

14 Jan


Originally posted by AReallyBadJinx

Could you possibly limit the matchmaking to within a few ranked tiers? I didn’t mind waiting a while for match and I don’t mind filling to get a good balanced match. I do mind getting plats and emeralds every single game that I do not play trio in Master + Elo. I don’t understand how the system can be okay with such a huge gap.

No one in my elo range feels good in solo q right now and it seems to be getting worse. You have some of the best players in the game tweeting about similar issues.

What rank are you?

The current allowed range is +/- 1 from the anchor player or party's rank, but there are exceptions at the top (Diamond+) because otherwise they wouldn't find matches.

So if you are Platinum, you can match both -1 (Gold) and +1 (Emerald). So if the anchor player is Platinum, you can have both Gold and Emerald players in the match.

If you are Diamond, you can match -1 (Emerald) but you can also match up to Challenger because population thins out super fast GM+, so Challengers can't play w/o Diamonds. So if a Challenger player is the anchor --- which is common because anchors are usually whoever has waited the longest, and Challengers often wait the longest because of high rank and MMR --- then you can have Diamond all the way up to Challenger players in the match. Though you can't have Challengers with Emeralds unless you have, e.g. an Emerald/Diamond/GM trio that averages to Diamond.

If your rank is in those higher levels though, e...

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13 Jan


Originally posted by KevHemin

Thanks for the information.

It won't be possible to force a quality match in the position I want and with a guarantee that I want a fair match, no matter the time of the queue? I mean just a checkbox "Force to play in my 1st position" I don't care to wait 10 minutes.

I prefer 10 minutes waiting in order to play in my position and playing a good quality match. Instead of playing 2 matches of bad quality, and sometimes not even in my position. (IE I'm only a baron laner, sometimes it forces me to play Jungle that I Had no idea, and in front of me there is a guy Diamond playing like god, that match is impossible to win...)

If in the time I'm playing there is less people playing the game that could also make the match not fair enough? Because probably the algorithm is having a max time of queue or try to improve that, but sometimes improving that queue times makes the game very annoying.

It's ok to have fast queue times in gold and below for new players ...

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Those are good suggestions and they are the types of things we discuss pretty often. It's a bit tricky to allow a "wait longer" option because if a given player decides to wait longer, then all the other players who may need that player in their match also have to wait longer. Basically, we have to balance very deliberately any feature that allows one player to force another player to wait longer.

Ironically, it's also the higher-ranked players where finding matches becomes the most difficult because, by definition, there are always fewer of them. The current balance has been allowing many players to find matches who, previous to this patch, could not play at all. So making it more picky at the top would currently prevent many of them from being able to play Ranked at all.

That said, we actually do allow up to 20-minute wait times. But like I alluded to above, when it comes to finding as fair a match as we can within 20 minutes, it isn't so much the difference betwe...

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Originally posted by KevHemin

The matchmaker will grab the 10 closest players by the time that you search. If you have one of the highest MMRs during the time when you search, then often you will get put on a team where you are the best player.

matchmaking keeps the fairness within at worst 70/30. We are evaluating whether that 70/30 should be reduced to 60/40, though that would result in longer wait times.

It works as I suspect. Because the matches are one side stomp almost always.

There is no people, and MMR rank base is really bad. Just mix players in the same Elo and go home.

Keep in mind that 70/30 is not the most common, it's just the worst possible. The most common is still 50/50 and then it decreases in occurrence from there.

Also, it's not just wait time we are trading off against, it's position preference. Before position preference, most matches were close to 50/50. When you get a less fair match it's almost always because it was trying to make sure everyone got the lane they wanted. Once it has 10 players within the allowed rank restrictions, it will often prioritize getting you your position over optimizing the fairness. If possible it will still aim for close to 50/50, but it's currently "allowed" to go higher to keep positions.

11 Jan


Originally posted by RunBiitchRun

as well as keeps the fairness within at worst 70/30. We are evaluating whether that 70/30 should be reduced to 60/40, though that would result in longer wait times.

So Riot is prioritising matchmaking time much much more then the fairness or legitimate of it

Seems like a very shitty matchmaking if you ask me

Not exactly, no, we prioritize matchmaking success. Meaning, we don't want there to be a bunch of players completely unable to play at all.


