

28 Feb


Originally posted by Grazzhopper1979

Daily assignments? I love this game and haven’t had this much fun with random people online in forever but I kind of feel a bit lost when I finish the weekly content.

I like having that bit of direction/goals to work for and knowing others are looking for the same missions. Any chance of seeing some basic daily missions? Heck even goals like mine x amount of minerals or kill however many critters per day for a small bonus.

Either way, LOVE this game and community.

I understand but we decided on a weekly cycle for our game so that players do not feel pressured to log in and play every day. DRG should be fun, not be your second job. There is always the union goals which due to their nature you can always do a bit more to help the union.


Originally posted by TrueScottsmen

Do you guys ever plan on selling official DRG mugs and merch?

We're looking at options.


Originally posted by DonnyNunchuck

In reference to Vr, I wonder if Ghost Ship Games would be willing to commit to officially working on and implementing vr if their community would fund the effort through some sort of crowd funding? This game is really fun and would be such a blast to experience in vr. The company has proven they can deliver a quality product, I can’t speak for everyone but I would definitely be willing to put some money towards it.

Not any time soon as we will be very busy with adding content to DRG after 1.0 but it could be a possibility in the future.


Originally posted by GiBGUN

This has been my favourite game for years now. Thank you!

1) Are there any plans to beef up the response to a promotion? Perhaps a hologram of a saluting dwarf on the mission control hologram, a free drink for anyone onboard the ship (if it can be made possible to promote in a multiplayer game.

2) Are there any plans to add more music to the game, OR perhaps make the existing tracks more dynamic i.e some triggers that add an additional later or alt version of the level theme upon doing things like entering a large cave, or a more perilous area?

3) I love that chunky M.U.L.E on the ship. Might we ever see it appear in a game?

4) I’ve heard you guys contemplate future entertainment for the ship. Have you considered some sort of slot machine that could pay out minerals or something?

5) I think it would be really cool when designing the new space rig if you could occasionally see other drop pods fire off into Hoxxes when you look out of the wind...

Read more

And thank you for playing!

  1. No plans but I like the idea of celebrating your promotion more.

  2. More music, maybe. A more dynamic music system, no.

  3. You might but no plans for it right now.

  4. We have considered it and decided against such things in favor of toys. Well be adding more things in the future for sure.

  5. We have so far kept the size of the Hoxxes vague and I don't think we are ready to change that.

  6. Maybe... No promises.


Originally posted by Herculefreezystar

I have two questions.

Are we were going to get official DRG merch?

And Is DRG actually a spiritual successor to Project Dwarka?

  1. Probably, we're exploring options.

  2. In a way yes it is


Originally posted by ZenLord

Will there ever be a chance to play with more than 4 players? Maybe 5 or 6 players?

Not officially, no.


Originally posted by Luubuuu

Great job with pumping out updates GSG! Every month have been a treat to see what changes are being made to the game big or small. Never have been as happy to jump into a game in its early stages.

  1. Will you add any colorblind friendly option to the game? Red maps are a little troublesome for my partner.

  2. Campaign or story based missions be added somewhere down the line? Maybe some backstory about each dwarf and the motherplanet where all the creepy crawlies come from.

  3. What makes Steeve such a odd one to join our cause? Has a soul of a dwarf born in the wrong body? Beer? Pure love for beards because they make cozy nests? He is such a good boy.

  4. Future NPCs being added such as wandering dwarves, alternative BET-C or Bosco out on the field? Maybe abandoned camps or dwarven structures?

Glad you are enjoying the game!

  1. We definatelly want to make the game as accesable as possible. Can you be more specific as to the problems your parten has in the red maps. Also by red maps do you mean the Salt Pits biome? Magma core? Both?

  2. No plans for backstories or campaign narratives for now.

  3. The beast master's magnetic personality.

  4. No humanoid NPCs are planned... Those would be way to tricky. Abandoned structures are definitely a possibility.


Originally posted by Shenkowicz

Just started playing and having a blast so far, the spelunking and fps aspects combined make this game a lot of fun. What were the main inspirations behind the creation of DRG?


Aliens, Starship Troopers, The Descent, The Thing, Predator, L4D... The list goes on.


Originally posted by Bagglebaggle

Could we have a balrog-esque enemy for those dwarves who dig too deep?

We definatelly want to do some more boss enemies like the dreadnought or stationary ones like tower machine event.


Originally posted by Wobbar

First off, I've loved this game for several years. Thank you so much for it, and thank you even more for the regular awesome updates.

Second, I've asked this before, but I forgot the answer and can't find it anywhere. Also figured it might have changed, anyway. Will we be able to call down different things for nitra like the ammo drop but ...not the ammo drop? Like I remember a huge floodlight and a sentry, but I see how those could make certain classes less appealing/needed. Maybe something like an additional (limited) O2 supply for low-oxygen missions?

We don't have plans for this but it is actually something that we had before so I can see us revisiting the idea in the future.


Originally posted by ze-dockta

Is there a possibility of getting overclock's for equipment? such as the shield generator giving a damage boost instead of rapidly increasing shields or a engie turret with auto fire and two barrels but requiring power or something?

No plans for it at the moment.


Originally posted by Finneganmac

Are we gonna see water soon?

Not in any cool physics based way.


Originally posted by ASpaceOstrich

Is the upcoming planned green beard experience improvement going to be available for existing players. Picked it up after trying it on the free weekend and it’s looking damn fine.

It mainly covers the first few hours of the game, teaching the various mechanics and systems. Some of it is part of the spacerig overhaul and the upcoming miners manual and the new tutorial which you will be able to activate at any time just like the current one.


Originally posted by UExpectedANameHuh

Do you plan on adding more movement overclocks, like the Scout's Special Powder or the Engineer's RJ250 Compound, mainly for the Driller or the Gunner?

And speaking of the RJ250 Compound, are you planning on adding a perk that attenuates self-inflicted damage, or maybe update the Friendly perk so it also works on yourself (in shield disruption you can barely use the jump because it quickly chips away at your health when you use it)

Love the game by the way <3

No plan for it and I'm not sure if I would want them all to have an rocketjump-like thing. But could happen...


Originally posted by QuarterrChubb

Would you be open to adding a leaf-lover as a character eventually? I would love to hear the shit talking between the dwarves and a lone elf just trying to make some coin. Thanks for a fantastic game guys, we can tell when a game is made with love and passion.

Not really, no. I expect we would keep it just Dwarves.

And thank you for liking our game!


Originally posted by sharp_as_a_marble

Most of my questions about the game are answered so I'll keep it pretty simple. How are you all? Are you having a good day?

Having a great day, thanks!


Originally posted by DaDaGrt

Any chance of us getting more lighting focused abilities/tools/perks? As it stands right now, not having a scout in your lobby is a huge detriment.

No plans, no. But have you tried playing with the Strongarm perk? It will let you lob flares high up to light-up the ceiling.


Originally posted by ebf255

Absolutely love this game and I’m so happy that the supporter pack is now available on Windows/Xbox.

But now for the question, I’m curious if there are new zones planned? Or maybe more variation in the existing ones? You guys did a fantastic job with the huge roots in the Fungus bogs and the giant salt cubes in the Salt pits and I wanna see mooooore!

Not planned but we do want to make more zones. As for improving the existing ones, definitely.


Originally posted by Naratik

Have you ever considered to give every class a slighty unique face?

That's just crazy!