

05 Sep


Originally posted by UNOvven


Sorry to do it in this roundabout way, but Reddits block system is stupid and easily abusable, so we have to do it this way. Here is what my reply was to your post here

Well, then that might be out of date, because last we got an explanation, that was why. Anyway, let me address your points.

Im more familiar using the terminology of input vs output randomness that Ghostcrawler used way back when elemental drakes were introduced. Where he explained that input randomness, like elemental drakes, was very healthy and something riot wants in their game, whereas output randomness like crit (though he didnt use crit as an example) was very unhealthy for the game and something riot didnt want in the game. Again, except for crit for some reason.

1. Here I already have a huge issue. Because the premise, that being "t...

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Sorry for the delayed response, it's been an eventful weekend.

Ya Input/Output randomness is the same thing, just under different names (the games industry is bad at using consistent terms). In general Input randomness is going to be easier for players to receive and in a blanket statement like he was making there I would 100% agree that Input randomness is the preferred type. But like in most things a blanket statement tends to miss important details. It has been a long time since I saw that article, though I know what one you are referring to, I also wasn't at Riot at the time so take this all with a heap of salt, but I think I remember him saying that Riot didn't want to add more output randomness to the game, not that the plan was to strip it out or that any output randomness is inherently bad for a competitive game. I don't know LoLPC's current views/plans but I don't believe they see crits as a problem and given the ~6ish year since that article viewpoints can evolve/...

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04 Sep


Originally posted by TrashAllRoles

The sound is part of the balancing. Imagine how frustrating it would be for a sion moving at that speed to just appear and slam you

Balance is a big part of it for sure, but it is also very on brand thematically for the champion. He is mindlessly charging into battle and a battle cry fits that really well.

03 Sep


Originally posted by UNOvven

They wouldnt. Actually ironically, it would get a lot worse for assassins. Crit items dont scale off of each other, they scale off of AD. The reason assassins dont want crit items is because their damage comes almost entirely from abilities, and crit only affects autos. And random crit items are better, because sometimes getting double damage is a lot more impactful than consistently doing less damage than you would with a lethality item.

No you wouldnt. If crit + bruiser would be good after the change, it would be just as good right now. But the problem for bruisers is, wits end and BotRK exist. Those are far better than crit items would be, which do less damage if youre not going full squishy, dont give you defense and have worse utility.

It is true that assassins typically deal damage with their abilities, however, there have been instances where assassins would build crit because it was very reliable for them. Rengar with the original Solari Chargeblade is a great example of this. He does end up dealing a bulk of his damage through basic attacks, and the original Solari Chargeblade gave him enough crit chance to count on it when going for targets. Assassins tend to want reliability because they need to put themselves at major risk when going for a target.

So while most assassins tend to deal damage through abilities, there are plenty that could reasonably build some amount of crit chance if it was just a flat amp to their basic attacks, Rengar being the obvious example. But crit chance being random means that building it has much more inherent risk, and an assassination attempt where you don't crit likely means a failed assassination. Thus building for AD+ARpen is more reliable, helping to create differen...

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Originally posted by UNOvven

No, it doesnt? You do realise that at 100%, Ashe does more damage, since she gets +10%? They scale exactly the same, Ashes system is just consistent.

Riot already told us why crit is still random in league. Its because it allows worse players to win through luck. For some reason Riot wants this anti-skill effect in the game. I dont know why.

Edit: since the guy blocked me for ... some reason, yes that is literally why crit exists. Riot explicitely told us that it was random only for that reason. And Ashes attacks do the same damage as crit does on average, +10%. They do more damage.

So to clear things up that is not the reason why we like randomness, it is possible that some Rioters like it for that reason and that it is 100% valid. But there are a number of reasons for random crits can be good.

First I want to define two terms that come into play here.

Post-Action Randomness - This refers to randomness that happens after an action is taken. The obvious example here being Crit chance like you are talking about. This is best used when you want to add variance to an otherwise "solved" situation. It creates drama and pushes players to react to what just happened. A great example is rolling a 1 or a 20 in D&D.

