

28 Feb


Originally posted by imbued94

Viritual reality would be awesome!



Originally posted by ThunderC00kie

Would there ever be a possibility of being able to carry downed teammates so you can bring them into the drop pod/get them to a safer location?

That would be cool but I can also imagine it leading to some unwelcome behaviour as well... Technically I guess it would not be too difficult.


Originally posted by AfroFlower

Will PS4 be fortunate enough to get deep rock after official release?

No plans at the moment and we have a launch exlucivity agreement with Microsoft. It is certainly a possibility a bit further down the line but no promises.


Originally posted by AfroFlower

Who uses the mini-mules and why?

Your former colleagues. For holding minerals. That is all I am allowed to say at this time.


Originally posted by WolfeBane84

When are we going to get cigars for the gunner to smoke?

I think never... But would be cool.


Originally posted by WolfeBane84

Ever considered a class that had no guns, but had all the tools (flare, platform, zip line, shield)

Yes, perhaps for a peaceful exploration mode. I would really like that.


Originally posted by Lenin101

What are your plans on marketing the game? Just steam ads as usual, or youtube trailers and such? I'm really hoping this game gets more popular, as you guys deserve all the fame you can get.

Thanks, we of course hope our game will continue growing in popularity as well. Personally I am not involved in the marketing part of things so unfortunately I can't answer your question.


Originally posted by kwalshyall

Thanks for all your efforts with this fantastic game!

Endlessly replayable, affordable, challenging yet rewarding, with a multiplayer focus that adapts seamlessly to solo play, frequently updated but kept at a modest file size––I'm amazed at how this small team has been able to pull all that off in just two years. Bravo!!

Now that that's been said, I really dislike the split between active and passive perks, and the whole perk system feels like it's taken several steps back with these latest updates. Have you considered rolling it back? Or possibly making the active perks work a bit more like they do in Vermintide 2, with a dedicated input and more clearly visualized cooldown times? Feels a bit like things are being polished so hard there that the varnish is wearing off.

Thanks! As for the perks, we definatelly don't want to roll it back. We've considdered the dedicated input option but I am not convinced that it is necessary. As for improving the perk cool down visibility, that is definatelly something we will look in to.


Originally posted by YeOldDrunkGoat

Any thoughts on introducing mechanics to the overclock grind to make it a bit less random? Like a wishlist function or something of that nature?

We went with the machine events and empty cores as a way to have some control over the random. We may add more options in the future but for now we're gonna stick with what we have. It's a discussion we've had many times internally.


Originally posted by rknight718

I had no idea! I must find this shiny!

Indeed you must


Originally posted by Asian_Contagion

When will you fix the clipping issues in DRG? For example glyphid walking through, and attacking through, the mine head. Leeches reaching through dirt walls, and glyphid biting through platforms.

I understand how annoying and frustrating these things are but they are more tricky to fix than you would think. Well keep improving the pathfinding and combat AI but these things take time.


Originally posted by BolaSquirrel

Do you have plans to add more bug-based bosses like the Dreadnought to the game? Dreadnought fights are a lot of fun but they're a bit repetitive and it would be nice if there was more variety.

No plans but we will definatelly try to get more boss creatures in there.


Originally posted by Frayjais

Can you tell me the story of Karl’s demise? I’ve heard it many times, but just as legends. No official documents or statements from management themselves yet. Are you guys trying to cover up our heroes true legacy?

It's out of our hands.


Originally posted by Thunderdrake3

Are you going to do another round of weapon and overclock balancing?

Literally what I'm working on now. This time the focus is on buffing the weapons and OCs that have fallen a bit behind.


Originally posted by Asian_Contagion

What made you change your mind on the double jump perk?

Basically it was something that worked to further separate the team and was something that interfered with the use of the traversal tools. All of the classes besides the scout have tools that if you make a path for yourself you also leave a path for your teammates... Jump boots competed with this in certain situations. And while the extent to which this impacted games could be debated, we felt that at its core the Jump Boots perk conflicted with our overall design.

They were really fun though so we are looking at other ways to get them into the game.


Originally posted by slipperyshitstain

Would there ever be a possibility of a "random mission" launch button of some sort? Basically will random select a currently available mission? I find once I finish my weekly assignments it gets harder to pick what to run, and think it would be fun to queue into a random mission, possibly without even knowing what it is until the drop pod lands.

There is the quick join button but a give me a random mission button seems reasonable.


Originally posted by Asian_Contagion

After a certain time played, gold is no longer valuable to experienced players because they already have a lot of money, equipment, and cosmetics. Do you have any plans to change this?

No but its something we want to look into in the future.


Originally posted by Fallouter13

Scout and Gunner both have High Intensity flares if you check their flares in the equipment screen, while driller/engie have medium intensity ones, but there's no any difference between them afaik. Are there any plans to differentiate flares between classes? Brightness, duration, throw distance, capacity?

Only colour. Originally they were different but we decided to make the flares the same in terms of utility.


Originally posted by nerdojoe

I love this game and want to thank you all for your hard work, dedication and love you have put in this game.

I have a question about adding a pet Bosco that follows you around. Such that everyone could have a Bosco that doesn't do anything but floats around you. Would this be possible? I want to show off my Bosco. Also, have you thought about adding an additional Bosco skin for obtaining a certain achievement that may be hidden?

Thank you. Rock and Stone!

A pet Bosco in a multilayer game would be technically possible but I'm not sure if we want to go that route.

We might do more Bosco skins in the future that are obtained in various ways... But no concrete plans as of yet.