

21 Feb


Originally posted by taggedjc

Just make Lightning Warp have "Unaffected by increases to skill effect duration".

This is fundamentally not possible. It would need to apply to reductions as well, because increases and reductions are the same thing. That thing just gets described slightly differently when it's negative. And I don't think turning reductions off is something people would want.

14 Feb


This is specifically not supposed to work. During development of the unique the stat description was set to make this clear, saying "...when you gain a Buff from your Aspect of the Avian Skill". But it looks like that was changed to the current wording at some later time when cleaning up the descriptions. My best guess is the clearer one was word-wrapping on some resolutions, and was changed to be shorter without realising that the part specifying it had to be your aspect of the avian skill was important. I have made a note to get this improved in the future.

Thanks for pointing it out.


Originally posted by duskwuff

Upvoting a dev comment doesn't help if it's buried in a thread.

If a dev comment is buried in a thread, it's quite possible that it's only relevant to that thread, and presenting it out of that context, under the initial post, may be misleading (see my other post above for an example)


Originally posted by thealliedhacker

The other part of this is that this is already literally the point of upvotes. Anything from a Dev SHOULD be highly upvoted, since upvotes means that it is relevant. The real problem is that people think it's a "dislike" button. Devs should NEVER be downvoted regardless of whether anybody likes or doesn't like what they are saying.

We shouldn't have a bot just to cater to people who want to abuse/misuse the system.

Devs should NEVER be downvoted regardless of whether anybody likes or doesn't like what they are saying.

I'm not convinced this is true. I've definitely been known to go off on tangents to the point that I could be considered off-topic, and despite my best efforts, occasionally I will misread a question and give an answer that doesn't actually apply to what was actually asked, and could be misleading - which should be downvoted because it's not relevant to the actual question asked (and if it's misleading, lowering it's visiblity until my mistake is pointed out and I can fix it is a good thing).

With regard to the overall suggestion though, I can see why it would be useful, but personally I'd prefer it to only have links to the dev responses, rather than also quoting the text from them, because it's reasonably common that I won't answer the main question of a post because several other people already have, but will respond to a different q...

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11 Feb


Originally posted by ChimericGames

I have not played it, but I also can't claim that that was deliberate, I simply have way more games than time as is. I was also confident that Nova Drift was doing something quite a bit different than it was.

Bytepath was great. I do think you should check it out sometime, it's an interesting take, but based on what I've seen of your game here, I'd say you're probably right that they're different things. Both have similar moment-to-moment gameplay, and both aiming to have a varieth of builds, but Bytepath had a strong focus on the huge passive tree and pathing through it in different ways. Which was both very cool and also seems to not be a big thing for your game, based on how your upgrade system is shown in the post.


This looks very cool, I'm keen to try it out. I'm particularly interested in playing with your upgrade system and seeing how it works.

06 Feb


Originally posted by tempoltone

How come when spectre summoner uses a skill it has its own limit (ex. spectral tactician but minion tag gem support only) while trap uses players limit (ex. brands)?

Because that's how it should work? The spectre has it's own skill that you don't have, the trap is using your skill. It isn't possible for you to own a spectre's minions because you don't have a skill that they can be minions from, which is necessary to give them the correct stats.


Looks like CwDT skills currently trigger when their damage total exceeds their threshold, not when it is exactly met. Have made an issue to fix this.

Good catch!


When a trap creates a minion (including, but not limited to, skeletons), those are your minions, not the trap's. This is very important, mechanically, because otherwise they wouldn't be limited by your minion limit, each trap would have it's own set of skeletons - none of which would be able to deal damage, since minions can't deal damage when their summoner is dead, and in this hypothetical, the skeletons belong to the trap (which dies after using it's skill), not you. The minions are yours, not the traps, because that's necessary for minions to function correctly.

When your trap fires a projectile, that projectile comes from your trap, and is part of the skill used by your trap. This is important, because it matters for things like returning, reflect, leech, and a host of other mechanics. Those projectiles are not yours, they are the trap's, because that's necessary for projectiles for function correctly.

This is not every interaction being "adjusted on a...

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31 Jan


Originally posted by Seralth

There is no immunity to anything generally. It's always either a 100% reduction in damage see CI or 100% avoid ect.

Even things like divine shrines are just a 100% reduction in damage. You can still die while under its effects.

This is a case of people assuming how things work because the academic and real world difference is the only difference and people tend to only think in real world terms.

Cause let's be honest to most people if you tell them all damage is reduced by 100% to 0% they would think they are immortal.

It's the same with freezing it don't make you unable to move it reduces your action speed to 0 so you are unable to move.

PoE is built on an academic style of wording. Which is abnormal to almost all gaming in general.

There is no immunity to anything generally. It's always either a 100% reduction in damage see CI or 100% avoid ect.

There is immunity, and CI applies it. Immunity is a boolean state, not a 100% damage reduction.

Even things like divine shrines are just a 100% reduction in damage.

The Divine Shrine does make you immune to damage, it is not a 100% damage reduction. You cannot take damage in any way while under the effect of the shrine.

You can still die while under its effects.

Yes, but not from taking damage. You can still be Culled, lose life from some non-damage source such as Rage or a Caustic Flask, etc.


Originally posted by Conan-The-Librarian

If something is explicitly worded as "100% reduced X", then sure. But unaffected implies a more... boolean state of things.

For example, Chaos Inoculation is worded as "Immune to Chaos Damage". But what if it was actually coded as 100% reduced chaos damage taken? Then you get shocked and die. That would be really dumb, and is definitely not how it works, or should work.

