

29 Jun


Originally posted by Riley_

Riot Phreak



27 Jun


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

Aphelios is the #1 bot laner in pro play by a long shot and has been a top performer since March. As such, we want to act in order to create more variety in the bottom lane. We know it sucks for players at home to catch strays like this, but he’s still in a much stronger spot than he was at the start of the year. This time around, we’re targeting some of his biggest ability outliers that provide frustrating levels of power: His turret deals too much DPS for a basic ability, Infernum Q provides him best-in-class sustain by a large margin, and Gravitum’s gank setup is very high for a basic ability.

Do you mean Severum Q u/Riot_Riru or are you talking about Infernum Q with Severum offhand (both make sense tbh)?

I wrote this. Yes, Infernum Q with Severum off-hand.


Originally posted by williamis3

RIP Stattik Shiv

Nah, item is still super good on a bunch of conventional marksmen. Players are just slow to adapt after its weak state on launch.


Originally posted by upaltamentept

What are you even talking about? Vi literally became pro play meta just to deal with zeri because of her lockdown point and click CC in her ult

This take is wrong.

Vi has been #1 all year and that's been both when Zeri was the top ADC and when she wasn't. When MSI was all Jinx+Aphelios, aka champions without dashes, Vi was still #1.


Originally posted by arg_max

When you get the item you will still have the same type of waveclear as before. It just falls off massively after that. But for a few levels, you will still be able to push waves and roam. Probably troll on LB who really can't use the stat but on Rageblade champs it might still be decent to give you some time to roam/scale. Also, I think they didn't even remove the dash interaction since this would probably require too much actual coding instead of number tweaks.

Yeah first item Shiv is entirely unchanged since all adaptive force converts to AD and many of them just start Long Sword.

The item is like 2-3% win rate over replacement and I don't believe one-shotting casters is doing all of that heavy lifting. So then it comes down to how much of the PVP damage is coming from the ratio. The answer is: Some. The base damage is still quite high.

It could just be deadge, though. We'll see.


Originally posted by Solash1

Rell jungle back in business 😎


23 Jun


Originally posted by Bamfimous

Yup, ap ratio is going from 50 to 30 percent, and it's losing the bonus damage to minions

AP ratio* on minions. Still has the same base damage


Yet another LCS content banger

21 Jun


I looked at Blitzcrank's Q script. I don't claim to be an expert here, but a thing I noticed:

Blitzcrank Q's lolipop is a rectangle. I do not know if other hooks also use rectangles to lolipop. It's theoretically possible that the very edge of Thresh's hitbox touched the corner of the hook lolipop hitbox. It's also possible that there's a totally different cause here and this is a red herring.

19 Jun


Originally posted by Elrann

It's cooldown is functionally the same. No mage champ will be able to proc LB twice in the rotation, it's not how mage' trade patterns work, they're not ADCs or bruisers. And by the time your abilities come back up from CD you have Shiv again. That's the whole reason why Ekko is better with Nashor than with Lich Bane even if he's an assassin.

Ekko players currently build Lich Bane about 60% more often than they build Nashor's Tooth and they're roughly as performant as one another.

The entire premise of "but my combat pattern is short" is an argument against Nashor's Tooth.

18 Jun


Originally posted by Jonspen

The fact that it's taken over a month to show up (in solo queue; it was disabled in pro for 13.10) means the "if you just gave it two seconds of thought..." refrain isn't the zinger you think it is since apparently none of y'all figured it out for a while.

So what, you knew it was op and did it anyway so you could see how long it'd take the dumb dumbs to figure it out so you can be smug about it and then grace us all with a fix by nerfing it?

No, we didn't know it was OP. We wouldn't ship anything in a balance state that we expect to be bad. We playtested a few mages, like Veigar, and it seemed completely within reason. It is. Shiv is not an optimal Veigar item.

But we didn't check every single possibility. Seemingly neither did players on PBE and neither did players on Live for the first month. Over 90% of Statikk Shiv LeBlanc buys have been in the last five days despite having the same bounce range, target count, and AP ratios since launch. And of those early adopter Shiv players, the majority were doing AD LeBlanc. I went and checked and even the Shiv-Luden's plays from 13.10-13.111 are so few, any balance read is statistically insignificant.