Pre-Action Randomness - This is randomness that the player is made aware of ahead of time, and asked to plan for. The obvious example here is the Dragons on Elemental Rift. You know ahead of time what one is going to spawn and are able to plan for that.

Both have their places and can be used poorly. But the existance of random...

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27 Aug


Originally posted by Mind_Of_Shieda

Hi, can I ask why you decided to make his ultimate unlimited distance? is this something you’re looking to change in the future if it ends up being abused or problematic? The ultimate controls feel way better than pc (maybe the joystick fits perfectly for the spell lol) idk just a lot more responsive to me.

On a side note, I also messed my first Sion Q in wild rift haha, but it made perfect sense to me afterwards. Nice job.

Edit: I wrote “future” twice lol.

We are open to changing it if it becomes a problem, but we think this is a case where the excitement is higher than the actual power, and that is a good place to be. It is always possible we are wrong, and if that is the case we'll reevaluate.

26 Aug


Originally posted by _ST9

Thoughtful responses like this are why I love riot

Thoughtful players like this are why I love riot.


Originally posted by Coulm2137

To be fair, your reasoning seems very logical and fair from game development perspective :) . Doesn't change the fact that it caught me off guard and I lost the ranked because I couldn't hit my Q properly, but looking at the bigger picture, it does make sense. Didn't expect a riot employee to answer in this thread tho! I'm flattered

Totally understandable, as compensation here is a fun fact of something we added to Sion in Wild Rift. When Sion respawns as a zombie he has a small fear around him.


Originally posted by Tekshi

On top of everything R0gueFool has mentioned, which he's the the master of controls. As a player, because Q is a tap to cast, it frees up your thumb to cast W in the middle of your Q as well. (If you had to hold Q, i'd imagine it'd be a lot more difficult to tap W.)

Oh ya that was part of it too, I'm becoming a forgetful old man now.


Originally posted by UnholyDoughnuts

Good question, this is because Sion can aim his first ability. It doesn't hit all around him like Diana's ultimate does. It would need to start casting as soon as you push. Vi, Varus, and other hold+aim abilities can adjust their aim, but we don't feel that would be fit Sion. - rogue fool on twitter

Someone asked why its not press and hold like diana

As a rule, though we do prefer you to need to hold a button for charged abilities. We feel it is smoother and amps up the feeling of the ability. We don't like to make exceptions, and put a high value on consistancy/clarity but depending on the ability we might end up needing to bend that a bit even if we don't want to.


Originally posted by dvrsd

Roguefool talked about this yesterday on Twitter. Perhaps he can give a more detailed answer here 😅 u/R0gueFool

I did talk about this on Twitter!

Unfortunately, this is a fundamental difference between LoLPC's controls and our own. Any ability that you can aim must happen on button release in Wild Rift, whereas on PC it can be set to happen on button down. This is because on LoLPC you have your mouse to aim with at the time you push the button. Previously all abilities would happen on button release but abilities that don't have any aiming we can make things happen slightly faster if they happen on button down, we made that change last content patch.

Touch screen controls require any aiming to happen on button release unless it is something we want you to be able to adjust the aiming of. In Sion's case we would need to fundamentally rework, and reduce power in the ability if we were to allow you to adjust its aim while charging. We did make some slight adjustments to help compensate for this, but it still does mean that instant Qs are a bit rougher than we would like.

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Originally posted by LikeInnit

I've wondered, do you guys play the game a lot in your free time? Or does it put you off because you're working with it all the time? Not sure how I would be if working with it all the time, may want to try out the new stuff or might be sick of it at the end of the day haha. Just curious.

We play the game a lot, but it does vary based on the person's role. We have plenty of people who play the game daily (on top of our daily team playtests), but like too much of anything, it can also be draining. In those cases we take breaks from the game, play other games, or what have you, just the other week I was feeling this way so I opt out of our daily playtests and did play during my off time.

For designers, like myself, it is obviously important to be familiar with the game you are working on, but we also want to be playing other games too. It is helpful for new ideas, to see how those games solved unique problems, see what people are enjoying, get an idea of the current standard etc. But it is also good for us outside of our roles as designers, remember we are all still gamerz and started out playing games long before we even thought about making them. And we do want to enjoy other experiences (both in games, and IRL) like anyone else.


