

14 Jun


Originally posted by PandaArchitect

> Fist of War does not have a cooldown.

> Fist of War has a set limit on how frequently it's effect can be applied to an attack.

You know there is a word to describe this exact behavior, Mark.

And that word is not cooldown, because a the term cooldown is strictly definied in PoE and always, consistently refers to a timer that prevents a skill being used. This fundamentally does not have that behaviour, so should not use the same term.


Fist of War does not have a cooldown. Cooldowns fundamentally apply to skills - if Fist of War had a cooldown, that would apply to the supported skills and prevent them being used.

Fist of War has a set limit on how frequently it's effect can be applied to an attack. This works the same way as the limit on Rage Support. There are no modifiers currently that can affect this limit.

It also does not reset on kill.

13 Jun


Originally posted by blvcksvn

Probably wasn't on the wiki because we didn't get clarification to cite it before D:

This post from 2016 and this one from 2018 are two examples (both dealing with the same specific effect and how it changed in relation to this, even), and I know I've posted abou...

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Blocked hits are still hits. However blocking prevents some on-hit effects.

The general rule is that blocking prevents the attacker's "on hit" effects (from stats, not including things skills actively do when they hit), but not the defender's "when hit" effects (because preventing those could make blocking a negative thing for the defender). The game has followed those rules (to the extent we can make it) for many years - I am surprised this hasn't made it to the wiki. It looks like 'count this as a recent hit' might currently be implemented in a way that groups it with the first set, and thus not occuring on block, which would definitely be a bug.

I've made a note to look into this, but the first step is going to be talking with designers about whether this distinction should continue at all - I've never been super happy with blocking preventing some but not all on hit effects, and with stuff like Glancing Blows in the game, I think it would make ...

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11 Jun


Originally posted by 34656691

u/Mark_GGG Hey does leap slam use an exert charge from a war cry? I'm worried about using my war cry and then leaping away my exerts while travelling.

Yes. Exerting Leap slam with Seismic Cry is my planned build for 3.11.0


Originally posted by guard_press

My question is more aimed at what happens in game logic when Bringer is unusable due to stat insufficiency, re-enabling the chest, which re-enables Bringer, which disables the chest and itself, which re-enables the chest etc. Is it a feedback loop, and if so how quickly does it flip?

My question is more aimed at what happens in game logic when Bringer is unusable due to stat insufficiency, re-enabling the chest

That doesn't happen. Bringer of Rain doesn't grant you a stat that disables the chest slot like a normal, sane item, it has a stat with special handling in the disable scan code, such that it will continue to disable the chest slot as long as Bringer is in the helm slot, even if it is itself disabled.


Originally posted by gaxlr

What about Barrage? Is each projectile truly a separate attack?

After a short preparation time, you attack repeatedly with a ranged weapon

If so, does Barrage Support have the same behavior? Description doesn't mention multiple attacks, just "Supported Skills Fire Projectiles sequentially".

Barrage is multiple projectile firings from one attack - that description is incorrect and I have notes somewhere to change it at some point, but it's not high priority.


Originally posted by SoulofArtoria

Does subsequent hits from multi-strike each consumes exerted attacks?

No, because a) attacks which repeat can't be exerted, and b) if they could, that's still only one attack which repeats, not multiple attacks - you only used the skill once.


Originally posted by psychomap

So all hits of Tectonic Slam are the same, with the endurance charge being expended on each third slam?


With the obvious exception that as your number of endurance charges changes, that affects the per-endurance-charge mechanics.


Originally posted by psychomap

So if you slam the ground three times with Multistrike and thus get the charged slam on the third hit, does that result in an alternating pattern with Awakened Multistrike that would make it slam 4 times?

That might make Multistrike more desirable for consistency, always granting 29.6% more damage to the charged slam, over its awakened version, which might even deal less damage.

There is no "charged slam" now.


Originally posted by regularPoEplayer

Tectonic Slam tracks each time you slam the ground. Ruthless tracks each time you use the skill.

Does the counter that tracks those things resets when you leave and then re-enter the same area?



Originally posted by afding

Ooh, I'm really hoping that Tectonic Slam's "every third slam is charged" lines up with Ruthless Support. I've been kinda indifferent to the support due to the inconsistency of damage, but lining the two extra damage effects sounds like it's worth the investment

EDIT: misread the paragraph, didn't realize the endurance charge consumed is now a cost rather than a charged slam. Guess I'll wait until I see the 20/20 gems next week

Tectonic Slam tracks each time you slam the ground. Ruthless tracks each time you use the skill.

If you always slam the ground once each time you use the skill, they should stay in sync.

If you use the skill, but animation cancel or get stunned before you slam the ground, then you used the skill (Ruthless) but didn't slam the ground (Tectonic Slam), which will push them out of sync.

If you use Multistrike, then each time you use the skill, you'll slam the ground three times. This would stay in a different level of sync provided you don't get stunned or animation cancel, as noted above.

