

28 Feb


Originally posted by DeffDeala

One more question I forgot to ask, are there plans for mod support ? I’ve just started to get into modding and would love to try and mod a few things in the game. Thanks !

Some people are doing it unofficially already. Officially I just asked our CEO and he said the answer is not Yes and not No.


Originally posted by Cless1c

Loving the game, keep up the great development!

I was wondering have you ever considered adding creatures that could fuse together to make a larger more dangerous creature (depending on how many happen to spawn/be around) that has additional abilities/strengths? Like for instance, if the naedocyte shocker jellies were to fuse together (before going to attack you) to create a larger one that could either deal more damage, do an additional ranged attack/attack type, or have more damage resistance.

This could force players to target prioritize this creature type before it becomes more threatening than others.

That sounds awesome...


Originally posted by danmoore2

Hello GSG love your game my all time favourite! Will we be able to get turret mounts for Molly mid game that we can only spec into if we collect enough nitra etc? Also thoughts on several upgraded versions of engineers turret like in TF2?

Hi, and thanks!

A combat-Molly could happen if a future mission type needs it.

No plans for doing more turrets at the moment.


Originally posted by nezw42

Will my true love barrel-karl ever be made real? It is a barrel with a badly-doodled face and a swab for a beard. And we can take it with us during missions. Maybe we can also install a speaker that we can press for inspirational quotes of the great karl? ;)

Also, I hope you guys/gals/attack pickaxes feel as awesome as you should for making this great game!

Barrel-Karl lives in your heart. A place more real than the spacerig.


Originally posted by very-spooky

Is there a bottom of the map? Or a top? I spent a good 45 minutes with three other drillers digging down with Rocky mountain, and got about 1000 meters down, if there isn't a bottom, tell me for peace of mind.

You'll hit a harder material as you go lower. There is no bottom but things will probably get weird if you go too far...


Originally posted by KappaKiev

Assuming this is a galaxy where humans and elves are around, how y’all or short are the dwarves compared to them? Are they still proportionately shorter? Are they similar height?

This is why we don't have any bananas on the Space Rig.


Originally posted by chchUs

Are there plans for more extreme or exotic looking cosmetics ?

Maybe? Can you be more specific?


Originally posted by sdric

1.) Any plans for non-bug type enemy factions?

2.) Any chance chance for a "real" tower defense type mode? ("By my beard, we poked some bugs we shouldn't have. Grab your pickaxes. Protect the DRG HQ! Time we put those resources to use.")

  1. Robots? But no, no plans for that.
  2. A defense-focused mission type is definitely a possibility.

Originally posted by LeragasTheVile

how about water in caves? would be nice with real-time fluid simulation and stuff... I know it would be a lot of programming, but stil...

Yes it would... and yes it would. We have decided not to do it.


Originally posted by Razorblades0

Hello GSG, I was wondering if you were ever planning to introduce a mode that'd allow more than 4 people to play together? I have a lot of friends who really want to play the game but I constantly have to pick and choose between them because we only have parties of 4.

No plans for that, no. But you can split into 2 parties and play the same mission and compete for time?


Originally posted by ftewt

In your opinion what is the best overclock as of the moment? What about the worst?

My favourite is the Special Powder OC on the Boomstick.


Originally posted by Samow4r

Hey, I love you guys, sorry for asking a boring, strictly technical question:

One of the things I'd love to see improved before release is antialiasing. Any chance of that happening? There is a thread on steam, pinned one, with people suggesting different changes to the game files. And most of them indeed look much better, but due to the fact they were not made by professionals they can cause some slight graphical glitches.

Example (high setting above, changed game file below): https://imgur.com/a/6u0cNNa

Thanks a lot! <3

I'm all for getting better anti-aliasing, I'm gonna go bug a programmer about it but no promises.


Originally posted by timbit87

Pizza or tacos? No taco pizza. That's cheating.

Pizza, unless it's a REALLY good tacos.


Originally posted by LambsalotGaming

First off, Lootbug plushie. I need one. I need five. Please. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Secondly, pretty much everyone in my discord community REALLY thinks some kind of melee combat would just be the cherry on the wonderful cake that is DRG and I'm inclined to agree! Are there any plans for a more viable melee-only combat system? Are the new pickaxes from the customization station going to have status/effects perhaps~?

Lastly, a personal thanks from me. I've basically been strapped to a chair for nearly 8 months due to a spine injury and Deep Rock has been a constant source of joy in these trying times. I love how open you are, how you don't pull punches and you get involved so directly with the community with things like this and on the Discord server. You guys rock!

PS; been seriously thinking about getting a tattoo of each of the classes icons but I'm scared y'all are going to change the colour or something again.... am I safe? x'D

There has been some talk with a merch-provider/distributor. Nothing concrete yet but yeah, I want that plushy too.

We have decided to not go full-in on melee because doing it right would take way too much time. I do not think our melee system is good enough for anything beyond the occasional whack when a bug gets too close.

Sucks about your back, terrible really :-( but I'm glad to hear our game has brought you joy. That is very high praise, thank you.

As for the tattoo, I would recommend you think some more on it. You are definitely not safe in regard to icon changes and the like and I would hate to know that a fan has them tattooed if it is decided that we need to update or modify them.

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by Defie22

Your game is the best fps coop ever created. Thanks for your work and ongoing updates.

But there is a big gap between new and experienced gamers. So newbies are trying to play haz5 or doing hard events. Are you planning more options for creating games which could solve it?

We've had some bugs where new players were getting match-made into haz5 missions but I think that is fixed now. The current requirement for starting or joining a haz5 mission is a haz4 assignment. I think if you can complete 3 haz4 missions you know what you are doing and can dip your toes into haz5. But it will never be perfect.


Originally posted by chalkwhite_rich

Hej GSG!

Can you tell us anything about new biomes or mission types that you guys may have brainstormed in the past and rejected or are currently thinking about?

Side note: I've always thought it would be cool to have a Glyphid Hive biome where the walls are made of organic material and has a higher chance to spawn swarmer eggs and glyphid tunnels (but the tunnels spawn grunts instead) and features new enemies like the Glyphid Worker (steals minerals and takes them to a 'nest'), Praetorian Matriarch (spawns Grunts and enrages when they're killed) etc.


We don't have an official list or anything but yeah, a "meat" biome has definitely come up in discussion here multiple times.


Originally posted by LeragasTheVile

I love what your game is in core gameplay with a lot of possibilities. Possibilities are unlimited if you just add tons of content and remove the bad one. Dont abandon this game never pls. I like to think of it as DotA for example. After like 15 years of updates, DotA is where it is - beacause the great core gameplay and shit-ton of updates iterations. If you would manage to do something like this with DRG woud be sooo goood. ROCK AND STONE FOREVER GUYS

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by GravyTheSailor

Are there any upcoming changes to the Engie's sentry, like overclocks or new modifications?

No OCs planed but the mods definitely need more balancing.


Originally posted by Mokaran90

Are there new weapon licenses in the making or something to spice things up?

Not in the making but we have some weapon concepts that are waiting for the right moment.


Originally posted by Vault_Traveler

Hey GSG, love your game its one of the best I ever played but I hope you check your netcode sooner or later because the rubberbanding really got worse alot since U28. Its ok when playing with RL friends a few km away but playing with others in different regions is really unfun.

We know, and we are actively working on it but it is a tricky thing.