That's how I feel about this: unaffected should not be treated the same as 100% reduced.

unaffected should not be treated the same as 100% reduced.

You are correct, it should not. That's what we fixed here. There was a big purge of using these stats this way to emulate "unaffected" a while back, but this one must have been missed (or possibly added in after that in the incorrect way).


Originally posted by Darkblitz9

And you can't have "Additional" something if you don't have at least 1 of that something.

Can't you? IIRC, source of "X% Additional Block Chance" work fine even if your block chance is 0% when you get it.

There is no "Additional Block Chance" in the game since the refactor to block stats in 3.4.0. Prior to that version, all forms of "additional Block Chance" did require some base block chance to add to.

Likewise, the change made here swapped the Dodge chance granted by those nodes to no longer be "additional" so it would apply even if you have no other Dodge chance.


Originally posted by Black_XistenZ

Hmm, you're right, I agree. Although CI is actually implemented in a similarly sloppy form: by setting chaos resist to 100. If a mob had chaos damage and chaos penetration, it would oneshot CI chars...

It would not. CI does not work by setting resistance to 100%, it works by making you immune, which is a boolean state. Being immune to chaos damage also sets your resistance to 100% entirely for display purposes, but that has no mechanical effect because being immune means your resistance is never applied to incoming damage anyway.

That happens because it was decided that it would be cool if your resistance showed as 100% in the character panel while you were immune, not because that's functionally how the immunity works.

It's likely that the resistance change will eventually be removed, because any future effects which scale things based on your chaos resistance would want your resistance to actually maintain it's value, rather than becoming 100%, when you become immune.

07 Dec


Originally posted by butsuon

If a Cold skill ignites an enemy (e.g. Hrimsorrow), is that damage effected by Cold Damage Over Time Multiplier?

No. That damage is not, nor was it converted from, cold damage over time.

It comes from cold damage (not over time) and is fire damage over time, but it was never cold damage over time.


Originally posted by trashywashy

Hey Mark,

How do the two durations on the brands work? For example, if my Storm Brand is on the ground and detached for 6 seconds, then it attaches to some mob for 3 seconds and kills it, will it despawn while being detached after 1 second or 4 seconds?

Also, does it despawn or detach after being attached to a mob for 5 seconds?

Thanks for all your work!

Edit: If I do get your attention, can you can firm if Brands are 1 cast base and 1 attached to an enemy base?

How do the two durations on the brands work? For example, if my Storm Brand is on the ground and detached for 6 seconds, then it attaches to some mob for 3 seconds and kills it, will it despawn while being detached after 1 second or 4 seconds?

The detached duration only expries while it's detached, and the attached duration only expires while it's attached. In your example, it's used up 6 of the 10 seconds in it's detached duration, and 3 of the 5 seconds in it's attached duration.

Also, does it despawn or detach after being attached to a mob for 5 seconds?

When either duraiton expires, the brand is gone. There'd be no point keeping it around in either case as it can't do anything - if the attached duration expires, it can no longer be attached to things and thus will not activate, and when the detached duration expires it can't stay there detached, but also can't attach to things (because if there were t...

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Originally posted by redthay

glacial hammer wasnt included, was that intentional? I'm planning on doing a GH build for betrayal :)

Glacial Hammer has never been main-hand only, so removing that restriction from skills doesn't affect it.


Originally posted by OtterSeaborne

Double Strike is also listed in the patch notes as no longer main-hand only. Is that also an error?

No. I was using Double-Strike as an example of a skill which was restricted to Main Hand Only, and thus loses that restriction in 3.5.0 because that restriction no longer exists in the game.


Originally posted by kyuuichi

Does this mean Juggernaut's Unstoppable node is no longer unaffected by Freeze?

No. Setting action speed to 0 would be below the base value, which is disallowed.

This isn't a new change to freeze, it's been this way for several patches.


Originally posted by Exitium_Deus

Will it add to the main projectile, additional projectiles, or both? I wondering about endless munitions and beltimber blades. I'd like to get powerful precision, fast and deadly. gathering winds, and then I'm not sold on rupture, endless munitions, or ricochet yet.

Will it add to the main projectile, additional projectiles

The answer is in your question - the distinction Lancing Steel has is that additional projectiles have different behaviour to the base projectile. The supports inherently add additional projectiles, so they have that behaviour.


Originally posted by Kwitchy

As per the patch notes:

"Shield Charge... [is] no longer main-hand only. " also, shield charge has always had the 'melee' tag, and deals base damage based on the melee weapon.

So I've been trying to re-read the patch notes, and figure out how the interaction works now. I'm fairly confident the result of the patch notes means one of the following is true:

  • A: Shield Charge now checks to see if a melee weapon is equipped for damage scaling purposes only. However, the Movement portion only requires a shield. Wand users can now Shield Charge for 0 damage.

  • B: Shield Charge still requires a melee weapon to trigger, since it tries to scale damage and the tag system is in effect. (However GGG has stated many times tags are more of 'guidelines' and to help people with modifying damage, not exclusive mechanic limitations). No change.

  • C: 'You can no longer use skills that require a specific weapon if you are dual-wielding' change...

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This patch note was in error. Shield Charge was never a Main Hand Only, but was incorrectly included in the list of skills that lost that restriction. As such, it did not change.

It still only ever hit with the main hand, but that's because your off hand wasn't a weapon, not because it had a restriction to not alternate like the Main Hand Only skills, such as Double Strike.