

20 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey AESOP_Retd,

Welcome back to WoWs! The community is very knowledgeable and can help you with some tricks and tips.

A few questions to begin with:

Any nations in particular interest you more than others? My suggestion would be start with USN or IJN.

What ship type did you like to play when you played originally?

A few tips:

Play a few games for a few different nations to get a feel for them and see which one fits you better. You will start to see the nation's strengths and weaknesses as you move further down the tech tree.

Learn the basics of the game before you start trying to move into high tiers. Get the basics down in the low to mid tiers so when you do move into high tiers it is not as painful.

Check out the guide I have started on the forums:

Feel free to ask any questions related to gameplay or ship types and the c...

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19 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey YankeeClipper42,

The official photos from the Massachusetts event are currently on Facebook and Instagram.

This is the link to the Facebook pictures: https://www.facebook.com/pg/WorldOfWarships/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2205544032861947

This is the link to the Instagram, look under the Massachusetts: https://www.instagram.com/worldofwarships/?hl=en

Typically after the event, staff will also drop photos into the individual forum threads for the individual events; such as:

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

The French arc will begin with the release of the 0.8.6 update featuring the early access to French destroyers. The port of Marseille is decorated to celebrate the event.

There will be 4 directives, completing which you can earn containers. From them you can get combat missions for early access to French destroyers of tiers V - VIII.

A new temporary resource - 'Republic' tokens is also added. You can get it for different activities in game and exchange in the Armory for in-game goodies. Permanent camouflages, "French Navy" are available for French destroyers, giving the standard bonuses of permanent camouflages depending on the tier of the ship.

New camouflage added, with the following bonuses:

-3% to detectability range.

+4% to maximum dispersion of shells f...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

The Fiji is a great ship with a lot of strong qualities. You have smoke, hydro, torpedoes and the British AP. The Fiji is ship that has a lot of utility and that is key to me for a ship to want me to play it.



Torpedoes that have decent range for the tier and are not just "panic torps".

Smoke of course and at that tier when the amount of radar is limited can be a game-changer.

Hydro to protect yourself in your smoke or to check around islands.


RN CL armor.

Can struggle dealing damage to angled BBs.

No radar like the Belfast or Atlanta.

Overall the Fiji is a great ship and should be in your port to take out once in awhile.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Old_Baldy_One,

Yes, you can only have one Kuznetsov. He is on the same level as Yamamoto or Halsey.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Joe,

This is not belittling GhostSwordsman achievement at all, this is asking him how the battle played out towards the end so he could get Solo Warrior. When you get a Solo Warrior more than a few things have to go right to get this achievement. For one, you have to be the last one alive which he was in his CV, but you also have to have some semblance of control of the map to get the Solo Warrior. Holding the lead until the clock runs out is not a bad thing, there have been plenty of games that if a teammate would have done that it would have been a win, this is good situational awareness. Solo Warrior is not an achievement that is easy to get or one you can reliably get because you need to have many factors in the battle line up correctly. In this case, GhostSwordsman did the right thing by keeping his ship safe and out of harm's way to get Solo Warrior.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This is always a good topic to talk about =). Ranked Sprint is a lot of fun and can lead to some pretty interesting combinations. Seeing as I am a BB player my first thought goes to ships like the Colorado or the Nagato for those big guns with good penetration.

Ships I suggest:

Honestly any of the BBs except maybe the Gneisenau (can be quite frustrating with its main guns and Scharnhorst I think is better).

Fiji is a great choice! The Fiji has a lot of utility and most importantly the British AP at tier 7 is incredibly good against most ships at the tier.

Belfast for those of you that have it. The Belfast is a pretty much a "can do most things" ship. The ship has all the utility in the world but remember she doesn't have torpedoes so that can put you in some awkward situations.

