

08 Sep


Originally posted by J0rdian

I like the idea behind the crown changes, but Phreak realizes the difference between 75% DR and 40% is insane right? Like really really insane? You take 140% more damage at 40% DR compared to 75%. And duration only goes up by 66%. And the AP changes is pretty net neutral or large nerf for artillery/burst mages.

So I don't really understand why it's getting gutted. Like those are huge nerfs.

Calculating DR that way only makes sense if you'd actually keep it the whole time before dying.

Like in your model, 99% DR is twice as good as 98% DR. If you had it permanently, I'd agree; you'd live twice as long.

But this isn't a permanent effect. It's functionally a shield. 80% DR for 1 second is equally as good as 40% DR for 2 seconds if you're taking linear DPS. But it'd be 3x as good if it was permanent.

That's the crux of it: In generic solo queue, you're taking somewhat linear DPS, or even scaling since people will hit you later after the Leona or Thresh engage. Meanwhile, highly skilled teams can actually frontload all their damage via coordination.

06 Sep


Originally posted by gaenakyrivi

will rakan ever see nerfs?

Honestly I don't find it pressing. His win rate is kinda high, his pick rate is high (that's a good thing) and his ban rate is relatively low.

For comparison, Rell has less pick rate and more ban rate. That's generally a pretty cursed combo.

In general, players ban things that they actually see and are (picking a word out of a hat here) upset about. Players see Rell less than they see Rakan and yet ban Rell more. In general, this tells me that Rakan is pretty acceptable in his current state, at least in comparison to other engage supports.

The short of it is that some champions have win rates above 50%. This will just always be true. Rakan is a pretty good champion for that honor for many reasons, some of which I wrote above.

30 Aug


Originally posted by PunCala

Just so you know: Nocturne has been bugged since 13.16. His W spellshield doesn't block dragon's attacks anymore, which makes taking dragons slower and unhealthier. I reported this bug yet it wasn't fixed according to patch notes.

Dragon autos not interacting with spellshields was an intended change.


Originally posted by HepABC123

If I'm reading it correctly, though, champions will now be susceptible to AoE damage?

Untargetable champions don't take AoE damage (e.g. Crowstrom)


Originally posted by gumayusiL9

are the shieldbow changes intended to make it viable as a first item rush for champions like samira, nilah, draven ? u/PhreakRiot

I don't expect it to be very good on them early. There's a large damage tradeoff for buying this. If it actually takes off as first item, then we add back the early-level scaling to nerf low-level purchases.

29 Aug


Originally posted by Javonetor

Regarding the Draktharr changes

But still Slippery: Now destroys incoming non-tower projectiles when triggered.

Does this mean that if i throw, let's say, a Ezreal Q into an asassin, now it won't hit him (same as before), but instead of impacting the champ behind it will get destroyed?

Is like Braum E?

No, this is for targeted spells (e.g. Annie Q)


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

the thing that really annoys me is

"Kha’Zix, like Kayn, has been an overperforming jungler for the last couple months."

Why have we had to put up with months of it

FWIW there's a difference between overperforming and you-must-nerf-this-now. By definition, 50% of the roster performs better than the other 50%.

28 Aug


Originally posted by WormSlayers

yeah, like you've mentioned elsewhere, LCK is not a top region to take seriously, gotta only look at LPL and LEC so the narrative works out

Yeah and you're totally not misquoting me in order to create a strawman to serve your own narrative :)


Super amenable to Azir receiving nerfs if he has to. That said, measuring a single region's playoffs is not a very representative sample of champion strength. Before this weekend, Kalista was the #1 presence champion in the LEC post-season. Is Kalista OP?

Azir's work was very successful IMO:

  • Pro presence remained at about the same point that it was in 13.1b for multiple months of Summer split
  • Solo queue win rate for non-Challenger was significantly closer to 50%
  • Champion "depth" (the amount of Azir that Azir players play) is the highest it's been in over two years

Even if he gets like a 1% win rate flat nerf, most of the above still hold true.

24 Aug


Originally posted by KablamoBoom

"I refuse to credit Hai with this play. There is no way he said 'Yo, Jensen, body these fools.' It just doesn't work that way."

That was Jatt and me right? Wasn't his initial line "body these guys, and we good" and then I paraphrased him as "body these fools"?

