

28 Feb


Originally posted by Drilldozer2000

Do you plan on makeing the drillers drills match his armor Color.

That would be nice...


Originally posted by Scrugareous_Kyle

  1. Any plans to add an exterior to the spacerig?
  2. Any new bosses in the works?
  3. Any plans for adding lore to what happened on Hoxes?
  1. Yes
  2. There have been some in the works for a long time (over a year) but we have not been able to prioritize it. We definitely want to do that in the future.
  3. We'll keep doing lore in the vague manner that we've used so far. As we add new mission types I'm sure more lore will get injected as well.

Originally posted by EXchokinghazard

Can we get a sandwich machine in the space rig please?

Maybe... I don't see why not.


Originally posted by CJon0428

You guys should definitely consider implementing VR support :)

That's all I wanted to say.

We tried a quick VR thing and it was amazing. But if we were to do this we would want to design a proper experience around it. I think the game as it is with just VR is not good enough. And I don't know when/if we would want to allocate the resources to do this.


Originally posted by KingAt1as

What is the percentage that a swarm will spawn after grabbing an egg? I want to know how unlucky I am. Also, can swarms stack into one swarm with double the enemies?

You are guaranteed the same number of swarms from the eggs depending on the number of eggs in the mission, I don't remember how many exactly. The random part is which eggs will trigger the swarm.


Originally posted by rknight718

I’m a bit late to the party seeing as how I only bought the game 2 weeks ago but I’ve loved every second so far! I’m curious if you have any plans to add rare precious gems that are just worth straight money. Stuff like rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds. So far the extra minerals you get are all for crafting and unlocking which is great but I’d love to be digging and come across a diamond big enough you have to carry it back to the pod with 2 hands.

Also, any plans for pets? Little vanity companions? I’d love a baby Steeve.

We have one at the moment which is the Bittergem and it does everything you mention. It is rare and a bit hidden and big. If you dig it up and deposit it you will be awarded a handsome bonus at the end of the mission. I could see us doing more in the future.


Originally posted by gangsterwal

Will new machine events eventually come in the future? It would be nice to have some treasure hunting machine events!

I don't see why not, we had many concepts of which we only built a few as these things take a lot of work.


Originally posted by Critical-Rabbit

If you were to create a mesh so that AI could traverse the space rig, where would there be a big enough space to fight the Alien Queen looking for all her eggs?

The Space Rig is a large structure and the launch bay is only a small section of it... I'm sure we could find a spot for an epic showdown.


Originally posted by MadamMeouff

Are you planning on expanding this universe you have created in perhaps future game titles?

You have already teased us with the existence of Elves, you'v already shown us that the supernatural exists with the ghosts and magic with the drinks? This just seems like such a cool universe you'v made and I want to know what is going on outside Hoxxis.

We don't have any plans to do this for it's own sake but DRG has grown and matured to a point where I can certainly imagine us doing another title that takes place in the same universe and that of course would come with an expansion of said universe.


Originally posted by teamtebow

Late and I don't expect an answer.

But is there any plans for dedicated servers? It's the one thing preventing me from buying.

No concrete plans but it is something we keep discussing internally.


Originally posted by thesheshy

I just want to say- thank you so much for making one my favorite games! I don't play it consistently, but I always find myself coming back to it every few months, always with the same obsession.

onto my question, how did you guys come up with the designs for the aliens?

happy 2 year anniversary!!!

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by Bealer1992

Do you have any future plans to release further planets/biomes?

No concrete plans but more biomes is something we would like. A new planet seems completely unnecessary to me.


Originally posted by LawryIz

First of all, I'd really like to know if you plan on increasing the difficulty of the game, like perhaps a Haz 6 or something similar. I know we have the EDDs, but I want moar!

Haz 5 becomes a triviality when you get four veteran greybeards to take a crack at it, and the same goes for the EDD.

Now, I read that you guys aren't going to be doing any new classes or weapons in the near future, but what about overclocks for a class' special? Like an overclock for the engineers platform gun that increases the platforms size at the cost of less ammunition, for example?

Last of all, I recognize the hard work you guys have been putting in to this gem of a video game, and deeply thank you for that. This is in no doubt the most interesting and fun cooperative multiplayer game I have ever played. And I've played all of them!

Keep up the good work GSG, Rock and Stone!

I would rather not add another haz Lvl as each one we add further fragments the player base. But maybe a how deep can you go mission type with continuously increasing difficulty would be just the ticket.

For now there are no plans for tool OCs but it could happen. Also new weapons could happen too just not right now.

Thank you.
Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by Kelvets

It's hard to find faults with this amazing game, but here are my current biggest gripes:

1- There is only 1 boss. I'm pretty bored already with Mr. Noughty boy. When can we expect new bosses?

2- Mining gold gives too little money vs. the time invested (2 hits for the lose!), it seems to average just over 4 monies per gold piece on 100% difficulty, so <$1500 for mining 300 gold (a considerable effort) is just too little! I realize this would be hard to balance without also tweaking the double-gold beer and gold-related mission modifiers so they are not OP, but I think it's worth considering. As it stands, my team just ignores gold, which is not fun!

3- I avoid Salvage missions like the plague because it takes unnecessarily long to fix the uplink antennas (especially in singleplayer). You just hold E there for like, half a minute each time for no good reason and with nothing happening. Add to that the time to fix the mini-mules and you can easily waste minutes...

Read more
  1. We want more boss-type enemies for sure. Can't give you an ETA though.
  2. Gold-value is something we discuss occasionally here. For now it's gonna stay as is and if it ever gets changed I doubt it will be a huge change. Credit-wise, easy to reach gold-veins are definitely worth the time it takes to mine them but I totally understand you wanting them to give more.
  3. I think changing the time to build based on the number of players could be a thing...
  4. All damage will stop your shield from regenerating, the hot ground does not do a unique type of damage. Invisible patches of it does sound annoying though, definitely something to look into.

Originally posted by THE-WARD3VIL

Karl would be very proud of Axel! Thanks for replying mate

Edit: also thank you releasing supporter pack for Xbox! My gold armour is beautiful, management love it

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by Moszerker

Thx for answering!

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by anarkopsykotik

abandoned mining outpost ? I like the idea of derelict bases you could come across.

I could see that happening...


Originally posted by Robert_GSG

Mike has my vote.

Thank you sir.


Originally posted by GravyTheSailor

Woohoo! You guys are great, rock n Stone!

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by ArcticEcho

It's been great to see the game evolve over these past 2 years, you guys have done a great job. Looking forward to the next 2 years!

Can we get an estimate on when the experimental build for update 29 will be ready?

Thanks! As for and estimate for U29 experimental... no idea.