

28 Feb


Originally posted by highhorse617

Will dual pick-axe ever happen?



Originally posted by Doctor-Slam

Have you considered adding a queen bug into the deeper deep dives?



Originally posted by GoldMath

Hey devs,

  • 1 - Do you plans to add rare small rooms unconnected to the cave system, that need to be spotted with Scanner and dig walls to it?

Could be walls full of gold (like a Crassus), lot of crafting materials, lootbug heaven party, empty, sneaky leach, nitra stockpile, enemy nest, red sugar deposit, one error cube...

  • 2 - Do you plans to expend the variety of primary objective and secondary?

Example regroup them into "organics" & "minerals", so it's will regroup Apoca/Boolo & Dystrum/Holomite/Fossil together, giving more room for variant models without having 10th of milestones. Dystrum would be nice to add to all other mission type.

More objective mineral/gem variant to Mining Expedition and Point Extraction, even if it's same and just reskinned/remodel, would make them feel artificially less monotone. Example Orange: "Gwarkstone" and Lime: "Greenardite" gems. Aquamar...

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Hey GoldMath :-)

  1. Yeah, I think we'll get that in at some point. Exact design still up in the air.
  2. Yes, definitely. As for re-skins of ME or PE... I don't like that . We had a bit of it early on and I much prefer that each mission has it's own unique primary objective. So new mission types can certainly come with new mineral types. Secondary objectives of course are less restricted.
  3. I'm sure Mikkel would love that. We could do a 3-hit with a larger carve area so it doesn't take too long but feels different ... maybe...
  4. No more... I'm all perked-out right now. But maybe in the future...
  5. Thant's not really how we've been doing things so I doubt we will start doing votes. I personally have a bad previous experience with player voting influencing design. But for sure we'll be running some sort of experimental branch after release. Player feedback is a integral part of our process and that will not change.

Rock and Stone!

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Originally posted by Leonader9001

How many game mode concepts for post 1.0 do you have already?

We have a lot of different ideas, and a ton of community suggestions. We have not seriously decided on anything yet.


Originally posted by LackOfGravy

Are there plans for deployment of mini-M.U.L.Es or BET-C at the start of the mission? They gotta have ended down there somehow. And will we be able to show off weapons to our teammates at the rig at some point?

No concrete plans, but as we make more mission modes they might get used... no idea.

As for showing off weapons on the Space Rig... would be cool but no plans for it right now.


Originally posted by Naratik

Have you plans to rebalance the difficulty levels? 1-3 is pretty easy and then the jump to 4 is really big. I have several friends that clear 3 super easy and it's boring for them but they get overwhelmed almost every mission on 4.

Sometimes I have the feeling on 3 there are 10-20 bugs per swarm and on 4 there are coming hundreds.

I don't think you should lower the difficulty of 4 but the jump from 3 to 4 is too big.

No plans to re-balance the haz levels but perhaps we can find another way to give players more fine control over the games difficulty.


Originally posted by kickit08

Whats your main?

Driller & Scout equally at the moment.


Originally posted by amperag

Yo ghost ship crew first off:

You can really be proud of the game you've made, it's really quite an accomplishment! My friends and me a greatly enjoying it, keep up the good work.

My speculative question:

For update 29, will you have to use error cubes to craft pickaxe skins?


As far as [REDACTED] is concerned we [REDACTED] in the future.

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by proximalprostate

There are flare / light mutator lines in the game. Were they cut from very early on, any plans to bring them back? The game is VERY atmospheric with less HUD and less light...

We made prototypes but they did not feel good enough. We may revisit this in the future.


Originally posted by unusualguy1

Ever considered making overclocks for other things besides the primary weapons?
What i am talking about are primarily overclocks for: the pickaxe, armor, the third and fourth weapon slots and maybe even the grenades too.

There is a lot of potential for some cool unstable overclocks that can change completely how the third and fourth weapon slots work.

We have definitely considered it but decided to focus on other things.


Originally posted by WorvernScar

Will the supersized (blue) M.U.L.E in the space rig be added as a usable entity, such as an additional helper via solo or added in as a perk, skin, purchasable upgrade, etc., in the future?

No plans for that. But maybe as we make new mission types...


Originally posted by roidymagoo2

Any plans on adding Twitch integration? Mixer was great fun.

No plans as of now.


Originally posted by krak3_n

abandoned dwarven ruins?

Dwarves have never lived on Hoxxes , you're just here for the precious minerals.


Originally posted by QueenFrau

How does damage math work in DRG?

Say the M1000 has 60 base damage which, when focused, gives a +100% damage bonus bringing that up to 120. Let's say we have the Hollow-Point bullets, which in total gives a +35% damage bonus on hitting the weakpoint.

Are the percentages added together, so the 60 damage is boosted by 135% total to 141, or is it added per bonus? So 60 +100% = 120, then 120 +35% = 162?

The second one.


