

17 Jun

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

" wazabi41 wrote: I hope that the brand damage bonus applies to the skill being used by arcanist brand
It does, there is reminder text on "Brand Damage" modifiers explaining this.

" diabloyd wrote: ...
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    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

" IceColdPorkSoda wrote: Does arcanist brand support channeling skills? If so, how long will they channel and what’s the cool down between channeling.
Channelled Skills cannot be triggered.


Originally posted by Teroof

Guessing that it won't bypass the new notable Warning Call's increased armour though, correct?

"Gain 25% increased Armour per 5 Power for 8 seconds when you Warcry, up to a maximum of 100%"

Warcries having infinite power means the increase to armour will always be at it's maximum value of 100%.


Originally posted by jzstyles

So how does redblade banner and generals cry work? Could I get a whole army from one corpse?

General's Cry summons one Mirage Warrior per corpse. More power allows to to affect more corpses.


Originally posted by JohnnyMaq

Does infinite warcry power affect the War Bringer berserker notable and the armor cluster jewel, or only the warcries themselves?

Anything that cares about how much power a warcry has.


Originally posted by Regooloos

What does infinite power mean though? That everything that scales with power will always give the maximum it can?


  • War Bringer has been redesigned. It now causes Warcries to grant 5 Rage per 5 Power if you have less than 25 Rage, and causes them to sacrifice 25 Rage if you have at least 25 Rage.

    means that with the shield, while below 25 rage, warcries will max out your rage?

Everything that is scaled by power has a maximum on how much it can give. Usually that limit is explicit on the relevant stat, in the case of that one I believe the limit is just that you can't gain more rage than your maximum rage.


Originally posted by justalazygamer

Does General's Cry also count enemies or corpses exclusively?

They all count enemies. General's Cry and Rallying Cry count other things in addition to that.


No warcries currently count power from the player using them. Most count power of enemies. Rallying Cry counts power of your allies as well (but not you), and General's Cry counts power of corpses.

I guess if you used General's Cry while dead somehow that might count you, since you'd be a corpse?


Originally posted by Highcradle

Question, does Harpooner apply only to the 8 second base duration, or the 5 hit duration as well?

8 seconds is the only duration impales have. 5 hits is a limit, not a duration.


"Warcries have infinite Power" is my new favourite stat in the whole game. I'm really glad we got it in.


Originally posted by Sector47

Impale has a duration now. So you can't get 15 stacks of impale from impaler.

Impale always had a duraiton. The reminder text just now actually points that fact out.


Originally posted by Mountebank

It just seems to be renaming of the "Enemies have -X% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits".

It's this.


Originally posted by moozooh

Mark, can you clarify that if the hit is comprised of multiple elements (i.e. due to a damage shift from a talisman or another source), and I also have Transcendence allocated, the same armor value will be applied to each? I.e. if the hit is 5000 damage after resistances, of which 50% is fire and 50% is lightning, and I have 10000 armor, it will be 2500 vs. 20000 armor for fire and 2500 vs. 20000 armor for lightning? And if so, is this really okay, balance-wise?

if the hit is 5000 damage after resistances, of which 50% is fire and 50% is lightning, and I have 10000 armor, it will be 2500 vs. 20000 armor for fire and 2500 vs. 20000 armor for lightning?


16 Jun


Originally posted by Dhol91

So, can I use Transcendence + Imbalanced Guard and get the following results?:

- 70% elemental resists applies first to elemental damage

- then remaining 30% elemental damage can be mitigated up to 50% by using armour (which value would be doubled from Imbalanced Guard)

- physical hits would be reduced up to 50% by endurance charges and mitigated further with f.e. flask?

That all sounds about right but I am very tired so appologise in advance if I missed something.


Originally posted by HoldMySoda

Does that mean the double Armour Effect you can get on gear will still be available? I take it they work the same, so grabbing both wouldn't make sense.

E: nvm. I see you already answered.

Yes, the keystone uses the existing mechanic, and the description used on the keystone is the new description used for other sources of the mechanic as well. The description intentionally mirrors the one for chance to deal double damage.

Since the keytsone explicitly gives 100% chance, getting more chance from other sources is not useful.


Originally posted by bUrdeN555

Why not call it damage suppression or some other synonym that would not be confused with reduced damage taken?

Edit: or rename “reduced damage taken” to “surpresses %x damage”?

This was considered, but Physical Damage Reduction has been in the game for a long time with that description and changing it would involve a lot of changes to stuff players are familiar with that would thus create other confusion. It hasn't traditionally caused huge amounts of confusion with regard to reducced physical damage taken. It's definitely an option we'll continue to consider moving forward.


Originally posted by Ti87tyk

Hmmm, what about "less damage taken" on Fortify, is that a form of damage reduction in this sense?

"No other mechanics" means no other mechanics.

The only existing sources of Damage Reduction in the current version of PoE are: * Physical Damage Reduction from Armour * additional Physical Damage Reduction (from endurance charges and several other sources).

3.11.0 extends Damage Reduction from Armour to other types. There are no sources of additional Damage Reduction for non-physical types.


Originally posted by Nickoladze

Sounds like this keystone is good for low to medium investment armor builds to defend against big hits since double armor effect (not value, right?) is really strong against big hits but the trade off is that you likely reduce your phys reduction against small hits.

Really hard to guess breakpoints on this without running the armor calculation but it seems very good for early armor builds or just a brainless pickup if you're not scaling armor and it's nearby.

edit: Wording is different from our current "10% chance when Hit for double Armour effect" mods so now I'm just more confused. Doubling your armor number isn't very good AFAIK.

double armor effect (not value, right?)

It treats your armour value as double the actual value.

This mechanic already existed in PoE, but previously had a confusing and ambiguous description saying "double armour effect", which meant "uses the effect of doubled armour", but was easy to misunderstand as "doubles the effect of your current armour". This mechanic was already being renamed for that reason before this keystone was developed, and the existing source of the stat will match the new description on the keystone.


Originally posted by Quote_a

Related to this keystone: what does the word "Defend" mean, mechanically? Is that new phrasing for the concept of being hit, or is it something more specific?

We needed a verb to describe using armour to mitigate a hit. Since armour is a defence, "Defend" seemed appropriate.


Originally posted by 00zau

What all does Imbalanced Guard's "Maximum Damage Reduction For Any Type is 50%" do.

'Cause if that counts resists, it's worthless. And if it effects all other sources of reduced damage taken as well as armor, it'll be less good (but still highly usable!) than if it only effects armors DR.

"[TYPE] Damage Reduction" is only the reduction that comes from Armour, and sorces of "additional [TYPE] Damage Reduction". Damage Reduction for each type is ususally capped at 90%.

Currently, there are sources of additional Physical Damage Reduction (most notably this is one of the base benefits players get for having Endurance Charges), but no sources of additional Damage Reduction for any other type. Armour by default only applies Physical Damage Reduction, but this patch introduces ways to change that, and thus the keystone has to account for those.

No other mechanics are Damage Reduction. Resistances are not Damage Reduction. "x% reduced Damage taken" is not Damage Reduction (although the name of the mechanic is unfortunately similar).