Originally posted by RunBiitchRun

i started to detect something in matchmaking too, so much its kinda startting to annoy me

the matchmaking team think that teaming up lower rank will help boost the player mmr but it is actually the opposite

the matchmaking team should implement some restrictions in rank gaps to avoid such a thing as a diamond player teaming up with platinium with a wing in its name,just because the platinium player is in a 3 win streak that doesn't mean that he should be stacked up with diamond players, your staff team even said in the dev diary that there would be a "rank discrepancy" but this became unreasonable

those wings 90% of the time is a player that belongs/plays like the tier he is in(in this case being platinium) and the rest 10% are f challenger smurf account. Both seal the game basically before it even start.

and trio queue(3 players teaming up) should be separated/removed from soloq, duo is fine but a trio that communicate through discord or voice ch...

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The Rank gaps are determined by the amount of population in each rank, making sure there's enough within any given gap to find a match in a reasonable amount of time. As you get into the higher ranks, there are of course less and less players by design, so they require an expanded gap to be able to play the game at all.

TrioQ: If you are solo queue and play against a TrioQ, then your team will always also have a TrioQ on it. I see zero cases otherwise in all of yesterday's games. So both sides have a trio.


Originally posted by Brief_Donkey4486


It is random and there is no such thing as losers queue. (Setting a highwinrate with low winrate because of mmr is losersqueue).

Get mvp every single game. (Real carry not just by luck)

Losing streak because I cant carry too many feeding teammates. Carrying 4 inting team mates is possible in plat or gold maybe.

I dont believe that I am better than all the people in my team 15 games in a row. If it is truly random, it should not be possible. How am I the carry every single game, and when I dont hyper carry I lose. Why dont I get carried if I am as good as my elo? And if I am better than my elo why don't I skip tiers?

Do I get put with lower winrate people or do you expect me to believe I am so good macro wise I am supposed to be the best player in this team game in a elo that is supposed to match me skill wise.

The matchmaker will grab the 10 closest players by both rank and MMR during the time that you search. If you have one of the highest MMRs during when you search, then it is possible to get put on a team often where you are the best player. Your opponents will have often have a similar composition. There's a team balancer that takes the 10 players found and finds a combination of placement that honors both position preference as well as keeps the fairness within at worst 70/30. We are evaluating whether that 70/30 should be reduced to 60/40, though that would result in longer wait times.

So that's one way to consistently get worse teammates, being better than most during the time you search. To know for sure you could PM me your info and I could verify.

10 Jan


Originally posted by wraithkenny

Like, in the most vague terms, can you describe when “rank skip” triggers, without exposing trade secrets or whatever.

At a high level, if a player's MMR is higher than it should be for their rank, they should be able to rank skip sometimes.


Originally posted by wraithkenny

“Rank skip” happens on win streaks/high-win-rate tho, doesn’t it? Or does it randomly skip simply because MMR is too high?

You don't need win streaks or a high-win rate (since neither of those are very accurate).


Originally posted by wraithkenny

That’s not true tho. I mean, it’s true that riot’s matchmaker has been broken since PC season 1, yes.

The thing that you are missing is that statistically, over time, your MMR and your win-rate equal out over time. This means that over time, your MMR and your supposed “rank” can diverge, and you can get legit “hard-stuck” because the matchmaker is efficient at setting you a 50/50 win-rate.

Improving your skills will only net you a few wins before the MMR adjusts (because MMR adjusts far more quickly than raising rank), causing you to get back to 50/50.

There are ways to “beat the matchmaker” such as duo-and trio-queue, or being better than the entire available pool of players (I.e., being a Master level player in Plat), but otherwise, the way to climb ranks is via collecting Fortitude points (while you are under Diamond).

After Diamond, your MMR and Rank progress get linked by LP points, so the problem is lessened.

TLDR: you can improve y...

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Actually, the system detects when a player is hard stuck and let's them rank skip more, or gives extra fortitude, to offset the 50/50 sessions.

14 Dec


Originally posted by kokosdera

Hi, what info do you need?

I am not sure myself.

I have another hypothesis: one of the duo is 3q. Then the other 2 players are helping their teammate in dragon lane. They already practiced several times so the timing are perfect.

I would need your Riot ID and as much info about the match as you can give. The date and around what time it was. Send this as a personal message rather than posting here.

But right now, in ranked, if your opponent has a 3q, then so do you.


Originally posted by zurutan

Mixing solo que with duo and trios is unfair too. For both parties not the solo player only.

But i guess the playerbase is too small to implement strict solo que right?

There's no way for duos to match only duos at all, they need solos or trios to work. Same with trios. That makes the option to only ever allow 3/2 vs. 3/2, which isn't a popular enough combo unless we allow really wide skill gaps in the matches, or really long wait times, or fill up the cracks with solo players.