Originally posted by cursedTinker

A few questions: 1) are there plans to add skins and paints to the fixed equipment such as the platform gun, zipline, etc.? 2) since the pick we have is named in the equipment terminal as "basic pickaxe," is there a plan to add other picks ad well? 3) Any chance we can get a little more warning b2fore getting snagged by a cave leech? Unless you spend an active perk slot on heightened senses, there's no way to tell you're about to get snagged, and to keep that seems like a big accessibility issue. 4) similarly, can we get some kind of more broad visual indicator for batteries and BET-Cs? Maybe something like a large, faint pulse wave. Nonhearing players need love to! 5) Is there any way to make the Mactera Grabbers less primally terrifying( it's probably just a me thing, but I cant even bear to look at the screen if I get grabbed belt one of them, and their cry sends an actual pang of fear through me.

  1. No, but could happen later.
  2. Nope.
  3. There is a hiss but you are right it is an accessibility issue. Same with exploders.
  4. Valid point.
  5. That was kinda the point...

Originally posted by Bluefox-Matari

  1. Most importantly to me, will there be any changes made to the client -> host connection to made things less "rubberbandy" for the client on less optimal connections?

  2. What's in store of the future of leveling and prestiging? An overhaul? Or perhaps simply additional tiers?

  3. Additional mods for the flare and pickaxe? Overclocks for non-weapons?

  4. Any concepts for a Co-op mode with 2 Boscos + 2 dwarves at max scaling?

  5. Is the drop pod overhaul coming before 1.0?

  6. Female dwarves!?

  7. Will ray tracing come to DRG with the next series of Nvidia cards?

  8. What are your monetization plans for the future? Expansions, DLC, cosmetics?

  9. Any concepts for letting Molly hover to solve a myriad of AI problems?

  1. WE are continually trying to improve it but it's tricky. We will keep at it going forward.
  2. Not an overhaul, but I can see us adding more.
  3. Maybe... no plans.
  4. Huh... that sounds cool. But no, no plans for that.
  5. Yes... hopefully... Worst case it will come with the 1.0 release
  6. Not yet... still not agreeing on how to do it or if we should do it. Also quite a big task voice-recording wise.
  7. No idea.
  8. There is only one plan right now: reach 1.0
  9. Not that I am aware of.

Originally posted by mrpploper

Will you ever add emotes in game like a emote wheel during a mission of wacky dwarf catchphrases

Maybe? No plans for it right now.


Originally posted by proximalprostate

Hey GSG, Happy 2nd Anniversary in EA and I do adore your game and wish you the best of luck.

To the questions: - When you drop into the game, the dwarves have 'personality' voicelines, Scout always anxious about something and the other dwarves either don't care or talk some sense into him... During missions however, all voicelines are 'the same' but pitched. This leads me to several questions:

  • Will the current Guy who makes the voice stay, or do you ever plan (or dare) to change the voices to different actors?

  • Will you introduce more 'personality' (voicelines) like the ones you hear inside the droppod?

  • Will there be more situational chatter among the dwarves, aside from simpel trigger / reactions on stuff you do ingame?

  • How work intensive is this work for you (Writing, recording, pitching, programming the 'triggers').

Thank you for your time and work!


  1. He is staying and we do not dare to try and re-record all those lines with 4 actors.
  2. Maybe... no concrete plans but would be cool for sure.
  3. No plans for it but I would like to see more of that. We've added a little for when a new miner joins a mission in progress. could definitely have more.
  4. It's not crazy, but it's large enough of a task that it will affect other work and so must be considered carefully.

Originally posted by Corax_Was_Taken

Any chance weapon challenges could be a thing and maybe even class specific ones, for example you could have kill x amount of certain enemies with a certain weapon for a skin or a framework.

Maybe some utility skins as well, i think they are needed and i think we definitely more challenges and not just ones rewarding perk point.

Happy 2nd anniversary, i personally bought the game years ago in Xbox game preview and just started playing again last week.... before last week the last time i played the game didn't even have The Abyss bar and the weapons barely had any models to them, i remember the minigun being very blocky and somewhat ugly back then. ( I love the model now )

I love the updates you have made to DRG and now i find myself hard pressed to put the game down, sad i missed the 1 year hat but hey i'm here for number 2. Keep up the good work Ghost Ship, looking forward to future updates.

Glad to have you back miner! Rock and Stone!

Weapon challenges are cool but it is a deliberate design decision on our part to not incentivise individual kill counts. We want you to do whatever is best for the team, usually that is shooting bugs but not always.


Originally posted by DreamBind

Do all four dwarves share the same voice (voice actor), with just the pitch/tone changed? And if so, any plans to give them individual voices? (Gimli style!)

Second question, who are the two dwarves bickering when going down into the drop pod? It sort of sounds like Scout and Gunner, but not quite.

Edit: Also, thank you for making such a wonderful game. It's been a long time since I've had this much fun in a multiplayer. Rock and stone!

  1. Yes and he's in the credits. And no, it will be too much for us to record so much.
  2. It's all of them.
  3. Rock and Stone!