

15 Jun

07 Jun


Originally posted by Umdlye

Bug notice:

"There appears to be a bug where you cannot complete the event if you have a pet out.

So when finding the four poets, put away your pet and you'll get a cutscene.

Otherwise it's just a black screen and you can't progress."

Thanks for the heads up /u/Lewufuwi!

Hi everyone!

Since Reddit dropped their focus on subreddit CSS customization we haven't been doing our holiday event styling for /r/2007scape (some of you may remember the animated snow for Christmas!), but we took this opportunity to bring it back! If you take a wholesome and colorful pride-related screenshot during the event period and submit it as a reply to this comment, you may be featured in the event subreddit banners for the event duration and the years to come! We'll do similar stuff for the other upcoming holiday events this year.

Keep in mind that the focus of y...

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The pet event bug issue should now be resolved!

18 May


Originally posted by CHRISKVAS

I know core gameplay is coming next, but I don't really have much to say about navigation until I know what this skill even is as a 1-99.

That makes a lot of sense as feedback. We started with navigation first to try to tackle the feedback about the tech not being possible. Now it's possible, we'll work on showing you more about core gameplay. We know that the next blog/topic is going to have a lot more feedback and we can't wait to hear what you think!

17 May


Originally posted by JagexLight

Thanks for the tag. I've looked at our internal documentation and the table in the blog is what matches the internal doc, so I would say use the table on the blog rather than the graphic for now.

I'll double-check with the team tomorrow to be 100% sure. We can easily get the graphic amended if that was incorrect. Apologies for the inconvenience it has been quite a tight turnaround to get all materials to you in good time!

Hi, thanks for your patience. I've just synced with the team and it looks like the internal documentation was incorrect. The infographic is correct. I apologise for misleading you with the blog info. I can assure you it was the info I was presented when we wrote the blog, so it must have been changed since writing it.

I'm going to update the blog now with the correct information. After speaking with the team about it, I was assured that this would not make players feel like it's a slog to travel on larger ships, as we plan to have various upgrades and other mechanics which would improve ship speed.

Please also bear in mind that if the skill passes a greenlight poll we'd be open to changing these numbers based on feedback, so I would ask that you keep an open mind if possible.

Thank you for highlighting the inconsistency and for your feedback.


Originally posted by 77maf

just tried tithe farm again... why did i expect this to not be trash content anymore lol

Anything we can help with, is there any feedback in particular I can pass on?


Originally posted by ModYume

Hey! Thanks for raising this! We're looking into this now.

This has now been hotfixed!


Originally posted by s13576

Hunleff audio update is still so much worse than the plugin. And you have to play with in game sounds on unlucky.

Any chance you can give more details on this so I can pass over your feedback to the team? I promise the intention isn't to make it worse so I'm keen to ensure this gets looked into if players aren't feeling it.


Originally posted by HyperSoloDeckDucky

re: Tithe - if you take more than 100 seeds inside, say the full 10,000 then proceed to hop worlds, it resets the quantity in your inventory to 100.

re: Tithe - if you take more than 100 seeds inside, say the full 10,000 then proceed to hop worlds, it resets the quantity in your inventory to 100.

Thank you for raising this - I've got confirmation this issue has been hotfixed now :)


Originally posted by Ricardo1184

I think this sentence

From now on, cutting any Hide in your Inventory will process any others you have automatically

is confusing, it makes it seem like Scaly Hides have been in the game before or that you can use a knife on 'any' hide

Makes sense! We've updated the wording on that one. I apologise for the confusion!


Originally posted by gperezm

So the tithe farm update is today correct ?

Yes, that is correct!


Originally posted by ModYume

Heyo! So basically, it's another way of getting blue dragon scales, which were introduced as part of Poll 79. It's a Herblore secondary ingredient. You can obtain them through combat by picking them up off of the ground, and you can convert them into Blue Dragon Scales. Kind of like a Giant Egg Sac from Sarachnis if you want a comparison.

The Poll 79 newspost has more info about this if you'd like to check out! https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/poll-79-point-based-combat-achievements--more?oldschool=1

Thank you Mod Yume! <3

P.S Everyone please say hi to Mod Yume, who is helping us out a little with our community management endeavours, especially during game update days! 💖


Originally posted by AlternativeAge2

"You can expect the final two rounds of Poll 79 changes to roll out inlate May and early July, after the Bounty Hunter update next week."

Shouldnt this be early June then?

edit: There is also still a "INSERT CONTENT HERE" in there.

edit 2: Since when can we turn hides into scales?

Hi! Thank you for the tag.

It should say late June rather than early July, that has been corrected now! The insert content here was a joke, basically we're eagerly anticipating what next content update is going to be asked for next!

16 May


Hi, sorry if this isn't clearer in the blog. The intention from our side is that solo play will be possible if you'd rather a crew of NPCs instead of real people. This bit was mentioned as an FAQ in the blog:

"We'd like to make it possible for NPCs to navigate boats or be part of your crew so that players who do not want to engage in group play don't have to.

Group play should be a positive player choice and not something you're forced into for training the skill. So, we remain aware that locking the best training methods behind group play will not be received positively."


Originally posted by IAmBecomeTeemo

The graphic shows 1.5 for small, 1 for large, and 0.5 for colossal, which doesn't match the table. They messed up something. /u/JagexLight, which speed is the correct one for the colossal ship?

Thanks for the tag. I've looked at our internal documentation and the table in the blog is what matches the internal doc, so I would say use the table on the blog rather than the graphic for now.

I'll double-check with the team tomorrow to be 100% sure. We can easily get the graphic amended if that was incorrect. Apologies for the inconvenience it has been quite a tight turnaround to get all materials to you in good time!