

20 Sep


Originally posted by Meldir24

I still don’t get why they don’t implement it like Xayahs passive. Make the focused target a guaranteed hit.

We had this discussion.

One of the designers literally started quoting Twitch lines.

Long story short we elected to give him some level of unreliability (you can Flash for example) but in the average case he will hit.


Originally posted by Jozoz

Can you give some more context on the decision to add Azir?

The risk that he'll be #1 by a lot. Technically Taliyah and Trist had higher presence than him in LEC postseason and though Trist was nerfed (plus several systems changes should impact her), Taliyah was not. But ultimately, it's a very light touch that will absolutely retain Azir in the meta but makes him less likely to be #1. Ideally we have no 100% presence champions. We don't think Trist or Taliyah will be that and this change is to stave off the likelihood that Azir will be either.


Originally posted by DanielDKXD

With his shield being this much of a one point wonder I would expect jgl lee to also do E second

Eh, currently jungle Lee is like +2% win rate on W 2nd. It'll get closer, sure, but I expect W to still be better.

The flat shield still scales substantially.


Originally posted by God_Given_Talent

Disappointed you guys didn't go with 44/144/244. Power levels be damned, I'm here to meme and RP my champ.

I wanted to raise the trap count to 4 and was told no


Originally posted by Divine_Platypus

ofc jhin ult buff because everytime i get hit by jhin ult i think to myself "boy, this ult really does no damage" /s

I mean he's the only marksman where you can realistically dodge all of his damage and not just because he missed. It's allowed to be strong IMO.


Originally posted by HalfAssResponse

nice galio buffs literally not solving any of his problems in the current meta

ive come to detest those proplay micropatches because they seem like such a cope for riot to balance nothing, good luck with worlds viewership when worlds meta will be a copypaste of boring ass playoffs that nobody watched

In general, we're not trying to specifically pro skew these changes. For the vast majority of them, there are one of three driving principles:

  1. This champion is kinda just bad. We should buff them. We're aware that Worlds will be happening this patch.
  2. This champion is kinda good already. We should do something that's attention-grabbing but not actually that huge since they're already kinda good.
  3. This champions has been ultra-present in pro play and we think they'll remain a top-5 champion in that scene. Let's give pros some room to explore.

Moving forward, we'd like to do pro balance less often than we did this year.

However, I think 14/15 of the most present champions have been changed since the last time any league played on a given patch. Kai'Sa, Tristana, Azir, Renekton, Rell, etc. etc. etc. If you think nothing's changed since playoffs (which BTW was 13.13 for LPL lol), you just don't have a very good memory.


Originally posted by Darkened_Auras

They really said "f**k Rek'Sai mains, we don't want her in Worlds." This is gonna feel f**king rough

Rek'Sai has been completely ceilinged by elite MMR solo queue, sadly. And then we buffed her best first item.

Every time, I've tried to compensate changes for other skill brackets or nerf things that disproportionately hit super high level play. There's also a longform change list (similar to Rumble and Azir, which were both very successful changes IMO) floating around that if I have time for, I'd like to trial. However, I can't guarantee that this will be the highest priority in the near future.


The third Lee Sin line isn't mentioned here, but is currently minus 0-20 damage off of E.

Top/Mid Lee max E 2nd. Jungle Lee maxes E last.


Originally posted by Th3_Huf0n

Jesus f**king christ, that Jhin R damage buff is way bigger than anything I expected for Jhin.


EDIT: I am going to add, if Worlds is indeed topside focused (whether its sololane or jungle, doesn't matter), Jhin skyrockets in terms of botlane powerpicks.

It has a Total AD ratio, the real difference in damage is ~14%


Originally posted by Boudynasr

in the video, you said that there will always be a #1 champ and that you have to choose favorites and cited Rakan as an example for supports

Ideally who would you want the #1 to be for top lane? Aatrox? Renekton? K'Sante?

With this split's pro play as an example, top lane doesn't end up having a clear winner as often, since the lane frequently has sharp counters. For example, a top laner rarely cracked 75% presence, while jungle/mid/bot/supp all usually had 2+.

In general, a lane with a dedicated income stream should probably default to playing champions who care about that income stream. Either that means making every tank care a lot about gold (we probably shouldn't to a large degree) or they're mages/fighters/assassins. Though I do think each lane should have viable low-agency / weakside options.

I'm pretty comfortable with Jax being one of the highest presence top laners this year. He's likely to be #1 at Worlds. I think that's fine. Probably not for multiple years running, though.


Originally posted by slobodon

I genuinely think it’s completely fine to have some pro play oriented, super high skill champions that are always bad for low elo. I don’t think that in a game with 150+ heroes, every single one needs to be easily accessible to all players. Even if it would be more fair mathematically for these heroes to have an accessible value floor, it would still feel incredibly unbalanced if 20 games on Annie and 20 games on Azir had an equal power level. I think it would deeply invalidate almost every other champion’s purpose if you could just easily pick up and play these pro play heroes, but they also had a way higher skill cap. I also think that it can makes the game less interesting if you tune these kits down to basic levels. They still need to not let pro meta get stale and imo just let them have shit winrates in low elo.

