

02 Feb


Originally posted by peranamcor

I really hope that they tune/fix the optimization for the game. It was already badly done in base game and in beta it even worse. Random fights as demon mc bogs down the fps to 4 on medium settings, where in previous version I had no issues with that.

Yes, it's being worked on, so there should be improvements in the next updates.

31 Jan


Originally posted by AndreaColombo86

Help me, u/OwlcatStarrok One Kenobi. You're my only hope.

You can't be serious :D Sorry, I don't know all robes by name.


Originally posted by raggnarok

That's great, but you know, we're 6 months after the release. Stuff like that MUST be addressed quicker.

The game is vast, and we are a relatively small studio, so there's only a limited amount of development resource we have. While optimization is important for the user experience and we already implemented certain improvements over these months, gamebreaking bugs were higher in priority. But now, as we reached the point where the game is reasonably stable, we're diverting a lot more resources to optimization.


Performance problems in later acts are a known issue and are being looked at in the next wave of fixes and improvements.


Originally posted by solrac137

The only problem i had was on my legend ru on threshold when the devil guy summoned like 49193919392 dogs and crashed my game hahaah



Originally posted by -Maethendias-

i have sent it as a bug report, so you probably have my savefile already

Yup, found it, thanks for highlighting the issue, mythic progression being blocked is considered high priority.

28 Jan


Originally posted by rotvel

Yeah. The ui is the same, but the tiles looks much better.

Another improvement not mentioned in the patch notes. I wonder how many we'll find.

The amount of columns in the inventory was also reduced a bit to make the icons a bit bigger and easier to read :) This seems to have slipped from the beta notes, but will be in the final ones.


Originally posted by Muadzik

Beta can be only played on steam? Is there any way to download 1.2.0 on Epic?

Beta is Steam only, unfortunately, and has no Mac version. Have to wait a little.


Originally posted by colopatiron

Can you get the dragon pet in an existing save?

Of course. Check your chest :)


Originally posted by The-Turtle-Moves7

Any updates for Mac users? I still can’t get past the startup screen. Gets to like 60% then freezes. I was about to play act 1 the first month (until I got to the tent glitch) but now I can’t play at all 😅

Investigating! Hoping for a hotfix soon.


Hello, did you report this issue via ALT+B? If yes, please PM me the e-mail you specified in the report, I'll forward this to the team.


Originally posted by Shemeska

As the person who wrote most of Pathfinder's axiomite/inevitable and protean content this DLC is going to be like an early Christmas for me OMG :D

Oh? :o


Originally posted by Steravian

Just wondering...will the DLC offer some new companions perhaps specific for that DLC only?

Not this DLC.


Originally posted by Ok_Nefariousness7230

Aspect of the Asp still not fixed???? ppl have been reporting this issue for versions..

Can you please elaborate, what exactly is wrong with that so I can check and see what's the status?


Originally posted by calabain

I don't think Aivu's frightening presence toggle is working. I have it toggled off yet its still affecting enemies.

Are you sure you don't have any other characters in the party with a similar effect?

27 Jan


Originally posted by choysome

Splendid, been waiting for it for so long! I love the game so much and I appreciate all the great work :))
Quick question, just wondering if there will be more interactions between companions and/ or new side quests in this DLC? That's my favorite part of the game

Within that story, yes. Not outside it.


Originally posted by Kyrkby

Uh, what if you don't have any saves left? Asking for a friend.

You'll be able to generate new characters.


Originally posted by Moonlit104

I was hoping to do an Aeon playthrough to go through the DLC with. Would Aeon have to fail to be able to be imported?

I believe it happens before that moment, so there should be no trouble.