

24 Apr


Originally posted by Xxchubbychanxx

Description of the issue: Cannot revive if you die placing a trap.

Account Name: STW Nujin

Platform: PC

Link to video or images: N/A

Include details on when this issue started happening: First discovered in Patch 8.40.1 (24/04/2019)

Any additional details, such as how to reproduce it: I was placing a trap before I was knocked down. I was stuck placing a trap (red outline show --> I can't place the trap because I'm knocked). This meant that I couldn't select the "Revive here" or "Revive at spawn" options because I was stuck placing a trap. Normally this wouldn't be an issue if a teammate came along and picked you up but for whatever reason no one joined my public lobby in a PL100 Evacuate the Shelter mission. I couldn't revive until the full 30 seconds was up and I almost lost the match, if not for my 3 defenders and my crude trap tunnels. Ple...

Awesome, thank you for letting us know! I'll escalate this within the team to see if we can get this to happen on our end.


Originally posted by crazyparty


End of day sound glitch that was supposedly fixed in patch 8.30: "Fixed an issue that caused the end of day audio loop to be stuck on as player score increases."


If replicable, how:

Play a game of Save the World



Thank you! We fixed a version of this a few patches ago. I'll have someone investigate this issue further.


Originally posted by DBRichard

Gnomes in Autumn zones do not count towards Gnome daily mission.

I'll add a screenshot later but it's basically a gnome that simply doesn't glow and when hit doesn't count .


Awesome, thank you for the report. I'll have some testing done on this so that we can get it fixed.

Thank you!

23 Apr


This is such an awesome and heartwarming story.

Thank you for sharing your love of Save the World with us. There is such an awesome and dedicated team behind this game and I know they will be touched by your story.

Thank you!


Originally posted by RisKQuay


/u/Haveireddit + the rest of the team

Thanks for the kind words u/RisKQuay. We definitely appreciate it! The development team works extremely hard and it doesn't feel great when an issue like that sits for that long. Sometimes game development can be tricky and not all fixes are easy to detect / fix.

I'll relay your message to everyone. Thank you!

22 Apr


What an awesome write up! This was a blast to read and I love the detail you put into it (With screenshots!). Thank you for taking the time to write this up and share it with the community. I'll think about your guide every time I see a Walloper wielding Constructor fly across my screen.. that's for sure!

See you all in game :)


This is incredible. Thank you for sharing this with everyone. Even the Llama is admiring!


These are absolutely incredible. Thank you for taking the time to create and share them with the community!


We're trying to figure out what caused Defenders to stop shooting through walls. There was no intentional change / nerf to how they operate. I've noticed that if you don't box them in.. they will shoot. It's only once they are boxed in that they start to misbehave (unless Husks are within a tile range or 2).

We're still digging into this.


Originally posted by JonaV123

No, this is Patrick

Alright.. this one got me :) Thanks for making my morning.


Originally posted by Kiyydumb

Will this patch also fix the team hud being gone? I seen in the Trello it's been fixed.

No, that fix will come in v8.50.


Hey everyone,

We will be releasing a small client patch tomorrow, April 22nd at 8am EST (1200 UTC) to fix an issue which caused console players to be kicked from Save the World matches. There will be no downtime.

Thank you!

External link →

19 Apr


Hey everyone,

We're aware of the issue that is causing Weapons / Pickaxes to not deal damage to the environment. We already have a fix in progress that will be rolled out in the next few minutes. I'll update you once this is complete.

Update 4:00pm: We've just rolled out a fix for this issue. Player's weapons and pickaxes will now correctly deal damage. Thank you!

Thank you!

External link →

Hey there! Do you mind providing me your client logs. Please follow these instructions for client log pulling so that we can investigate this.

Do you mind doing the following (Any anyone else impacted by this):

  1. Launch Fortnite
  2. Encounter this issue
  3. Close your Fortnite client
  4. Navigate to C:\Users\AppData\Local\FortniteGame\Saved\Logs.
  5. Grab the FortniteGame.txt file that is there (It will be time stamped from when you closed your client)
  6. Send it to me via discord (Magyst#8046) / google drive.

If you are on console:

  1. Go the 3 line menu in the top right (after going into the setting / hitting start)
  2. Click "Feedback"
  3. Click "bug report"
  4. Add the title "Pickaxe doing no damage"
  5. Submit the report.

Please let me know when this is done and please include your in-game game so that we can dig in.

Thank you!


I saw another thread on this a few minute ago as well. Going to add the instructions for client log pulling so that we can investigate this.

Do you mind doing the following (Any anyone else impacted by this):

  1. Launch Fortnite
  2. Encounter this issue
  3. Close your Fortnite client
  4. Navigate to C:\Users\AppData\Local\FortniteGame\Saved\Logs.
  5. Grab the FortniteGame.txt file that is there (It will be time stamped from when you closed your client)
  6. Send it to me via discord (Magyst#8046) / google drive.

If you are on console:

  1. Go the 3 line menu in the top right (after going into the setting / hitting start)
  2. Click "Feedback"
  3. Click "bug report"
  4. Add the title "Pickaxe doing no damage"
  5. Submit the report.

Please let me know when this is done and please include your in-game game so that we can dig in.

Thank you!


Thank you! I've escalated this over to the team as I've seen a similar thread on this issue. Looks like there is a server issue going on there.

Do you mind doing the following (Any anyone else impacted by this):

  1. Launch Fortnite

  2. Encounter this issue

  3. Close your Fortnite client

  4. Navigate to C:\Users\AppData\Local\FortniteGame\Saved\Logs.

  5. Grab the FortniteGame.txt file that is there (It will be time stamped from when you closed your client)

  6. Send it to me via discord (Magyst#8046) / google drive.

Also include your in-game game so that we can dig in.

Thank you!


Thanks for sharing this! We're aware that some weapons (Jack's Revenge) are having issues with shots registering. We're currently doing a pass on weapons and hope to have this resolved soon.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Raincow

Explanation: Not able to place certain building pieces in some rare cases. (NOT specific to Patch 8.40. I had it happen in 8.30 as well but it can still happen in 8.40)

So far I had it happen with a floor piece (on the ground) of a radio tower. Another player was able to place it for me (that's why I think it's based on the player and not something that is happening for everybody).

Then I had it happen with a 180° rotated stair piece close to a wall (The ones you do to prevent smashers from charging) in a Ride the Lighting mission.

After that I experienced it in a RTH mission (Video below) with a rotated stair piece as well. The building indicator is blue and you can clearly build in the specific area but trying to place it doesn't do anything. Interesting thing though is that I was able to place a stair piece with a different rotation and rotate it afterwards.

I can't explain the Radio Tower floor issue but maybe the other two cases...

Read more

Thank you for taking the time to write this up and record video. This type of info helps us get to the bottom of these issues. We'll take a pass and see if we can get this to happen on our end.


Originally posted by mistmonstersss

Explanation: Traps showing through the top and back of the ceiling and wall piece


If replicable, how: Place a gas trap and you can see the top of it poking through the ceiling. Place a dart trap or broadside and you can see it from the back of the wall piece.

Platform: PC

Interesting. I'll reach out to the art department to see if this is intended.

Thank you!