

31 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Volunteer Moderators Round 2!

The Official Forums are an important part of the World of Warships community for both us and you as a player.
In order to provide additional support for this critical medium, we want to partner with some of you as moderators!

Those selected for this program will work with our staff regularly to keep our forums constructive and a welcoming environment for everyone. To join us, apply be answering the following questions below!


Active member of the World of Warships Official Forums with at least 100 posts

No moderator actions taken against account in the last 6 months

No major in game infractions

Question 1: Tell us how long you've been playing World of Warships and what your favorite ship is.

Question 2: Why do you want to be a Volunteer Moder...

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30 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Battle_Cat_Cringer,

As other players have said your starting rank this season is based off of the rank you finished last season at. You get bonus stars for every rank you achieved last season of ranked.

According to established tradition, all of your achievements from the previous season will be accounted for, so you won't have to start from the scratch. Depending on the Rank at which you finished the previous season, you’ll be granted a certain number of bonus stars. The maximum possible number is 17 stars. If you earned the maximum number of stars in the previous season, you’ll start the new season at Rank 10. Rewards issued for the preceding ranks will be added to your account automatically.

This is directly from the ranked article: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/general-news/ranked-12/

Hopefully thi...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey EmojiSupreme,

Do you happen to have the replay from the battle you are referring to. What this sounds like to me is the CV player is a skilled player and may be using the "slingshot maneuver" when they attack. When you refer to "F Keys" that was changed a while ago and that has been a widely known change. Without a full picture of the match you were involved in it is kind of hard to give you an answer on what happened.

Please provide a replay for us to see and we can review and see what points you are referring to.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the compliment and yes I can do that with premiums. I just didn't include premiums in this because it is all about the tech tree ships which are available to all. Premium ships get a little more complicated because most have a real cost to them but I will be glad to break them up into my "personal tiers".

I also welcome players to include their thoughts on ships that they feel are "greats" in their eyes =).

Are you saying you love the Fiji? =)

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Hyperion728,

Can I ask you a quick question: What ship was Avrora specialized to before? With early access ships you have the ability to move captains in and out like a premium ship thus not needing to re-train them. When the line goes to full release you still need a captain to be trained specifically to that ship. You can't train captains to be specific to an early release ship or a premium ship (that is one of the characteristics of those ships).

For example: My Avrora captain is "specialized" to the Orlan right now but I could take her and put her in any premium ship without having to re-train her. Now, if I wanted to take her and put her on the Vladivostok for instance I would have to re-train her because the Vladivostok is a tech tree ship with the full release of the Soviet BBs.

I hope this helps explain the situation a little better.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey saintsfan1622000,

Thank you for this question and congratulations on your clan rating at the end of the season. Your treasury will be filled with your appropriate rewards by next week or earlier.

Thank you for your patience!

29 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Crokodone,

Glad I could help! Yes, those filters can be used to turn off/on camouflages that you don't want to see.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tech Tree Overview and Ship Highlights

Hey Captains,

With the official release of the new Soviet BBs, I thought it would be a good day to post the tech tree overview and ship highlights. We will go over the basics of the tech tree and some ships that I find to be highlights or high points of the line (this will be my personal preferences).

The personal highlight ships will all be tech tree ships (not everyone has access to all premiums).

This is a generic screenshot of my German tech tree.

Basics of the Tech Tree:

On the left hand side you have the nations that are available in the game. When you click on the nation it will bring you to a screen specifically for that nation. Please keep in mind that some nations currently only have premium ships.

Looking at the tech tree you will see re-searchable ships starting from the left and premium ships on th...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Chain_shot,

The Slava is still in testing and recent changes were just announced in the Developer's Blog recently.

Here is the link:

You can see the most recent changes to the Slava.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Pandemic4444,

Wargaming Premium time still works on all 3 games as it always has. Warships Premium is still available in the Armory and remember it gives a +65% experience bonus instead of the normal +50% experience Wargaming Premium gives you.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey SerahKhan,

With the missions that have arrived in 0.8.4. you will receive compensation in credits.

The mission for each of the ships can be obtained only once. If you receive a mission for a ship that you already have in your Port, you'll get compensation in credits for completing it, taking into account specials and discounts.

There will be more information tomorrow in a dedicated article.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Crokodone,

Can you please check your filters on the the cog to make sure you don't have anything turned off? Make sure "decorative" is on in the options.

With Decorative off.

With Decorative on.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Crokodone,

Are you referring to the "Victory Banner" camouflages for the various tier VIII Soviet ships? If so, they should be available the moment you purchase them from the Armory. For example I purchased the Vladivostok "Victory Banner" camouflage and have it equipped.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Jester_of_War,

Kuznetsov is 500 provision tokens and the Murmansk is 200.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can use the "allowance tokens" until the end of the current patch. You can purchase "Premium Soviet Era containers" for 1,250 doubloons in the Armory. Each premium Soviet Era container has 75 allowance tokens in them.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Pandemic4444,

This is referring to Wargaming Premium Time, you can still purchase Warships Premium Time in-game using doubloons. We apologize this wasn't made more clearly and you can still purchase both types of premium time in the Premium Shop from the portal.

With the patch 0.8.4. being live, you will now earn "provision tokens" instead of "allowance tokens".

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Ensign_Cthulhu,

What are you referring to? The "Victory Competition"? Ranked?

If you are referring to the "Victory Competition" it is live today and you can earn Provision tokens. The dedicated article will be out tomorrow but I have already played a match this morning and selected a team with provision tokens earned after the battle.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Please try logging into the server.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

The server will be unavailable on Wednesday, May 29th from 6 AM ET / 3 AM PT - 9 AM ET / 6 AM PT.


The Soviet battleships emerge from early access to take up their rightful place in the Tech Tree, together with the friendly competition that’s currently in full swing! Choose to join one of the two teams each day you enter the game, then score points and earn Provision Tokens. Exchange these in the Armory for various in-game goods and rewards, including Premium cruiser tier V Murmansk; "In the service of the Motherland" containers that have a chance to dropping tier V: Okhotnik, tier VI: Molotov, tier VII Leningrad tier VIII Lenin and the new unique historical Commander, Nikolay Kuznetsov.

End date and time: Mon. Jun. 24 3:00 AM PT / 6:00 AM ET.

Details of the competition will be available in a dedicated article set for release on May 30.

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28 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey theLaalaa,

Yes, the ships go from "early access" stage to tech tree ships. If you have a commander on that ship that is specialized to the Moskva for example, that commander will stay specialized to the Moskva. You would have to pay the credits (half-trained)or doubloons (full trained) to re-train that commander to the Soviet BB that you have. To be safe I would recommend you taking the commander off the ship. If you leave the commander on the Soviet BB it will say "re-training is required".