Gadjah Mada might seem like an odd choice but with its combination of good guns a...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey centarina,

I personally would recommend getting the commander. The ability to regain some health when you are low in ships that do not have heals can be a blessing. This could be the difference in staying alive to get to safety or not and having your ship sunk. I wouldn't rely on the "will to victory" skill but it is nice to have it when the going gets rough. Yes, this commander does really depend on you taking some damage to get the best use but don't overlook the "concealed reserves" and getting those extra consumables.

If you already have the Murmansk and you want to get that you can get the doubloon compensation to use on something else. You honestly can not go wrong taking this selection either, maybe you don't play Soviet ships or have no need for another Soviet commander right now.

Good luck on your choice and you can't go wrong either way!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey GhostSwordsman,

Congrats on getting your first Solo Warrior in a tier X game nonetheless. How did the game play out that you were able to find yourself in a position to get a Solo Warrior? Did it just happen your team had a big enough point advantage to hold on for the win?

17 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey AdmiralThunder,

Congrats on completing the mission for the D-Day flag. I want to thank your dad for his service.

Thank you for sharing this personal story and again we thank him for his service.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Joe,

Welcome back after your six month break! Congrats on your first Kraken and may many more follow!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

As mentioned before we have been trying different combinations to make Naval Battles more interesting. There have been a few different iterations of Naval Battles including: damage, higher scaling XP and then the version that had ranges in the 800xp or so. We want to make Naval Battles interesting and we encourage you to give us your feedback on what you think can make it more interesting/exciting.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey db4100,

We have not done any changes to the frequency that you will get coal from slot 2 or 3 in the "resources" crate choice. As posted above you get 400 coal in the first slot but the other slots have a chance to not only drop coal but signal flags or free xp. These are also considered resources because you need them as well for different things.

So you have collected three days worth of "resource" crates and based off that you think we changed something? As you can see other commanders have received the triple coal crates, just chock it up to RNG giving you some of the other resources you can get.

When it comes to changes like this, patch notes are the best thing to check.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey SgtZak,

Have you had the chance to login to game and see the mission yet? After you enter the code in the premium shop, you will get a mission in-game to complete and this will get you the patch. We apologize for not being more clear about this.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Gunnersmate,

Zoup mentioned right away to me when he saw you wearing the shirt! He was quite excited to see it. We appreciate you coming out and enjoying the event on the great museum that is the Massachusetts.

Hey Darc_freak,

We are happy your dad enjoyed the event and the ship. Did you happen to look at everything else there was to see at Battleship Cove? Thanks again for coming out and joining us!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Northstar76,

It was great meeting you! The lobster roll was so good Zoup had to go back for more! We are glad you had a great time and it was great weather for the event!

Hey Admission,

We appreciate the compliment and enjoyed interacting with all of you! Zoup was being elusive like a DD in smoke =). We are glad you could come out and join on us on the Massachusetts and explore the ship with your fellow commanders.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey SgtZak,

The one that 1204 mentioned is the correct one. You will receive that for putting in the code on the code card that was in your swag bag =).

This is the global player gathering patch that players will receive at any event that World of Warships does.

Thanks for coming to the event and we hope you had a great time!

15 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We the community staff want to thank you for the great event today! We enjoyed meeting all of you and talking ships with you!

Please make sure to check out the official Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for some awesome photos from today's event!

If you took any photos, please leave them here in this thread!

We look forward to seeing you at the next stop on the tour: Yorktown!

13 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Capt_Ahab1776,

I will be including positioning and early movements in one of the guides coming up. Please remind me next week if I forget. I will not get to it this week because I will be at the Anchors Away Event at Battleship Cove over the weekend.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

With the return of Ranked Sprints what tier VII ships are you excited to play? Tier VII has a lot of great ships that can be played.

Ships for me that I am keeping an eye on are: Belfast, Fiji, Nagato and Colorado.

The part that I find to be the most fun is being able to division with a friend! This leads to better coordination between you and that person and can lead to some really fun plays and strategic moves.