IDK I'm sure you've watched the clip and I'm wrong here.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

What about Leblanc? I feel like there has always been a slight capacity towards some sort of AD/AA-focused builds on LB.

I know there's actually been quite the audience for AD LeBlanc. I think it'd be cool to support it. Something like E provides on-hit damage to the target she's leashing, probably something else as well.

Honestly not sure overall. It's not something I've given much thought to.

23 Aug


Originally posted by moody_P

mordekaiser does % damage -> ad fighters will now have more health for you to % damage off -> riftmaker is healing you more

voila. you are buffed

All according to keikaku


Originally posted by NunexTK

Só according to you shyvana ap is high quality gameplay. Ok

Just the most gameplay.

22 Aug


Originally posted by Ryxor25

🤓☝️ Ackshually, not only i have read everything there is to read about Sylas, the War, what petricite is, but I've also did a paper for school about what the properties of a hypothetical stone/wood hybrid would be, including fantasy variants capable of absorbing and releasing magic, electricity, heat conductivity and humidity/porousness meters (idk if porousness is a word, 3rd language English)

I know what petricite is. I'm just saying that, if you were to be whipped by something like a chain whip connected to live electricity the physical damage you would sustain is clearly higher than the electrical damage.

Im ok, for example with the Explosion on Q2 dealing/scaling exclusively off of AP. Just wondering, why does the Q1, whipping the chains, scale only off of AP

Entirely depends on the voltage/amperage, no?

Anyways I'm just being weird. I think Sylas scaling his passive with Sorc Shoes is pretty reasonable.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

And I suppose that AP ratios are more commonly found on utility and defensive scalings rather than just raw damage, right? For example, AP Trynd and Yi (degenerate gameplay aside) have a marked difference in the benefit they get from their utility abilities compared to their normal builds. Or AP Volibear getting AS from his passive and a bigass shield from his E compared to bruiser or tank builds. By contrast most AD scalings are just damage, right? Though I guess giving an otherwise utility-based ability extra damage changes the play pattern in its own right, like one-time AD Malzahar's voidlings or current armor pen Yorick's ghouls, it's just that AP champs already tend to have AP scaling on their damage dealing builds so an AD ratio would just he a worse (or better, if the numbers are wrong) version of their usual pattern.

Yeah I think it's somewhat harder to make AD version of mages work unless there are already pretty obvious hooks.

AD Lux unironically could work.


Originally posted by JTHousek1

I think they still have some sort of adjustment for him but yeah it was supposed to be last patch or this one, guess it got mucked up along the way. There is still 2 patches to put it in though so I'd probably bank on it being 13.18.

Current plan is to ship K'Sante changes after Worlds. His pro presence has consistently trended downward across summer and is currently pretty reasonable at ~50% (0% in LEC on 13.15, which is kinda fake data). Plus there are several top lane buffs that have happened since then (some leagues aren't playing in post-changes Aatrox, for example).

So the urgency around K'Sante has dropped substantially, but we still want to make changes.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

In the same vein as the occasional AP buffs you put on some champs to enable off-meta builds, maybe putting AD ratios on some spells for mages and supports could be fun. Nothing close to viability, just for off-meta variety.

There are two important factors for off-builds:

  • The gameplay is different. It's not just a math problem of "This build is just better." Kayle has this problem right now.
  • The gameplay is high enough quality.

In short, it just means that there has to be more considerations than slapping AD ratios on things. It's why I like AP Twitch: Passive and W are meaningfully different when he builds AP instead.


Originally posted by Ryxor25

You should give Sylas AD scalings on basic spells because when I get hit by chains I don't perceive magic damage

They're petricite chains. You should perceive the lore.


Originally posted by zaviex

I dare you. Give her a 40% tAD ratio on q, and r and ill build it every game lol

40% tAD on those spells just takes AP Lux into the stratosphere and AD Lux becomes garbage.

What you'd need to do is make the passive procs explode and the radius scales with bonus AD and it can crit.


Originally posted by toxic-banana

Maybe it's similar to Quick Shot's situation. He was an analyst originally, but his switch to pbp was, in my view, a revelation. The guy is absolutely elite. Talent is talent - just got to find the best way to use it.

Trevor was always a PBP. He just started as color in EULCS when they already had Joe Miller and Deman so he just filled the role while they needed him to. Dude's always been great at his real job :)