

10 Jun


Originally posted by peanutythrowaway

Do the Vaal double strike clones attack with the same support gems I'm using? And are they snapshots of my current buffs etc. or are they affected by my buffs in real time?

Do the Vaal double strike clones attack with the same support gems I'm using?

Yes. They are specifically using your Vaal Double Strike skill (but cannot create more doubles with it).

And are they snapshots of my current buffs etc. or are they affected by my buffs in real time?

They are using your skill. That skill updates as your stats change.


Originally posted by Devilsbabe

Hi Mark. Does Rallying Cry affect the warriors created by General's Cry?

Technically yes. They are allies, so will probably receive the buff, but that doesn't matter because they don't have any skills of their own which could benefit from improving their damage.

They use your skill, so Rallying Cry giving you a more damage buff will improve the damage of that skill This bit was unclear and confusing because I used the wrong terms. If an ally uses Rallying Cry, that gives you an added damage buff, which will affect your skills as used by the warriors. Rallying Cry never gives a more damage buff, it gives more damage to exerted attacks, which only applies to attacks you perform - Exerting isn't about the skills being yours, it's about you being the one using them.

09 Jun


Originally posted by gharnyar

It's definitely a spell, the wiki page for it says "You cannot Cast this Spell directly".

You are correct that the page also says that it is supported by sockets in the weapon, so that's good I guess.

I still don't think it'll feel good to be slashing enemies with a 2H axe on a spell build, that you also have to figure out how to proc bleeds with. help

It's definitely a spell

No, it's an attack.

the wiki page for it says "You cannot Cast this Spell directly".

It does, but that's the wiki being weird. The skill in-game does not say that.

08 Jun


Originally posted by jronson

Can you confirm whether rallying cry’s added weapon damage buff only applies to nearby allies or does it include yourself?

The buff (added damage equal to % of main-hand weapon damage) is only for allies. The bonus it applies to you is the more damage modifier for the attacks it exerts (which scales with number of allies).


Originally posted by OmNomSandvich

Warcry cast speed should scale with attack speed (somehow) not cast speed if they want people to seriously consider not grabbing that keystone.

Warcries are not spells, they are not affected by cast speed modifiers.


Originally posted by dotasopher

Can Glacial Hammer and Ruthless become desynchronized?

They can't really be particularly syncronised in the first place, since they're tracking entirely different things. Glacial Hammer is tracking successive strikes with the skill, and a given skill use will make one or more strikes (depending on when it repeats). And they have to be directly successive, doing anything else "breaks the streak".

If you never repeat with glacial hammer, so each skill use does a single strike, then Ruthless is still going to be every third use, while glacial hammer's bonus is applied if you use the skill (and thus strike) three times in a row without doing anything else, so they'll be doing different things if you ever use the skill a number of succesive times that's not a multiple of 3.


Originally posted by [deleted]


What do you mean by "desyncronised"? That doesn't sound like a thing that can happen.

Ruthless counts uses of a skill, and applies to every third use. Multistrike causes each use of a skill to repeat twice. That doesn't cause more uses. If you have both on the same skill, then every use of the skill will have two repeats, and every third use (including its repeats) will be Ruthless and deal more damage.

07 Jun


Originally posted by Hasunic

u/mark_ggg can I use a channeling spell with arcanist brand like wither?

Channelling spells fundamentally cannot be triggered by any means.

06 Jun


Originally posted by PracticallyJesus

As always, both apply before any modifiers to damage taken.

You're referring to "increased/reduced damage taken", not for example "25% of Elemental Damage taken as Chaos Damage" on Incandescent Heart, right? My understanding from how Armour's worked previously is that something like Incandescent Heart with this chest should convert 25% of the Elemental Damage before Armour is applied.

Yes. "Modifiers to damage taken" means modifiers to the damage taken value, after it has been calculated (via resists/armour). Modifiers to which type of damage you take happen before any mitigation because otherwise there would be no point.

05 Jun


Originally posted by HoldMySoda

Excuse me, but I am not sure if I am understanding this correctly. Would that mean the 70% Elemental Resistance applies first and the reduction from Armour is applied afterwards? Meaning it adds the 70% first and then the % from Armour as total (let's say 10%), e.g. 80%? Also meaning the order of operations is different from what I assumed but end result is the same (original size hit is used for Armour's damage reduction calculation).

Or are you saying that Armour's damage reduction is calculated after Resistances are applied, e.g. if you have 70% Resistances you only need to account for the remaining 30% for the Armour damage reduction calculation?

How does the 90% Ele cap fit into this?

Would that mean the 70% Elemental Resistance applies first and the reduction from Armour is applied afterwards?


Meaning it adds the 70% first and then the % from Armour as total (let's say 10%), e.g. 80%?

No. That would be applying them at the same time.