As far as unfairness, that depends on your definition of fairness. It's 100% possible to make a fair match that includes both solos and duos, or both solos and trios, in terms of both teams having a shot at winning.

If by fairness you mean that the solo players will have less cohesion than a duo or trio, I don't know if that's necessarily true. There has been some evidence that 2 solo players are more likely to coordinate with a trio than a duo would, because the duo is likely paying more attention to each other (being two friends in a duo) than they are to the trio. So I don't know that we can say for sure that having solos mixed in with parties is more or ...

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13 Dec


Originally posted by John__Gotti

not necessary now. with the upgrade 2q + 3q can play against 5q.

No, this doesn't happen.


Originally posted by kokosdera

Wait, solo can vs 3q or 5q squad? No wonder! That explain one of my lost game. I was support, in 2q squad. others seems don't know each other from our team chat. Since early opponent always gank 4v2 my ADC (Varus, has no escape skill). I was wondering how enemy could have excellent coordination since early.

5q can only play vs. 5q. I'm not seeing any games in the data that show otherwise. If you have one, please DM it to me.

Soloq can only play against 3q/2q if they have a 3q or 2q on their team as well. It has to be the same party matched up.

29 Oct


Originally posted by surlytempo

Agreed. /u/nextdoormmr We were told improvements to MM would arrive with 2.5. So many of us are having a miserable time being matched with players in lobbies they aren't ready to be in. Can you tell us why this is happening and if it's intended or not?

This thread probably has the most up-to-date info:\_menke/status/1453804648771424257?s=20

21 Oct


The changes in this twitter thread may fix this for you, they are partly to address that experience:

20 Oct


Originally posted by pokachipokachi

/u/nextdoorMMR would this be bad?

Sorry I took so long to respond here.

If you've followed me across other games, you probably know that I have implemented solutions that do look at in-game performance, but always carefully.

Basically, looking at variables that the data show contribute meaningfully to winning a match, and only considering them at the level they actually contribute. Using data to determine how much performance mitigates a loss, not just taking a best guess at the value.

I also prefer to make sure winning is always the most important factor.

But, yeah, tdlr: there are definitely ways to do this correctly.

I don't know whether we would see them in Wild Rift anytime soon because we're currently still focused on skill and matchmaking over these next few patches. Once we finish our current pass on those features, we may look more closely at ranks.

It's also possible that some of our improvements to skill and matchmaking will soften issues you are experienci...

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19 Oct


Originally posted by PotatoWR

But we cannot lie that we had this problem where everyone thought that deranking was the most realistic way to climb to Challenger with +20 gains. Eventually in a while you stop getting +20 in masters, but players still had chance to abuse it including some of known names. What i was trying to point out that there is no way loosing intentionally could benefit you and it really hurts long term

Yeah, you are correct, losing will always hurt in the long run.

I believe we fixed one of the main factors that made players think it was worth doing. So now, when you drop back into Masters, your LP gains aren't actually more than they were in GM, given the same current overall LP. This should make it so there's no reason to drop back anymore, and best to just grind where you stand.


Originally posted by Rygar-the-great

Awesome. Seems thoughtfully made.

So if you don’t play for a while does your MMR decay like your LP does?

That's a variable we tune separately from the ranks. Sometimes it decays, sometimes it doesn't, but we base that more on whether or not players are actually worse than expected after not playing for some period of time.

I think it's currently possible in some cases for your MMR to also decay resulting in worse LP gains on return, but I can't guarantee that it will always be the case.


Originally posted by Rygar-the-great

They should and I believe are planned to be fixed.

I don’t believe they have ever said decay affects your MMR though.


The LP gain issue where you continued to gain high LP in Master after your LP passed well into GM or even Challenger should be fixed as of 2.5.

So your LP gains should smoothly decrease as you gain LP in Master until your LP matches your MMR.

This should reduce how often Rank can outpace MMR.

But, yeah, it's always bad in the long run to throw matches because your MMR will drop and it'll make it hard to eventually climb.

Whereas if your MMR really is too low, you should have a >50% win %, making your MMR climb, which will make your LP gains higher.

12 Oct


Originally posted by AnimeTiddies91

True I just wouldn't like that first time I was emerald I got put into a match with grandmasters they kept saying "gg we got a emerald" or "stfu youre emerald" not a very fun experience....

Yeah, that's what the new rank icon will try and alleviate. "An Emerald? Oh, but it says Riot thinks their MMR is as high as ours OK"