We listen to all the feedback, and we're happy to take it on board. This subreddit was particularly toxic for a couple of days after the launch of the update though. It's calmed down a bit which is awesome to see. The community team isn't really supposed to just be here as a punching bag for whatever people want to throw at us.
There's a massive difference between personally attacking us, calling us incompetent, lazy, speaking on behalf of the entire community, etc...
It's a vocal minority right now that are upset about the fan on Jump Showdown, and from our side, we really don't think it makes things more random, since it's another constant.
You can dislike it, that's completely fine. We tested it internally, and we tested it with our community of playtesters. Nobody scored it less than 3/5.
We're monitoring the response and we'll keep it in mind while thinking about our overall player base.
At the same time, we can't please everyone. We ha...
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