When a trap creates a minion (including, but not limited to, skeletons), those are your minions, not the trap's. This is very important, mechanically, because otherwise they wouldn't be limited by your minion limit, each trap would have it's own set of skeletons - none of which would be able to deal damage, since minions can't deal damage when their summoner is dead, and in this hypothetical, the skeletons belong to the trap (which dies after using it's skill), not you. The minions are yours, not the traps, because that's necessary for minions to function correctly.
When your trap fires a projectile, that projectile comes from your trap, and is part of the skill used by your trap. This is important, because it matters for things like returning, reflect, leech, and a host of other mechanics. Those projectiles are not yours, they are the trap's, because that's necessary for projectiles for function correctly.
This is not every interaction being "adjusted on a...
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