If you have multiple Tectonic Slam skills I know Ruthless treats them separately, but I don't know if it's own slam tracking does, so all bets are off there.


Originally posted by CountCocofang

So they are like the entities that spawn from The Savior?

Those also update stats in real-time but only use the skill they were summoned with and all stats that directly affect the skill itself.

Yes. The ones from the Saviour are also Mirage Warriors. These are the same, mechanically, with an additional restriction that they can only use the skill once.


Originally posted by The_Lucky_7

Minnions! How do?

So I was reading about minions having this distinction:

Minions have their own damage and their actions are treated completely separate from the summoner's.

and was wondering if it also applies to status effects. Specifically, if I link bleed support to my zombies, will each zombie get a bleed effect on the enemy, or will I get 1 bleed effect on the enemy that each zombie keeps overwriting?

What about Burning?


An enemy can only be affected by one Bleeding debuff at a time (whichever is strongest). That is entirely unrelated to where the debuffs come from, it's part of how bleeding works (and most debuffs in PoE follow the same rule, and exceptions are generally called out).

Burning is not a specific debuff, but a category which refers to any form of fire damage over time. Individual debuffs that cause burning will have their own rules.

Decay follows the standard debuff rules - if multiple are applied to the same thing, only the strongest will affect them.


Originally posted by ThatOneParasol

Are Mirage Warriors minions? If not, are your mirage warriors considered allies for the purposes of things like Guardian's Unwavering Crusade?

Mirage Warriors are not minions. They use your skills, not their own.

They are allies, but I can't say for sure if they'll work with Unwavering Crusade because I know there are issues with counting nearby minions that don't block, and I'm not sure if these are blocking or not.


Originally posted by ConradOCE

Wait so Mark, are you saying that for excert buffs that effect "your" attacks. These buffs will not apply to your totems/mirages??

My understanding was that totems use a snap shot of all your offensive stats? (Edit: this is wrong they use your offence in real time?)

Bit upsetting if its the case that all these cool new warcrys will not work the mechanics that use a copy of you namely totem attacks and mirages.

Totems have never snaphot your stats.

Exertion is not a buff.

Warcries' Exert effect applies to your next few attacks, not your skills. The attacks you perform are exerted. The totem's attacks, using your skills are not.


Originally posted by slowpotamus

this leaves me with a lot of questions about war cry exertions. Mark seems to be saying that the buddies from general's cry do benefit from the buffs-for-you that exertions give, because the "more damage buff" he's referring to comes from the exert of rallying cry. can i have multiple flavors of exertions active at once? so just walk around spamming intimidating cry + rallying cry + seismic cry, and my general's cry buddies will benefit from all those exertion bonuses?

it's worth noting that the buddies from general's cry do not count as minions, but rather as mirage warriors like from the saviour. i have a lot of questions about those, too. people have reported they give you HH buffs when they kill, but they don't trigger explodey chests. both of those effects are granted by equipment and are both triggered by you killing things, so why doe...

That post was uncessarily confusing because I used the wrong term, and has been clarified.

Exerting is applied to attacks you do, regardless of who's skill you use to do so. Buffs on you apply to your stats, which affect your skills, regardless of who's using them.

Mirage Warriors are not you, but use your skill, so if you get a buff, such as from an ally using Rallying Cry, that gives stats which make your skills better, those skills will be better even when used by the Mirage Warrior, because that interaction is about them being your skills. Their attacks are not exerted because they're doing them, not you.


Originally posted by Riael

I suspect the aura still won't affect you because they'll stop existing once they've used the skill.

You can buff someone then die and leave the instance and they keep the buff so why is this different?

If you have an aura that's buffing someone, and leave the instance, the aura goes with you and will no longer be buffing them.

10 Jun


Originally posted by blvcksvn

In that case, would warriors using smite supported by generosity not grant the buff to yourself because they're still counting as self?

They are not "counting as self". That's not a thing. They are using your skill - if that skill is supported by Generosity, then auras from that skill can't affect you. That doesn't depend on who uses it.

If it's not supported by Generosity then I suspect the aura still won't affect you because they'll stop existing once they've used the skill.


Originally posted by Devilsbabe

That makes sense, thanks.

They use your skill, so Rallying Cry giving you a more damage buff will improve the damage of that skill.

I understand that to mean that they will consume your stack of exerted attacks. Is that correct?

Edit: sorry, I misunderstood "exert your next few attacks". I thought it was a limited number of attacks (which fit the slow but hard hitting theme) but from the videos it actually seems to be a time-limited buff.

Edit 2: The post actually specifies "(Note: we'll reveal what number of exerted attacks each Warcry creates closer to launch)". So my initial understanding was correct and the video just doesn't display that information.

No. Warcries only Exert attacks you perform. The warriors are the ones attacking, they are just using your skill to do it.