

13 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

I am genuinely curious if this has happened to anyone? Has anyone ever not had enough credits to repair their ship?

In regards to the Salem, being a premium you should not have any issues making any credits or at least breaking even (we all have bad games). You could further buffer this gap with signal flags: +%credits and the service cost reduction flag. There are also camouflages (gamescom always comes to mind) that you can use that give you increased credit earning potential.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Now the real question after you took this awesome screenshot is what happened next? =)

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Interesting question regarding IFHE on the KGV. I personally do not use IFHE on a BB because with the HE shell damage and the RN fire chance you shouldn't need it. What would you be giving up to use those 4 commander skill points on the KGV? Concealment? Fire Prevention? I feel these two skills for a BB are much for important than IFHE. I guess you could do it for the "lols" but will that make your BB the most effective it can be?

This might give you enough penetration to citadel some lightly armored cruisers but is that worth the four commander skill points, when you can just switch to AP?

My recommendation: use those four commander skills points on a skill(s) that will better help your KGV survive.

12 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Col_Nasty,

Historical responses/articles are great to share but make sure they stay on topic and away from political topics.

This might be a great place for you to scour through and see what has been covered: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/forum/324-historical-discussion/

Edgecase said it best, keep it on topic and it will be fine!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captain,

Great individual results in those example games!

Question(s): What happened in the Jean Bart game that this result happened? I see you did your part but what happened with the rest of the map?

Either way awesome results!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

I need your help on picking the next topics we will cover! I still have a few left that i originally talked about but what do you Captains want covered?

Armor angling and explanation of armor will be next on deck.

Please leave your recommendations here about what else you think players should know/see. This week will be quite busy so expect a new topic next week for sure!


Anytime and if you have any questions feel free to ask, players and staff are here to help!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey MannyD,

That is a lot of shell hits! How many shells did you fire if you remember?

04 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey mustangman6579,

The Smolensk is still in testing and data is being collected. Thank you for your concern, but please remember test ships tend to go through a few different iterations before being deemed "ready". Please keep an eye out on the Developer's Corner for more information on test ships and changes.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Captains,

First of all, insulting your teammates for making a mistake or doing something that you don't want them to do is the incorrect action imo. A better course of action is to help them learn from what they did and explain to them what they could've done better. We have all made in-game mistakes and have to learn from it. We would suggest talking with your teammates in a less hostile way and it could be more productive. We are not saying to not talk to your teammates or anything like that but if you are rude and you offend someone they could use the in-game report system.


It is fine to have conversations in chat but try and be polite.

Try and give good advice to other players (not saying they will listen, but you tried).

If you are rude in chat, people might use the in-game system to report you.

03 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Yandere_Roon,

Tier 7 is a great tier and has a lot of ships that are outstanding. First I will talk about the Yorck since you own that ship. The Yorck is a great ship and has the potential to do a lot of damage if you play it correctly. Both types of shells are great on the Yorck and do great damage. Make sure you punish other cruisers with the strong AP and the HE is great for starting fires. Take advantage of the range to keep your distance.

I recently wrote this:

Tier VII that I would recommend:

Fiji: The Fiji is a great ship at tier VII and can be very dangerous. This ship has a great combination of concealment, gun power, torpedoes and smoke! This ship does take some time to get used to because the RN CL style is pretty unique. I wouldn't recommend this as one of your first tier VIIs but when you start to get a better grasp on the game, this is a great choice to play!

Nagato: ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Thank you for you feedback on this season of Ranked. To get a rental ship you have to play a battle in a tier 8 ship of the corresponding type to unlock a tier X. We know this is a huge change with CVs and rentals in the same season and we appreciate your feedback on Season 12.

Thanks and keep the constructive feedback coming for us about the season.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

How are you liking the new Soviet BBs? What are you finding to be successful playing them and what would you tell other players that haven't tried them? The correct answer is not "they are OP and destroy everything else", the correct answer would be what their strengths and weaknesses are. For instance, the Kremlin has great deck armor that is resistant to fire but has a citadel that can be punished if exposed.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Swingman,

Please try and re-log into the client and see if that fixes it. If not, run a check and repair on your client from the WGC.

Let us know if this fixes it.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey War182,

As other captains have said the Cleveland has many good things going for it just not a heal. Some specific ships at tier VIII have a heal but it is not a common consumable at the tier. There are some things you can do while you play the Cleveland that can help mitigate not having a heal. First off you have to play the Cleveland correctly, you have a lot of utility if you learn to use it correctly. The Cleveland is not a ship you should be brawling with, it is a light cruiser that is best suited for the support role. You can get into the fray once then enemy team is worn down a bit, but if you are the first one in and the focus you will sunk quickly.

Tips for the Cleveland:

Take advantage of her high arcs and use islands as "armor". This is a tactic that can be used by most USN cruisers regardless of tier/type.

Be a good teammate and what I mean by that is use your radar and AA to help teammates that ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Warlock_75075,

The Colbert is currently in testing. You will find community contributors and supertesters playing it on the live server. Please check out the Developer's Corner for all future information about ships in testing.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Zaydin,

A few questions to begin with:

What ship were you playing or you saying this in general?

You mention you can see them shooting in smoke, what preventive measures did you take to disengage yourself?

The Kitakaze and Harugumo can both be nuisances to you but you can do a few things to negate that. Firstly you can make sure you are at a range where they cannot reliably hit you and you have a chance to disengage. The Harugumo is also very vulnerable to large caliber shells (BB shells do a lot of damage). Make sure you are communicating with your teammates to torpedo their smoke or radar their smoke. You might be in a ship that is having a tough time dealing with a gunboat DD but you will have teammates that are better equipped to help you.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Wrongtrack58,

Honestly, you are free to play/try any line you want in the game =). Part 5 of my guide highlights nation overviews and some stand out ships of those nations. As a new player I would recommend you trying multiple lines and ship types before you decide on what line(s) you want to focus on. I would caution you though, as you move up lines ships/modules tend to get more expensive and you might find yourself spread thin on credits.

If I had to choose two lines to start with, I would still recommend the USN BBs and IJN cruisers. These are two of the oldest lines in the game but they they do a great job in teaching the basics =).

Feel free to ask more specific questions if they come up and the community will be glad to help you!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey NorthStar76,

This will hopefully help you in getting your account linked on Twitch: https://worldofwarships.com/en/content/twitch-connect/

If you have anymore questions after looking at this graphic, please feel free to ask =).


31 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Commanders,

Commanders! In Update 0.8.3, some of you may have encountered a problem which prevented you from receiving your well-deserved rewards (flags) for your achievements. This error has already been fixed. We’re well aware that you put in a great deal of effort to get your heroic and honorable achievements, so we’re happy to inform you that the hard-earned flags will be credited to your accounts very soon.

Thank you very much for your understanding!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Rummerz,

Welcome to World of Warships! The forums has many players that will be glad to help you with learning the basics of the game. We were all new players to the game at one time and don't beat yourself up if you are having difficulties learning the game right away. Feel free to ask any questions you have and we as a community will be glad to help you =).

The IJN (Japanese) and USN lines are honestly two of the best to start with.

Here is my new player guide that I have been working on:

Basic Tips:

Don't worry about your stats when you first start playing, it will take you hundreds of games to start grasping the game and understanding all the mechanics.

Play different ships at low tiers to try and get a feel for what nations you might like.

Remember there are two different modes you can play: Random Battles (PVP) and Co-Op (PVE).

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