

07 May


Originally posted by Matrix17

watch ironmen get none of those

They've been built with Ironman accounts in mind, especially thanks to the feedback from the Ironman community! Hoping you'll all be pretty pleased when you see them.


Originally posted by yuei2

Mod Hooli while you're at it I don't know if Jagex is aware but there have been some extremely frustrating dungeoneering crashes to point it's put me off from doing dungeoneering in daemonheim for a fair bit now.

I can't explain much of how it happens just that sometimes when I try to go through a door of a room I haven't seen the contents of, the entire client shuts down. It's really demoralising because by the time I can log back in it's kicked me out. The last time it happened was near the end of a large occult floor and it really soured me to have all that progress lost and now I'm genuinely afraid to try warped floors solo because I don't want to go through all the effort only to lose it to a crash.

Sorry to hear that. I'll pass this to the team and see if it's something we're aware of / looking at. Did this start very recently?

06 May


Originally posted by mistakesandladders

Looking at the newest posts on the subreddit, it seems like a lot of people are getting stuck on black screens or on unrendered areas. Perhaps that’s worth a look into as well.

We're looking into it asap. I've hopped in those threads to respond.


Originally posted by IAmLordOwen

Mod Hooli just said this in the RS discord:

We are going to do a post mortem on it once every single account is back in the game. We have a lot of ideas about how we could tell the story of what happened (do we do a mini-doc, a big post, a stream etc) so it likely won't be in a week or two after everyone is back, but we are going to do it

I was just about to copy that here. Thanks for sharing it!


Thanks so much for reporting this. We're looking into it urgently.

If you are in this state, can you drop your RSN name here so we can look into it as well as the fix? https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/n68jsx/psa_do_not_hop_worlds_at_the_magister/gx5yeq3/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


We're looking into this with urgency now. Thank you so much for reporting it.

If you are in this stuck state, can you drop your RSN as a reply to this email?


Hello everyone.

Over the past month, we've been working hard and slowly returning more of the accounts that required additional attention back into the game. As of today, we're happy to say that we've released almost every single locked out account back into the world of RuneScape! 

As these accounts were some of the more challenging to restore, there is a higher potential for issues that need resolving. If anything is wrong, please contact Aftercare to resolve the problems. We will do everything we can to restore or make good on anything that doesn't look quite right to the best of our ability, and as quickly as we can.

Once again, we can't thank everyone involved in this phase of the Lockout enough for the support and understanding we've received. We truly appreciate you.

An Extra Thank You

Restoring these more complex cases has been a long, intense process - and the end result has meant an additional month's wait for some....

Read more External link →

05 May


These are still coming but they are just taking longer than initially planned. We've been incorporating a bunch of community feedback to provide more options based on what people want to see, and it takes a fair bit of custom dev work to pull off.

They are mostly all in now, but we're currently doing some refinements to the system of how they are presented to make selecting your Wishes a way more informed / clear experience. Side effect of adding more options!

We'll likely be talking about them in detail soon as they'll almost certainly be released this month, it's just a matter of when this month.

30 Apr


Hey everyone, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're going to take a look at what's going on from every angle and see if we can do something. Give us some time to fully investigate this if you could, but we are on it.

27 Apr


Originally posted by AnnieTheEagle

So, I'm an ironman account, and yet the RS Mobile game's recent update has added a MTX button where the chat button used to be, and I noticed there's a keys button, and for science I decided to try and see what happens if you tap on the keys button.

Lo' and behold, it lets you buy keys via Google's In App Purchase system. For science, I paid the £3.59. The payment succeeds, and I get an email from Google confirming my payment. The app shows literally no confirmation at all, it just takes my money and does nothing...

So, uh, Jagex, can I have my £3.59 back? lul

We've fixed this bug with a hotfix today - thank you for sharing it.

You can request a refund here and we'll get it sorted for you: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000982997-Request-a-Refund


Thanks so much for letting us know about this. We've logged the bug and our team are working on it.

26 Apr


Originally posted by Rarycaris

Weren't we supposed to be getting wishes at the end of the month and more news on what they were before then? Any news on that?

The Wishes are still in development right now - there's a lot of development effort going into them which is making them take a little longer. You shouldn't be waiting too much longer, but it's still in progress right now.


Just wanted to hop in on this - this Shop Button is just an interim solution until we implement a new UI Home Screen before our final launch this Summer. It's a temporary inclusion only.

One thing that's really important to remember is that, if you are playing on Mobile right now, you are in Beta. As we get towards launch, there's going to be a whole host of changes coming to the existing experience that will potentially modify what you are used to.

We really appreciate anyone playing on Mobile right now - you've all massively helped to make this Summer's launch possible - but as a tester it does mean bracing for more change in the weeks/months ahead.

23 Apr


Originally posted by HajimeSaito1574

How do pre-orders work if you already have the game on Mobile? Does it give you the cosmetics and boosts automatically? I'd love to get a response from a JMod. Will this only be for new players or will you reward those who have been loyal customers with no breaks in membership for years?

If you already have it which is preventing you from pre-registering, you'll still get all the pre-reg bonuses that end up being unlocked by the community.


I dropped a mention on this in the News Post thread but just to pass it on here -

The extended length is planned as a one-time thing to enable more players to make use of all 48 hours of their DXP time as a post Login Lockout bonus. It's not currently intended to be the new norm in any way right now.


Originally posted by the01li3

So its just a one time thing?

Gotta admit, was a little concerned it was longer as a kind of filler excuse for less updates kinda thing, nice to see this isnt the case.

It is indeed. Never say never obviously, but there's no intentions right now to run it this long in future.


Just to add to this, you may notice Double XP LIVE is running for double the usual time at 20 days (vs the usual 10).

This is a change specifically for this edition of Double XP LIVE as part of our post Login Lockout events. This extended run should give more players the opportunity to use up all 48 hours of their Double XP time, which we thought would help more folks returning to the game.

22 Apr


Originally posted by Artemaker

It's sad that things like this only get noticed when it's on the Frontpage on r/runescape... I feel like the bug submit feature ingame is useless, been reported by many players in the last months

It definitely works to report it in-game, so please do keep on that.

It does sometimes help to raise these things in the community though, no doubt. There's a balance of prioritisation happening all the time in development, and sometimes things fall through the cracks. When we see things like this bubble up, it helps guide that process because it's clearly important to people.

On that note, we expect this to be fixed in Monday's update - so thank you for raising it!