

18 Apr


Originally posted by Gamestar32

How long does the team expect the refinement stage to last for sailing? I know it’s ultimately up to the community to decide, but what are your expectations?

I was out of office the past few days but the team has made a plan of how we're going to handle refinement and I'm back now just catching up! We'll be releasing a blog soon (aiming for this week) that explains what general topics we'll be discussing each week, and a rough timeline of how it will look like over the next 1-2 months. It is largely dependent on so many factors including the community so it's very ballpark for now but we'll share more news ASAP.

11 Apr

05 Apr


Originally posted by JGSTILLIS

it's very unfortunate. I just purchased a new tablet solely for osrs mobile and now the s pen doesn't work properly.

Hey there, sorry to hear this! Can I check if you're using the latest version of the App - 212.3? If so we'll ensure this is looked into!


Originally posted by Cpenzo

The s-pen for samsung is not working properly on mobile. Is this something that you have plans on fixing?

Hey there, can you ensure you're using version 212.3? You may need to update the App as the fix should be released. Let me know if not and I'll report back to the team!

04 Apr

03 Apr


Originally posted by Selesia_read_it

Question regarding polling methodology: How are you trying to counteract strategically voting, not for your favourite, but against your least favourite?

How are you trying to counteract strategically voting, not for your favourite, but against your least favourite? by voting for one of those two other ones instead, to not make the other one win. (going with your second favourite instead of your favourite)

Spoiler alert: personally, I would like Taming most, and I'd rather not have sailing and am mildly positive to shamanism and I'm extremely tempted to vote shamanism, as to not have sailing happen.

It’s not something we can avoid unfortunately as we aren’t there with you when you vote! All we can do is be transparent and communicate with the community. I see the community as partners in this and so hopefully no matter what the outcome we can work together to make the best skill. We have taken steps to say in our comms that this doesn’t have to be OSRS’s only skill if more than one is popular. Our current approach will ask you what you think about all three pitches so that we can make a better decision on which is the concept which is widely accepted/liked


Originally posted by mesa176750

How would you describe the difference between a skill and a minigame? (One of the biggest criticisms of sailing is that it looks like a mini-game)

It needs to not be confined in one area of the game, have an integration with existing skills and areas and offer a reason to train it. I’d love to know what aspects of the updated sailing pitch felt mini game-y and hear more from the community about this topic. We tried our best to avoid this with all 3 pitches


Originally posted by Dlieuu

What are your thoughts on the skill Inscription?

Love some aspects of it, in general I think the community said one of the main draws of a new skill should be to unlock or to explore new areas of the game which I don’t think the inscription pitch necessarily had.


Originally posted by Lootcifer-RT

Shamanism feels like a great opportunity to introduce an item sink into the game (similar to invention). Being able to break items into components can make basically every drop feel like it has some value (resources, clue scroll items, gear...). This is especially true for dupe rare drops, where a player wouldnt necessarily feel like they missed out when rolling the same item twice.

Have you considered adding this as a core part of shamanism? If not, are you open to pitching that idea to the community, should shamanism pass?

Early designs did consider this but it’s difficult to make a skill non buyable and also a good item sink, instead we might consider putting the item sink into the reward space of the skill. Elena talked about this on the pre-recorded Q&A a bit!


Originally posted by Cpt_Falconator

Hey there!

We're there any discussions or intentions to lock any of the skills behind stat requirements on other skills?

Invention from RS3 as an example?

Generally speaking, a day one release where you’re training a different skill in order to train a new one just feels bad. On the other hand, we also see the community wants the new skill to integrate well with existing skills. For example hunter with Shamanism. So we have a task to make under-utilised skills feel more rewarding whilst also making it so you can enjoy levelling the skill on release. Difficult to know at this stage but our preference is for everyone to be able to train the skill


Originally posted by sknilegap

What do you guys think you can do to make Sailing not feel like Slayer but for all skills?

That's my only holdup on that skill right now is that it may not have enough unique ideas of gaining experience within itself. Love all 3 concepts though and wont be mad if any of them win at this stage.

