pieces Thurgo can help you out.

Okay, so the new Imcando Hatchet will be level and tier 80, right?

So why does the newspost say that hatchet requirements are being retiered from 1 - 90 if we aren't getting a t90 hatchet?

Or did I misread?

It's a good note. I get the spirit of what was written here (ie. the hatchets will now be properly paced through the levels rather than at odd values) but we don't have a Tier 90 being introduced with this update. Imcando is Tier 80.

We'll get this changed now.


Originally posted by BradlePhotos

Does this mean any pre-existing nests cannot provide fragments?

Correct. Only the new type that will drop once you get your Cabin to Tier 3.


Originally posted by 1of-a-Kind

I don’t feel so bad for neglecting wc as one of my final 99s now

It's one of my last three as well! 99'ing in the Grove for sure.


Originally posted by ElectroJo

I know they said the wood spirits were not replacing items on droptables, but did they mention where they are coming from? The birds nests or somewhere else?

Birds Nests.


Originally posted by watkins775

What's the deal with the fort rebalanced? Tier 3 command center now requiring 960 elder logs seems absolutely mental

It's primarily down to the team wanting to make Fort Forinthry's alternative construction method a viable way of training the skill. The prior XP rates were much lower, which are being changed along with the resources required.

The XP hits that come with it are massive, but the cost is having to gather or buy expensive resources - then process them into frames - for those builds.


Originally posted by Ryan_WXH

Did they show the required items to upgrade the Grove on-stream by any chance?

They did! Shown here at the timestamp I've linked: https://www.youtube.com/live/3F_nnyEe2Mo?feature=share&t=2111


Originally posted by VViilliiam

Kingdom has nothing to do with it

Edit: birdsnests that are already in game are different from the ones that drop in the grove

The new Birds Nests - which contain the Imcando fragments - are also not available from Miscellania at present.