I guess in some sense it depends what you want to watch in pro play. The flashy kits are very entertaining and seeing the skill cap and the big pop off moment...

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The only time I have a "problem" so to speak with pro-bound champions is when they profess that they're broadly approachable.

Azir is clearly a high skill cap champion. His pick rate is directly influenced by his pro presence. Meanwhile, Garen is the kind of champion that really shouldn't be in pro jail. He's meant to be an intro champion.

I think Jinx falls into the Garen camp and Aphelios falls into the Azir camp, to provide a few more examples. Really this is more of a sliding scale, but directionally this is where my thinking is.

Ultimately this means signing ourselves up for constantly tuning Azir, Aphelios, K'Sante, and similar champions who are going to be viable in pro or not at all. They're aspirational and difficult. That means the average player will fail on them. That's fine. But if they aren't even pro viable, then no one gets to have fun and there's no more aspiration.

Personally I'm comfortable with Azir, K'Sante, etc. having a permane...

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Originally posted by FearTHEReaper01

Where are the KSante proplay nerfs?? -300g on Randuins is like a gigabuff to him. Im so sick of watching this champ the whole f**king year he's still here. Now he's gonna be in worlds which will make Toplane stale AGAIN. Why are they delaying changes till after worlds? Literally squeezing out more money out of this champ dude smh this balance team are frauds.

50% pro presence for 3 straight patches. Randuin's got buffed but so did Goredrinker, Stridebreaker, Shojin, and Armguard, plus some champions who innately play well into him, like Gwen. Only top laner nerfed is Renekton.

No reason to think he'll suddenly 1.5x his presence without direct buffs.

19 Sep


Originally posted by fuskarn_35

is -5ms really a small nerf though?

Last time we did it was this year to Nidalee and it was a bit under 1%. Of course, Nidalee has Pounce, so she cares about her base MS a bit less than other champions.

But about 1% off is fine here.


Originally posted by TropoMJ

Phreak says Azir at 75% presence is desirable, genuinely. They want him to be the most played mid.

Not quite. I said Azir is one of the more interesting mids for pro play and I'd rather Azir be #1 than Tristana or many other mages.

I did not give a target presence or that I want him to be the most played. Just that there's a sliding scale and he's one of the better fits.


Originally posted by nrj6490

Steve looks nervous as he hands Phreak the money

Wasn't my suggestion!

15 Sep


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Nope, not unless I missed something or its not listed in changelogs.

That was just Chemtank, AFAIK.

Edit: checked every official patch note released by Riot. Not a single mention of statikk/energized charge speed or any interactions with it.

Edit2: Apparently it was a PBE change before it was released, which makes saying it happened irrelevant, considering people are talking about the live version's mobility charging via dashes being slowed down further.

Why are you getting downvoted, lmao. You're right.

Love Reddit.


Originally posted by elivel

I can see the logic

it would be more efficient on crit oriented champs, and bad on champs like LB on which it's toxic

I still fail to comprehend Reddit's obsession with crit scaling. LeBlanc was good with Shiv because it had an AP ratio. The minion AP ratio got removed. The champion AP ratio got nerfed.

Reddit keeps saying, "Just make it scale off of crit!" but every single tuning lever that matters can be adjusted by:

  1. Base value
  2. AP ratio
  3. Item base stats

What problem are you trying to solve by asking for it to crit? This thing needs to be more powerful late game? That's just level scaling with extra steps. This item needs to be bad on mages? It gives AD/AS/Crit and zero conventional mage stats. Which mage wants that?

Again, the only exclusion here is LeBlanc. And then I point back to the AP ratio that's been nerfed thrice.

So seriously, in all honesty, exactly what outcome are you hoping for with crit scaling?


Originally posted by devor110

I didn't play before mythics, so I can't say for certain, but a common consensus I've heard regarding the origin of power creep has been cooldowns. Partly due to ability haste removing the previous 40% cap, partly to assassin items being frankly overloaded with it and finally due to just the straight reduction of a lot of them. An infamous example for the latter would be Leona's Q going from 12 to 5, even though that was a while ago.

Designers and the balance team are also to blame, though not singularly. Having lower CDs and higher ability uptime feels cooler, which is a factor that designers and even higher ups are aware of and increase engagement - even though it results in higher DPM and much harder survivability for anyone immobile

For reference, it takes 81 ability haste to hit the old CDR cap of 45%, which could be reached with two items and a mastery, or one item with a combination of runes and masteries.

I don't believe it's possible to get 81 ability haste in any combination of 2 items + runes.

Secondarily, I'll say that Haste is actually a good stat to provide to some classes. Many fighters, for example, functionally want ability haste like auto-attackers want attack speed. And letting them have significant amounts of ability haste is better for the game than them either being forced to oneshot you, because all they can buy is AD, or just underperforming tanks, since tanks will perform that job better.

08 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]


Wild that you're attributing changes that happened in December of last year to me when I hadn't joined the team yet.

How are people upvoting you?


Originally posted by J0rdian

You're right, I'm not sure why I didn't realize it worked that way. That makes much more sense. Like it should have been obvious just test what really happens in the situation. Guess I was just lazy haha.

Appreciate the explanation Phreak, love the videos.

You're welcome, and thanks :)