

05 Apr


As a note, this won't actually be all worlds - we just received updated information that it's UK Worlds based in London. We'll be adding a World List to this post shortly.

03 Apr


Originally posted by Tkf530

The email newsletter got it typo'd as the 10th :(

Yeah unfortunately that change got missed in there - we've alerted everyone to make sure we catch it in any future posts and such!


Originally posted by Tkf530

April 10th is a Bank holiday. Are you sure the Slayer update isn't on the 11th?

It is the 11th.


Originally posted by yarglof1

I just thought it means you need tier 1 or higher fort buildings to engage with this new content.

Yeah it means you'll need at least a Tier 1 Fort to get involved in the new content. The fun of having to be super brief on Twitter!

02 Apr


Originally posted by ImRubic

It was officially shelved.

Mod Doom is going to be working on that stream update we've been promising with our Art Team - both to go into detail on why that happened, and also the work that's come out of it.

It's still some weeks away as Doom is still in his early days here, but it's on his hitlist!


Originally posted by Realistic_Bug_2678

Okay but what about necromancy….

Believe me, we all want to talk about it as much as you want to hear about it!

Development wise, it's just that little bit too early to discuss anything as there's still so much work and playtesting going on.

We're going to look at getting a Fort Forinthry Roadmap out in April so you have a better idea of what's coming over the next few months - as we hear you all on sorely wanting that - as we build to the right moment where we can finally talk about Necromancy.

We know there's a lot of concern about when you'll hear about Necromancy (insert 2024 memes here), so just to reiterate something and add a little bit to what's been said before:

  • Necromancy right now is firmly a 2023 release as we announced. There's always a potential for change, but it's something we're very much confident in right now.
  • Our current plans are to talk about Necromancy in the first half of this year. Sorry to have to drop another caveat here, but this is subject...
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Originally posted by Dev_Hollow

Wonder if they’re saying there’s going to be more graphic updates or if just those tweaks that already released. Weird wording.

There are more graphical updates on the way - some smaller areas next week, and bigger ones (like Karamja) are in the pipeline!


Originally posted by UnwillingRedditer

Sadly this doesn't fill me with excitement.

  • Unwelcome Guests - it's hard to tell from the newspost what this actually is. Permanent content? A temporary event? The Raptor's involvement and the other 'content' listed makes me think this is a temporary thing - probably wrong, but part of why I am not currently excited.
  • Frank's chest - We do not need free handouts. Even forgetting how it affected certain items or dangled Tavia's there like bait, while maybe it's useful for Jagex to 'test the waters' on certain non-alchable items for adding to drop tables, we do not need more free stuff being given out to players.
  • Recycled Easter event that's afking for 20 minutes for tokens for the new cosmetics then never touch it again - this event just doesn't do it for me. There's no fun or RS charm to it. And realistically, it's just fodder for the parallel TH promo, because of course only MTX gets to actually do anything interesting. The bunny ear pet tokens al...
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It's our next Fort Forinthry Season content - so permanent content and not like the Raptor's Rampage.

We're going to reveal all on Wednesday ahead of it's release, but it will be Slayer focused and include more Fort upgrades. Mod Doom will run you through it on the Livestream and we'll also have a Newspost up right after.


Originally posted by AnitaMedicbag

I guess Frank's Free Chest is going to be a recurring thing for the foreseeable future. I'm not complaining -- free loot is free loot -- but I'm more than a little surprised considering how frosty the reception was the first time.

As for the Raptor stuff; am I correct in thinking that this is permanent new content, not just an event? If so, great; it's been a while since we got new undead to slay. (AFAIK the last time we got new, "proper" undead was ED3, and even that was four years ago now) And I get the feeling that, even if Jagex isn't ready to drop more info on Necromancy, these monsters might be a taste of what we should expect to be part of it...

Also, the Spring Festival again. Meh. Hopefully the new additions will make it a bit more lively compared to the past two years. And I guess we should have expected Jagex to come out with more skill pet cosmetics after the success of the Fresh Start halos; though personally, I can't think of many of them that those ea...

There's a lot of improvements to Frank's Free Chests based on feedback - we'll be running you through those in the TWIR on Monday.

Please do keep the feedback coming on it. It's a real test for us on finding ways for us to reward your time investment in RuneScape more flexibly, whether you log in every day or only have solid bursts of time a few times a week.

Obviously we also want it to be something worth caring about in and of itself as well still, but it's a real learning experience for us.


Absolutely we will.

Some work has been going on in Sponge's absence to move things on. Sponge returns tomorrow so we'll be working on an update with him as soon as we can.

24 Mar


Mod Doom is travelling to Jagex HQ right now for the Golden Gnomes tonight, so I'll do my best in his stead to answer this!

Good news is it's still happening! Bit too early to confirm a date just yet - but we can say right now it's still in our roadmap with a defined release date in the first half of the year.

Don't expect it in April, but May or June is currently looking like a relatively safe window to share with all of you.

