

29 Feb


Originally posted by idrawinmargins

Any plans for further Bosco and Steeve customization? Like hats, specifically hats, because hats are where it is hat.

Ha ha!

I personally do not want Steeve to have a hat though I'm sure Fran would disagree.

Same for Bosco, I think we're gonna keep his customization to pain and mesh variants.

28 Feb


Originally posted by Stellioskontos

Hello GSG! Rock and Stone! Love your game!

So my question is...are there any in new enemies in our foreseeable future that we need to lookout for? My friends and I think how hectic but fun it would be fighting against humanoid creatures (orcs?)!

I highly doubt we will do humanoid enemies. But more bugs / robotic stuff... Definatelly.


Originally posted by 0bservator

With the ongoing initiative to refine the space rig for launch, will you make a pass on the drop pod, maybe adding a way for the pod to ascend back up the hole it came from instead of floating, giving molly an animation for getting in the pod etc?

Also, related question: how would you feel about removing the loading screen between the space rig and missions? I think it would be cool staying in the pod all the way down, especially during deep dives, making it feel more like a continuous mission. I heard it was in the game at one point but got replaced by a loading screen.

The drop pod is definatelly getting some love before 1.0

Not sure about the ascent part... Maybe some rockets...

As for the loadscreen I think it helps establish the setting which to me is more important than maintaining true continuity.


Originally posted by Checkthepan

Any chance for a VR control scheme? ;)

Not right now, no.


Originally posted by nickademus

Plans for the err cube yet?

Nothing at the moment but [REDACTED]


Originally posted by ClaymeisterPL

Out of the blue, since i had to ask a question (also might be more of a suggestion ;):

Planning any vehicles? I imagine a drill rover kinda thing, and maybe some mech, exploratory and combat vehicles. They could be sent down with the mission or be a drop from the HQ for some Nitra or Gold. Also could be powered by some new material, maybe some uranium type thing?

It might mesh with the dwarves' special abilities though, but if only the driller could call for a drill rover, that might solve the problem. The gunner gets a combat mech/tank, the scout probably some agile vehicle and the engineer, i don't know what he gets.

Would be a lotta work for sure, and I'm encouraging people to discuss the idea.

I think if we do vehicles they will be mission specific. We don't have any vehicles planned right now but it would definatelly be fun.


Originally posted by ShadowHaxor99

Hello, I have a theory and I was wondering whether you could confirm or deny it's validity: it is as follows:

look at the union branches: MM/DD/CC that's month, day, calendar. It's a hint! look at the error cube. when you collect it it displays ERR://23¤Y%/ that's the number 23 followed by a Y, that's the year. Now look at the phrase "rock and stone". That is in itself another hint. Dwayne "the ROCK" Johnson was born on May 2, 1972. that's the month. May. Then look at the word stone. It's got One hidden in plain sight. stONE. so on May 1st of 2023 (05/01/23), we will finally see Karl.

In all seriousness (apologies for this long post) I'd like to ask if you plan to expand on deep dives any further? One idea I had was that you could encounter unique enemy variants once you get deep enough into the planet. Love the game lots. Thanks for all your hard work! Rock and Stone!

I love it!

As for the deep dives, we will be focusing new missions types after 1.0 which will of course expand the objectives of the deep dives. Further expansion the deep dives themselves may happen at a later date but no plans right now.

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by bumkinas

When are we going to dig deep enough to uncover the Balrog? If we can't go deep enough, why is this not in the game yet?!?!?

I'm not sure if there are Balrogs on Hoxxes...


Originally posted by Snarfulhu

The Deep Rock Galactic fanbase is pretty unique in its desire to share and create new ideas and suggestions for you, the developers, to implement in the game. It seems that you are very open to this kind of thing, but I've always wondered: Can it ever get a bit tiring or annoying to deal with the constant suggestions? Or do you truly enjoy it all and the interaction with the community?

I think it's a lot of fun and we also get a lot of good feedback. It's not tiring since we do not respond to every single suggestion.

For myself, I just let it all soak in and stuff that sounds cool or interesting will of course have an influence on the work that I do.


Originally posted by Strygoii

Guys, congrats on making the best co-op game of all time!

