Originally posted by The_Inverted
Follow up question, if you don't mind: do you believe ADCs are in a good spot right now?
Ignoring some of the stupid clips that are posted here, I do think that the role lacks agency and that there is way too much damage in game. In lane it's the supports who pretty much dictate lane and the moment we step foot outside of it we get hit with the junglers/mids/tops. I don't think the role is useless, by any margin, but I personally believe that something needs to change.
Now I'm not an expert so I won't suggest "XP changes" or anything like that, I'm just looking for an honest take here.
Yes. I've been playing a bunch of bot lane again recently, including Clash this last weekend. I feel super impactful.
Assassins are really deadly, yes. Lethality itemization has gotten stronger, so if the Zed is good, I'm probably always dead to him unless I have Chain Vest and a PD. But I've also known that Zed is in the game since the end of Champion Select and can make sure I buy those items by the time we're in team fights.
If I'm behind, well, that's how the game works. I'm not very useful on a 0/3 Xerath, either.
I've never felt AD Carries were bad. I still don't. Yasuo is a bit too strong in bot lane maybe, but he's like #14 in pick rate in that lane, so it's not that big of a deal.