Armour's damage reduction is calculated after Resistances are applied, e.g. if you have 70% Resistances you only need to account for the remaining 30% for the Armour damage reduction calculation

This is correct.


Originally posted by psychomap

That depends on whether resistance or armour applies first, assuming they don't stack additively (which would be stupid). Because there hasn't been a precedent of armour or physical damage reduction applying to elemental or chaos damage, there's no information on which is calculated first.

Essentially, you need to mitigate 16.67% of the incoming damage through armour before or after the remaining 70% elemental resistance. The armour you need for this is twice as much as the size of the hit.

With the pessimistic (realistic) assumption that armour applies before resistance, you would need 16k armour to mitigate a reasonably high 8k damage hit down to 2k including your resistance. If armour applies after resistance, you only need 4.8k armour for the same effect. If armour stacks additively with resistance, you need about 4.2k armour (because while the percentage of required reduced damage reduction to achieve this effect is much lower, the size of the hit considered wo...

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"[type] Resistance" applies before "[type] Damage Reduction" for any damage type that you have both those mitigation mechanics for.

As always, both apply before any modifiers to damage taken.


Originally posted by MisterKaos

Hey mark, just want you to ruin my dream early:

Does an Arcanist Brand-ed Righteous Fire originate the flame circle from the brand or from you?

Righteous Fire is a buff applied to the player, it doesn't use any origin location, so Arcantist Brand is not any different from using it with any other trigger.


Originally posted by dmillz89

When you say "triggered" are they actually considered triggered or are they considered hand-casted for the purposes of the lingering blades from Bladefall?

Arcanist brand Triggers spells.

04 Jun


Originally posted by chrizoos


Maybe a stupid question, but will damage be reflected to players if spells hit triggered by Arcanist Brand?

Or is this like supporting a skill with Blastchain Mine or Trap Support, in that it doesn't reflect damage to the player?

Maybe a stupid question, but will damage be reflected to players if spells hit triggered by Arcanist Brand?

Yes. Just like any other time your spell is triggered.


Originally posted by Nick30075

Does Arcanist Brand add the Brand tag to a the spell that it supports? Specifically, for the purposes of the "brand skills have x% increased duration" modifier.



Originally posted by Enger111

Projectiles will hit the branded enemy

So Fireball + Arcanist brand + LMP without pierce will hit the branded enemy and then no one else, basically you need Pierce to use Fireball + Arcanist brand like in the videos. GGG is my logic correct?

So Fireball + Arcanist brand + LMP without pierce will hit the branded enemy and then no one else

Projectiles don't shotgun, so with the LMP in there, one of the fireballs will hit and explode on the branded enemy, the other two will be unable to collide with that enemy and will continue through to hit other things.

Pierce or chain are definitely good things to have for projectiles used this way, though.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Gerrador_Undeleted

Will BV be able to trigger on Arcanist Brands, or will it be incompatible?

It will be compatible, but will not behave any different to any other method of triggering blade vortex.


Originally posted by lucientherat

there was a quick question I had regarding blade vortex: why does it work with totems but not mines or traps? is it because they're considered "living" like totems and, once they no longer exist, the blade vortex can no longer exist? blade vortex can't be supported by mine and trap supports at all.

There's no useful interaction there - they'd cast the spell, gain the blade, immediately die, lose the blade. It's the same reason they can't use Righteous Fire or auras. Any skill that applies an ongong thing to the caster doesn't work if the caster ceases to exist as a result of casting. Because it wouldn't work, making the support not apply is the best option, because otherwise it would be confusing to players when it supported the skill and looked like it never used it.

There is a theoretical case where it could actually do something, but unfortunately that's horribly abusable and thus can't be allowed - if you have the stats to allow your mines/traps to re-arm to detonate/be triggered an additional time, it would gain one blade, and then sit there not being targetable but dealing damage with the blade, until it dies after the second detonation.

That can't be allowed a) because we can't change supportability based on that modifier, and b) because it's a...

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Being triggered in a certain way does not change what type of skill something is. Nothing becomes a Brand skill due to being triggered this way, so modifiers which specifically apply to Brand Skills will apply to the Arcanist Brand itself (if applicable), but not to non-brand skills it triggers.

However modifiers specifically to Damge, Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Multiplier of Brand Skills, have all been changed to instead affect "Brand Damage" or "Brand Critical Strikes", which are new keywords defined as Damage/Critical Strike Chance of Brand Skills or any skills triggered by Brands. There will be reminder text on sources of those stats explaining that definition.

So for the damage and crit chance/multipler stats specifically, those have been changed to something which can apply to spells triggered by Arcanist Brand. Any other modifiers which still refer to Brand Skills will continue to only affect Brand Skills.


Originally posted by nauze18

Should, if they work similar to totems, which there's some logic behind to it, considering how their duality works.

Brands are extremely dissimilar to totems, it's certainly not safe to assume any mechanical things will work the same way between the two.