

22 Feb


Well that sounds sh*tty. I've passed this on to our xbox guys.

21 Feb


Thanks, I love it!

17 Feb


Originally posted by JovialCider

I think it's "Explosives placed"



Originally posted by Vutuch

Timeasd: posts this up Developers: "Hold up!"

Hold up!

13 Feb


A bulk spawning right on top of you during a defense is not intentional, I will look into it.

11 Feb


That looks badass

09 Feb


Originally posted by Electronix__247

I do pick-up and delivery for a certain green-and-yellow tractor company (they have rules against their logo being used in photos while on the job) and I picked up this person's lawnmower yesterday!

Haha, awesome.

08 Feb


Is that yours or an image you found?


Originally posted by JuanDiablos

Ah man, I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining or anything! As the game stands now it is fantastic, it's easily the best 4 player co-op shooter in my eyes and honestly, anything you add to the game now is just icing on the cake!

Rock and Stone!

07 Feb


Originally posted by JuanDiablos

More armour types or armour patterns would be awesome. I think the armour is pretty lacking compared to the many beards and weapon customizations.

That is because armor is very time-consuming to make. We want to add more but it will have to wait a bit.


Originally posted by hamburglersghost

Rock and stone!

Rock and Stone!


Yeah... Were trying to figure out what caused the spike in network related crashes. It seems to have died down but we don't know why which is worrying. We have top dwarvelopers working on it.


Rock and Stone for helping out Greenbeards!


Originally posted by hamburglersghost

Great update, and excellent communication!

Is it safe to assume the console update is already in Microsoft's hands?



Originally posted by AfroFlower

Nah just saying I found it weird how its "not" synced between all players, I understand it being spammed could be a problem tho? I just like the immersion when all players hear the same things ya know?

But real question....Can you make it so the drop pod dwarf chatter(when loading into mission for first time) is synchronized? Cus that's the only time squad and I notice we dont say the same things.

I'll poke our sound guy about it.


Originally posted by Choleric-Leo

Dear u/Mike_GSG,

I have an update for you. I gave Dash another honest try tonight and whatever changes you guys made as part of Hotfix 4 made a serious impact for me and I did not fail to activate it once.

Actually you guys fixed a ton of performance issues. WAY less rubber banding tonight as well.

Glad to hear it. Rock and Stone!

06 Feb


Originally posted by Choleric-Leo

Has Dash gotten any easier to activate? Even after it moved to [sprint] I found the timing janky.

We're trying to improve it. Do you play mostly as client or host?