23 Mar


Originally posted by Fren-LoE

I know economic impact is a topic associated with betas. So, i figure I'd draw some perspective. I'm hoping people agree with my point that regardless of the negative aspect the beta would introduce to the live game economy, I think everyone absolutely agrees that we care more about these items being balanced properly and quickly. Rather than try to make some quick gp panic buying/selling based on initial indications from the team with regard to the release time of certain items.

I think we're less concerned about that than we used to be - in the sense that having any sort of open dialogue can cause that reaction, just like a Beta. We've even had small indications we've given on stream impact the market.

It's something we're sensitive to for sure - we absolutely won't ever disregard it - but the priority for us right now is making sure we do a better job of being open and bringing your perspectives into more of what we do ahead of a release.


Originally posted by Vpeyjilji57

Because there's too many changes being made at once to easily calculate the effect, I will need to actually play with it for a few hours before I can conclude whether it was too heavily nerfed, and I'm scared I will suddenly not be able to beat Solak anymore.

One of the key notes we took from the feedback is exactly along these lines.

No commitments or promises for this happening, as it may not be possible to do right now and will instead need to be something we look at future proposed balance updates for other things, but we are discussing if a Beta server is possible to get the V2 Proposed Changes for FSOA into your hands for further feedback.


Originally posted by YouWereTehChosenOne

Most people can agree that the issue is that they did not think this was an issue until now, nearly 18 months down the line. They already nerfed it and then buffed it to recurse on auto crits, but it is only recently that they’ve realized it’s holding back critical strike buffs.

If this tweak was made before the end of 2021 I would’ve still been content with it but it’s been way way too long for any reasonable person to react positively to it. It’s what I really despise about modern developments going on at jagex, they’re super hesitant to do knee jerk reactions but then take far too long to implement tweaks or changes by which point players get punished for not engaging with the content when it was super broken and also punish players for engaging with the content + getting used to the change it brought to the game.

I have no doubt that there will be new abilities and items that could make the BOLG super easy to cheese the special effect where every other ability ...

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If this tweak was made before the end of 2021 I would’ve still been content with it but it’s been way way too long for any reasonable person to react positively to it. It’s what I really despise about modern developments going on at jagex, they’re super hesitant to do knee jerk reactions but then take far too long to implement tweaks or changes

This is something we're trying to change as a team all-up at the moment - we want to be more reactive (at the right times) to things like balance or community feedback.

It is very important to allow things time to settle - though we're talking weeks/months on that, not years. Initial reactions can sometimes not be the same as the long term reaction, and that time also provides enough space for a quality set of data that can provide additional insight.

In terms of doing these things over a year later, I think I speak for the team in saying that's not our ideal timeline either - but the import...

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Every time Jagex ignores player feedback and suggestions, or even better handwaves it with comments about 'we are looking at the bigger picture' without explaining what that bigger picture IS, they are damaging the player base's willingness to engage at all

This is a very fair point, but I hope it'll be of some reassurance to know that we aren't handwaving the feedback away (and I don't think that was the intention of Jack's mention on stream last night).

Your feedback on FSOA absolutely HAS made a difference. Sponge is on holiday for a bit and owns these changes primarily - so it'll be a little while before we give a firm update - but before he left there's already been things put in motion to react to it.

Rebalancing FSOA is still important to the team, but the way in which we do it will change based on the feedback we've received. We would love to share more details right now, but with Sponge out at the moment, it's too early t...

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22 Mar


✅ Service Alert Over ✅

All Worlds are now back online with no reported service issues.

Thank you all so much for the patience tonight as we resolved the issues with the affected Worlds. We'll be monitoring for a little while just to alert the team in case there's any unexpected issues, but we're confident in sounding the all clear at this time.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

UPDATE: Please avoid dangerous activities until further notice. Due to the service issue, we do not expect a timer will appear before the server reboots.

EDIT: We'll be posting regular Broadcasts in RS Game Chat to try and notify as many people as possible. Apologies if you get a bunch of them in advance!

✔ No further risk of no-timer reboots

We have now taken all Worlds requiring a reboot offline. Feel free to resume dangerous activities and play on any visible Worlds.

We will be bringing these Worlds back as our work progresses this evening. We'll keep you updated.

21 Mar


Originally posted by JagexHooli

We'll be momentarily rebooting some of our US game worlds, indicated by a timer showing in-game.

If you don't see the timer, your world is not impacted and it should be okay to remain logged in.

Thanks for your patience this evening!

UPDATE: Please avoid dangerous activities until further notice. Due to the service issue, we do not expect a timer will appear before the server reboots.

EDIT: We'll be posting regular Broadcasts in RS Game Chat to try and notify as many people as possible. Apologies if you get a bunch of them in advance!


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Just hopping in to let you know we're aware and working on it. It's impacting both RS & OSRS - not related to the post we put up earlier in the week about a separate issue.

We'll be momentarily rebooting some of our US game worlds, indicated by a timer showing in-game.

If you don't see the timer, your world is not impacted and it should be okay to remain logged in.

Thanks for your patience this evening!