My son and I both play, and every time a non DRG friend tries to get me to play a new game they just got, I always ask 'so what kind of beard customization does it have?' before continuing right on with DRG!

I've read thru the whole thread so far so I have a decent feel for your direction now. I guess my questions would be content/creative mods related:

1 - Will a future upgrade be to launch to a different station (Deep Station, etc), or a new mining location other than Hoxxes IV? (Special event asteroid that comes by Hoxxes IV every so often, etc) ? There was an artistic post about an abandoned Leaf Lovers outpost one of the Dwarvelopers liked a lot.

2 - I know new enemies are not coming immediately but there have been a lot of good suggestions like (dark stalker - a shadowy thin bug that stays away from light or more than dwarf waiting to snatch a straggler, trapdoor spider - snatches a...

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Thank you!

  1. We definatelly want to add more environments but most likely they will be on Hoxxes. I don't think we'll be doing any special events with time-limited gameplay at least not any time soon.

  2. Fan feedback and suggestions definatelly influence our work. I'm sure we will be adding more enemies in the future.

  3. Doesn't sound like a very cooperative player. I don't think we would add mini-mules to existing missions but perhaps some future mission type would be perfect for them.

  4. Throwing the pickaxe is something we have discussed a few times. I'm not sure I like it. As for choosing between mining efficiency and combat efficiency it was something we considdered but we decided to not give players that choice. It might come into the power attack if we descide to expand the pickaxe mods a bit. And no I certainly can't blame you for trying to get another axe into a dwarf game. Axes are awesome.

  5. Not on Hoxxe...

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Originally posted by Jonnyyyy

Some mutators feel more challenging and others more beneficial which is great, are there plans for more mutators in future?

Some ideas could include scanner interference- no use of scanners in a map Darkness- flares don’t work Fog - a fog limits view in the caves Timer - the entire mission comes with a timer, maybe the escape pod is pre dropped and counting down to leave or something

No exact plans but another mutator pass or two could certainly happen in the future.


Originally posted by Indianadankmemes

Will you sell shirts, key chains and beer mugs? A lot of us fans would love to rock your merch.

I would love to rock our merch! I think there is something being worked out with a distributor or something like that but I don't know the details its still very early in the process.


Originally posted by GryphonKingBros

Do you have any new games planned for the future after DRG is completed/fully released?

No, and we will continue working on DRG after the 1.0 release. Eventually, of course, we will make another game but when and what is unknown. No plans whatsoever at the moment.


Originally posted by freekv99

will the progress be reset when the game launches

Nope, I see no reason to do that.


Originally posted by TheWombatFromHell

When are the heavy reworks coming? The ones we need for crap/underpowered like the Breach Cutter, Burst Pistol, and Stubby

Working on them now for U29


Originally posted by Derpykat5

What new mission type do you plan on adding first?

We do not have any concrete designs yet.


Originally posted by name_irl_is_bacon

Is there a secret spot on the space rig right now? I've always found them in the past but haven't seen one on the new rig.

I have not found it yet either. Maybe Robert has not had time to put it in but I am certain it will happen eventually.


Originally posted by Sparkism

Hi guys! What are your plans about the people cheating/hacking? Or is this more of an isolated thing compared to other online co-op games that if you joined one of these games and got a couple million credit that it won't change much either way?

Personally, as long as cheaters only affect their own game / progression I don't mind too much though I'm sure others in the office would disagree. When cheaters inject credits/xp/resources into an unwilling players' accounts that is a problem. The only remedy we have right now is that players can use the built in save restore function to roll back their save. But we'll be looking into how we can limit the disruption.


Originally posted by NoShotz

The point isn't to play it over and over again, each week you get a new set of deep dives, once you complete em, you are done with them for the week. They are like that so you can share strategies with other people on how best to beat it.

This. Plus a chance for friends / speed runners to compete. The ability to replay and prepare is what also let's us crank the difficulty a bit. We knew however that this would not be for everyone, which is why we also made the weekly core hunt.


Originally posted by freekv99

when do we get hypertubes(satisfactory version) in the spacerig?

That would be fun! I'm not sure if it's dwarfy though...