So yeah we didn't catch something that nearly 1 million LeBlanc players didn't catch either. But we didn't catch it and now we're aware. It's OP and should be nerfed.


Originally posted by WoonStruck

People figured that out immediately. It was all over the subreddit for the first week.

It just took them a month to popularize the optimal users, where the use-case is actually worth enough to be legitimately problematic.

There's a substantial difference between "Did you you know it's possible to buy Statikk Shiv on Veigar?" and "Statikk Shiv is the optimal first item on these three champions."

The latter is what took a month.


Originally posted by DAEORANGEMANBADDD

There we go again

you are only looking at the 1v1 numbers and absolutely nothing else, you do this every single time. "This item does more damage with YXZ burst so its not good"

You are completely ignoring the fact that with shiv LB becomes a splitpushing beast, she can literally just run at wave do 1 AA and the entire wave is gone. She was already someone who is incredibly difficult to catch but always needed to W WR to clear it, now she can just walk up AA 2-3 times and the wave is gone letting her have her W up permanently

You realize “better in every way” simply asks you to provide one counter-example to disprove the statement, yeah? That’s how langauge works.

I didn’t say the item is not good. Why are you lying to make a point?


Originally posted by MORE-MONSTER-JGLERS

I feel like they only go heart and grasp when laning with senna. Please dont force him into that mythic it is too expensive and awful. It has no utility on a role which values it. Please throw us tahm supp mains a bone Mr. Phreak. Ive been supping him since release :(

TK support has over 10x the play rate of TK bot lane. He plays that role with all the usual suspects (Ezreal, MF, Jhin, etc.)

TK support takes each of Grasp and completes Heartsteel in approximately half of all games, more than 4x his next most frequent first item.


It's only better than Lich Bane on champions who can shortcut the charge rate. It provides significant wave clear to mages at the cost of about 3000 gold worth of stats. That's only ever worth it if you get that entire value out of the passive. That pretty much only happens if you can charge it obscenely fast. It's not better than Lich Bane in every single way. Its cooldown is functionally 6x as long for most users and comes paired with an item that gives no stats on most champions.

The item's best (mage) users are pretty much only LeBlanc and Zoe. That said, it's clearly BiS on them. For champions like Kai'Sa it's clearly an intended option and just a strong item overall.

Yes, the item has an AP ratio. Yes, players are meant to figure stuff out and find interesting interactions. With Shiv you're paying for wave clear. That's pretty explicit here. The fact that it's taken over a month to show up (in solo queue; it was disabled in pro for 13.10) means the "if you jus...

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Originally posted by Kaboomeow69

Using jungle xp/gold diff as motive while his pickrate is substantially higher top feels weird

I don't particularly care about what happens to Morde jungle. He has jungle damage levers. They can be pulled if he needs them.

17 Jun


Originally posted by WahtAmDoingHere

May I ask, what kind of direction is planned for the shiv tweaks you mentioned?

Minion AP ratio nerf and tweaking charge generation away from dashes (LeBlanc)


Originally posted by DocTentacles

Wild. I always feel like toplane CS is more reliable, even if you're BausFFing for it, but it's not like I can pull a statsite out to prove you wrong, so I gotta accept that paradigm shift. I always assumed jungle was 4th place gold. (Is it mostly from kills, or CS, or can you track that?)

I know tanks are usually low-gold, but it feels like solo tops just perma-CS. Wild. Good to learn, though.

I swear to god, getting these little riot factoids is the only reason I'm still on this reddit, thanks man.

On average, top laners and junglers farm an equal amount of gold. Junglers kill more champions and are thus richer.


Originally posted by DocTentacles

Junglers get more gold than top laners?

That does not match what I've observed, are you sure? What Elo are we talking about?

Iron-Gold, Plat-Diamond, and Masters+

It's consistent among all of them after about 20 minutes.


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

Got it, so in a typical game, we probably wouldn't even see the change. Most likely a buff for Rylais -> Riftmaker -> Demonic build early-mid game, then a nerf for late game if you were actually going the Jaksho build.

Pretty much, yeah.

Though as stated, many of the power-neutral changes are getting pulled from the patch.