

14 Jun


Welcome back!

The past five months of the year have mostly been focused around the Fort Forinthry Season - which is a new upgradeable area that gives you a ton of benefits and is the basis for all the story this year.

Here's the first update, New Foundations, which was about the base buildings for the Fort, new Construction Training methods and the start of the storyline: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/february-content-drop-new-foundations

Then we had a classic style RuneScape quest with Murder On The Border, which also includes a new Kitchen you can build for Cooking benefits: ...

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12 Jun


Originally posted by Any-sao

Is there any idea when the Woodcutter’s Grove will be released? I see the livestream will be Wednesday, but I’m wondering if there’s any likelihood it’ll release this month.

Probably not too much of a spoiler to confirm this given when we tend to do streams - but next week!


Originally posted by hp_warrior

Death costs are messed up, Its protecting the wrong items and is also costing more than the cap introduced in the death rework

Thanks for the report - we've seen a couple of these. Team are working on it right now.


Originally posted by Butternubicus

Weren't we supposed to be getting a newspost about the hitlist before they started being released? Or am I going cray cray?

Glad to see them with this patch, but it would be great to read up on them beforehand to give feedback!

That was the intention, you're not crazy! Unfortunately the CM team and development have both been really really busy with Necromancy on our doorstep (plus quite a lot of other projects).

We still plan to do it in some form whenever we can fit it in. There's a lot left on the list and a long way to go.


Originally posted by Illustrious-Month198

Is tales of pride active this year? I see the news post is from June 2022

It is, but it's a re-run of last year unfortunately as the timing crossed too much over with Necromancy's final development push.

We felt last year's post gave the best information on it so it's been linked there.

05 Jun


One thing to stress - all the footage released around the First Look is very much work in progress. We've already done a lot since all of it was filmed/captured.

Love the detective work, just want to drop in a caveat that this is all very subject to change so don't go theory crafting too heavily for the release. Values and even Talents themselves could be different by the time you get to play.


Originally posted by soopapoopascoopa

I did not see any in game broadcast. And am I going to be looking at the website while in combat?

Definitely not - it's why I was keen to get feedback on if it was seen. Sounds like a lot of people didn't catch it or have it filtered so you're not alone - something for us to look at. Appreciate the response and sorry about the disruption.


Originally posted by srbman

Suggestion: the broadcast should not be able to be filtered at all. I saw it on my iron because I happened to have broadcasts toggled on. Didn't show up on my main because broadcasts were off. It should even bypass "Game Messages Off".

Also potentially make it a top level icon similar to the XP Live button or the System Update notification.

Gotcha. Thanks for the feedback - we've grabbed some notes on this. Might be something we can look at development wise one day for an update if the opportunity arises.


Originally posted by Shrimp111

The broadcast should override chat filters, otherwise you could miss it easily

Yeah this is a great feedback. It's not on our development plan, but it's good to take note of these situations in case we get the opportunity to look at our comms systems one day for improvements. Thanks for the response.


Originally posted by samiito1997

when was broadcast sent? i got kicked ~15-20 mins ago

About 12:12 Game Time.


Originally posted by Cowelho

no, i didnt see it. i was on brazilian server also, and no one from my brazilian clan saw the broadcast also

Thank you for the feedback! Especially good to know (in a sense) that it didn't hit non-EN worlds. We can look at getting some Localised phrases to use in these situations next time.


Originally posted by _Nodle

Telling us to avoid dangerous activities via in game broadcast is one thing.
To disconnect everyone without a warning is another.

You tried I guess? rip to the ironmeme anyway

We didn't log people off - the issue escalated and forced people out. We'd have down a countdown timer and server shutdown otherwise.


Originally posted by skillbert_ii

I also did not see it, but honestly a broadcast like that is impossible to notice at most bosses since a lot of bosses spam your chatbox.

Thank you for the feedback. Might be a system we need to look at improving then.


Originally posted by UnrealEgg

I'd say if the intent is to automatically log people off, could you not apply immunity and then teleport everyone to a safe place automatically?

Otherwise I'd say those normal in chat notifications aren't that obvious. Something like the update notification timer at the top of the screen with a message might be more suitable and obvious.

We didn't log people off - would have been a countdown if so.


Originally posted by Cowelho

just died on my hardcore ironman for being disconnected. lost A BUNCH of stuff (was doing kerapac hm at the time).
still have 1 life left, but i dont think i will be playing anymore. whats the point? lost 2 lives already because of client crash/disconnect.
should i just keep skilling forever and never do any pvm?
rsn: cowelhy

Sorry to hear this. We did send an in-game broadcast out about avoiding in-game activities - out of interest, did you catch it?

It's something we've been trying to do as a team to minimise this stuff happening, but keen to hear if it's easily missed honestly. Would be good feedback for us.


Originally posted by Jolakot

How long is this expected to go for?

No ETA as yet. /u/JagexDoom is in a call with the team working on the issue and will keep you updated along with Azanna.

23 May


We have had discussions about this feature and the impact of the API changes over the past few months.

Given it's an intensely busy time at the studio, it's not something we've had a chance to discuss for a month or so to be completely honest - but we will chat about this further when we next have time.

At the very least we'd like to make sure we get some some sort of information out there on what we're going to do - or not do - following the change as we know some people really value this. I wouldn't expect news for a while though.

22 May


Originally posted by Dibbs93

When does dxp actually end because this article says the 29th and so did the announcement article but this page says the 2nd of June


Yeah that page is wrong - we're working with the relevant team to get it updated.


Originally posted by Dutchsy

Good to see they also copied the same DXP live article as last week, on which there was comments that the DXP timer on the website was wrong.

This was a known miscommunication, and gets repeated now, yet again.

Perhaps not release a News Article if you're knowingly wrong, or causing misinformation, or add a disclaimer at least (like; remove the link to the site that still says June)?

{At the very least, hire a test reader, because this has been the third week with typo's, wrong dates, wrong times, and copy/paste errors, this one specifically being repeated twice}

The Double XP: LIVE section in the TWIR is correct - it ends on Monday May 29th.

It's the webpage that's wrong. We've raised that to the team that owns it to fix.


Originally posted by dumbotheclown892

You guys mega griefed me by putting the ability to add 20 characters in. I now have 2 jagex accounts.

Will there be anyway for me to merge my 2nd jagex account into my first?

This is a great question given this changed based on feedback. We'll raise it to the platform team.