

08 Feb


In case you didn't catch Kari's other post, we expect an extended period of downtime (est. ~30 minutes if all goes well) as we roll this update out at 11am Game Time.

Further information and updates will be posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/lf8o9p/expected_server_downtime_ahead_of_game_update/

05 Feb


Originally posted by JagexHooli

It tends to lag behind a bit as it's through a separate system. The team are on it!

Looks like it's there now.


Originally posted by Innocent_Cuplrit

Please consider reducing DXP live events from 4 to 2-3 a year. Also your dedicated Double XP LIVE page is not updated, it says the next Double XP LIVE takes place between Friday November 6th, 2020 and Monday November 16th, 2020.

It tends to lag behind a bit as it's through a separate system. The team are on it!


Hey all. Thanks so much for your feedback - in this thread, our Discord and everywhere in between. The team are working on a variety of points based on your responses, and we'll be providing updates soon - first though a News Post recap of our Jan stream with some additional info, and then through a stream around the end of February hopefully.

01 Feb


Ironman Players can no longer upgrade the six weapons added to the Oddments Store today above Level 1 stats.

Ironman players who own and have upgraded these six weapons will find them reverted to Level 1 on next login.

Thanks for your patience while we worked on getting this live!

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Originally posted by PMMMR

Irons can purchase t70 gear with oddments now... Seems like an oversight.

Posted this in another thread, but just to confirm, the team are discussing this now. We'll post back when we have further information.


Just wanted to hop in and say this is being discussed by the team now. Thanks for raising this.


Originally posted by Jackladder

Looks like a good update, looking forward to burning through my clue scrolls. Shame that the fix for the Rare Item Tokens fiasco doesn't seem to have included a 20% random item discount, so as Mod Hooli said to, I'll hold on to my Oddments and wait for an answer.

That's not something we could do in order to make today's timeline, though we'll check in with the team on if that's in any of our current plans.

29 Jan


RuneScape Mobile full release is a big priority for 2021 and that's still very much the plan (as a note, to my knowledge, we've never mentioned Q1 2021 anywhere).

Mod Warden's Wintumber Message was our last mention about it and gives some of the context you were looking for. Find it here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mod-wardens-wintumber-letter-2020#_ga=2.131484431.1480217950.1611912780-1120029573.1606728043

Essentially, we're looking to make some key improvements to make sure incoming Mobile players get a great experience and more of them stick a...

Read more

27 Jan


Originally posted by ImRubic

I know the TL;DWs have been coming out later than normal. Sorry about that.

For this one I tried putting in more effort into format and flesh out the passion behind this project. This will be the first stream of many to come this year covering this and I wanted to make sure I fully understood everything so I could present it properly.

Thanks for reading! 😃

The detail here is brilliant and the formatting is awesome. Great work Rubic!


As an added note, we wanted to focus on making an awesome presentation to start, but we''ll be getting an article up on the website next week that outlines a lot of what we said.

Just like the presentation, we want to get that packed full of detail.


Hi everyone!

Last night, we introduced the Player Avatar Refresh project live on stream to bring you inside the development early and get your feedback. For those of you who haven't seen the stream, you can find it here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/888882076

We've already got a bunch of great feedback so far, but we also wanted to get this thread up as a place to continue your feedback for the developers in one simple place.

Here's some suggestions on questions to consider with your feedback:

  • What did you really like about what you saw?
  • What were you unsure about?
  • Did anything stand out as odd or feel out of place

Even if you loved everything, it would be ...

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26 Jan


Hi there ‘Scapers,

As many of you already know, we released an update yesterday that converted Rare Item Tokens into Oddments, as part of a migration of the Rare Items into the Oddments Store. When we decided to implement this change, we set out with a goal of maintaining the value of Rare Item Tokens vs the cost of Rare Items in order for there to be as little impact to you as possible.

While that ratio holds true, it's clear from your feedback that we didn't meet expectations. Frankly, we misjudged the value Rare Item Tokens held by not fully considering the opportunity cost to acquire them and we're sorry for getting this wrong.

After a thorough investigation since Monday, we have unfortunately confirmed that this is something we’re unable to resolve or change without entire server rollbacks – which would have even farther-reaching ramifications.

As an apology for this misstep, we’ll be gifting all players 15,000 extra Oddments to spend within the...

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Originally posted by OlevTime

Could you make a newspost about what you're intending to do? I think that's the biggest thing you should take from the feedback this morning.

Make a newspost. Ahead of time.

We will be getting info onto the site for sure - we're confirming what we can do and timelines by which we can do them as soon as possible.


Originally posted by SangersSequence

The idea that "the conversion ratio [] is unfortunately something we are unable to retroactively change" is utter horseshit. You have backups (or you're even more incompetent than we all think you are), pull the values from a backup and credit people's accounts an amount of oddments that isn't outright theft, and doesn't have a cap.

If it was possible, it would be the solution we'd take right now - it's clear we got the conversion ratio very wrong and this would be the best way to address that.

For this issue, it's unfortunately not feasible from a technical perspective.


Originally posted by gettinguud

Could we maybe have updates on the main page and not have to search social media for it all? No telling how much ive missed cause i refuse to make a twitter, reddit is too much social media for me as it is

We've been providing our updates in the News Post so far this week. We're going to try that as a way of keeping any post-Update updates together and see how it goes.


Originally posted by ElfrahamLincoln

u/Jagexhooli can we get an explanation? Why can we still access the item you guys claim is so useless you decide to erase from the game with zero communication.

The team are looking into this, as well as how to resolve any new RITs in your inventory after this happened.

While they aren't present in the current promotion, it appears they were still available for a day until this promo expired which is where this error has happened. Thanks for alerting us to it.