I’m not a developer so I can’t really answer it from a design perspective. But knowing that Elena and Husky are working on the project should be reassuring in a sense. They both created Guardians of the Rift which is really well liked in the community. Husky in particular created the Hallowed Sepulchre. These devs truly know what they’re doing and how to make a skill fun and rewarding. The dream with Sailing is to make the entire ocean into playable fun content which will just provide more areas to explore. We don’t mind comparisons to Slayer because it’s one of the most liked skills but it won’t just be about sea monster hunting as there will be tons of activities to do at sea and areas to explore


Originally posted by DrYoshiyahu

Will you consider changing old content to bring it more in line with the gameplay expectations of the new skill? I'm especially thinking about all the different sailing elements in old quests that may seem rather out of place with the existence of a Sailing skill. 🤔

EDIT: Or for example, the use of birds of prey in the Hunter skill which could very easily give Taming XP.

It’s possible but we would rather add something than take something away. Meaning if we ever changed old content we likely wouldn’t add a new requirement or make it more difficult to do, instead adding Qol. An example was given during a Q&A where Kieren/Ayiza mentioned tapping into the spirit realm to unlock a door etc which might progress your quest faster.


Originally posted by Emperorerror

For Sailing, one of my concerns is that most of the theoretical rewards seem tied to training other skills -- e.g. finding a fishing spot, finding a boss location, etc. What are some of your ideas for how to give Sailing some intrinsic rewards?

Reward space discussed at 49:20 in our Pre-Record here for Sailing. I’ve seen a lot of players say that the reward space for Sailing is perhaps less scary than say augmenting fear from Shamanism which may be a good thing depending on what kind of player you are. At the end of the day we know that Rewards need to feel worthwhile. During refinement we can figure this out more if it’s the pitch most players like


Originally posted by Bisto_Boy

What are the lore ideas of the "spirit realm"?

It’s really open ended right now. With our new polling approach we want to figure this out during refinement and even beyond. It’s promising to see such a desire for Shamanism to expand on lore I’ve seen lots of people mention Guthrie which is cool. The great thing about skills is they can grow indefinitely and can have content for years to come after release.


Originally posted by Jacobizreal

As a person who loves having Tames/Companions in every possible game I play, I am one of the few who will vote for Taming. I think based on data and response, we all expect taming to get the least amount of votes. Would there ever be a way to incorporate this later or does a low vote mean it’s DOA

If it doesn’t get enough support as a skill, we wouldn’t proceed with it further. Players don’t want us to continue pushing something that they haven’t voted for (which is clear from the Account Builds stuff earlier in the year). I don’t personally see it fitting into Hunter or Farming either so not sure on that


Originally posted by TrumpeterSwann

In another reply, you wrote (emphasis mine)

A lot of players vibe with the theme, but may not see augments as a reward space. It's important to keep in mind that you're voting on top-level concepts - the augment side of things would be something we'd consult heavily with players on, and if most players want us to remove it, we absolutely can.

I wish I could make the playerbase read and re-read this. How do jmods deal with players bringing preconceived notions to the voting booth which are just flat wrong? I feel like y'all have hammered this home over and over and yet I see the same questions being asked, still.

"I love the idea of shamanism but I don't like the potential for power creep or being forced to grind it before other skills" == you like shamanism and should vote for it to go into refinement

"I love the idea of bonding with a permanent companion but I don't want to clutter the overworld" ...

Read more

I think that’s one area where we admit Taming has suffered because we haven’t given enough for players to imagine about. It’s definitely a learning process. I wasn’t around when we polled skills in the past but a huge issue with previous skill proposals was that players weren’t bought in enough and didn’t get to influence the skills early on. Hoping we can change that by getting the community involved right from the start now.


Originally posted by samiltun

Does a new skill HAVE to be added to the game?

If it does not pass a 70/30 lock in poll it won’t be added to the game. We hope that we can work with players to come up with an idea that excites you and genuinely creates an expansion to OSRS which players love


Originally posted by No_Employer_1763

Does staff use A.I. to generate ideas and concepts to pitch to the playerbase and/or eachother?

We used the community consultation survey for the basis of a lot of our design but when we looked at how to explain concepts we found the AI art tool quite useful, especially when we made early presentations for NDA Players etc. We also tried using it to come up with alternative names for our wildcard Shamanism pitch


Originally posted by HyperFire12

For shamanism, will the augmentation be permanent or temporary (like Crystal armour charges)?

Up to community to decide (refinement)