Originally posted by LandOfGAG

I hate to nag, but I rarely see you guys and want to ask, where you been? I assume you Riot folks have been around, but there have been a few posts where people are looking for your feedback and we don't see anything. I understand if you see it and don't respond, but to know you're there is something.

We are human and will miss posts, or it is possible that depending on the feedback the person who sees it doesn't have an answer. We don't all know everything about the game and might not the best person to answer something. Or just be busy and miss it or see it don't have time to respond.

In my case I have been off Systems and Balance for a while now and recently handed off Maps and Modes to another designer so I can focus more on champions. So it's a bit more difficult for me to talk about my work because it is often much further out. It makes it difficult to have the most up to date info on the live game, such as current balance. I also make a point to ignore raging and trolls, they don't want to have a chat so it doesn't seem productive for anyone.

I still try to respond to things when I see a topic I can speak to, or a good chat to be had.


Originally posted by final566

Question for riot, in many a post on the wild rift main page whenever thry do announcements it says "we beard your feedback" so where do you guys listen to feedback since there no forums reddit and Twitter?

I like that we "beard your feedback" =p. We get feedback in a lot of ways. Reddit and Twitter are both places we frequent for feedback from invested English speaking players (Twitter has more non English speaking players). We also have teams that help out by getting us feedback from non English speaking regions. And our Insights team will often create surveys, you might have seen these in the game, or use other methods of collecting feedback.

We also talk a bit with pro players and content creators, during Elemental Rift's development I set up a discord server for content creators and pro players that we used to chat through everyone's impressions. And frequently watch patch run down videos, and other player created content to get a feel for how everyone is feeling.


Sion was one of the first champions I started working on, and I am not upset that this is the first clip from players that I found.

25 Aug


Elder Dragon is trying to execute you.... But Tryndamere has other plans.

22 Aug


Originally posted by King12326

Hi will aurelion sol rework be in wr like mundo?

It is something we are talking about, but not sure when, or what changes, if any, we would make. Wild Rift Asol has many of the same problems with satisfaction, appreciably, and living up to the promised hype by his "space dragon" fantasy. This has good potential so we are very interested.

21 Aug


Originally posted by SolubilityRules

Not necessarily a rework, but revamp Annie Q to being targetted again

I dont know what's the issue, if Vayne can throw a targeted condemn projectile, Annie should be code-able as well.

I also want to suggest a rework on Amumu that if he has allies with him, his cooldowns significantly decrease after cast, that way he's a niche deathball pick and no longer a lonely mummy

But Lonely Mummy is his whole thing?!?!

As for Annie's Q this isn't a coding issue. We feel this is a better design for the character, the biggest reason being that Annie's Q is often used for last hitting and would require Annie to constantly be selecting targets, or changes to Q's targeting algorithm. The first ends up being very exhausting, while the second just creates clarity and learnability problems. Plus it being a skill shot lets us put some more power into it, and lets Annie build up her passive faster, or check brushes. There is a lot to be gained by making abilities a touch less reliable.


Originally posted by darren_flux

How does "best fit" is even assessed? Genuinely curious.

That is why I mean by "case by case", the secret thing that they don't tell you about game dev is that it is all about trade-offs and resources. It takes a lot of work (not just from me, remember everything needs to go through QA too) to make any sort of change ESPECIALLY if art is involved. So it really comes down to how valuable we feel a particular change will be vs the cost of making that change. Both games are different and have different problems we are trying to solve so "best fit" really comes down to a few things, and often that is what problems we are trying to solve.

In the Sona example, we are not seeing a problem with Sona being a powerful solo lane champion, so it would be a rather high-cost change with no clear goal in mind.

So generally an update needs to be solving some sort of problem, and the scale of that problem. Sometimes we will have a change in mind that is low cost but has a lot of potential upsides (Ahri update), and we are able to do it.

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Originally posted by ArdentPixel

Even if Teemo's Blinding Dart has a 60% scaling, it pales in comparison with the kits of Brand and Ekko. Brand's highest ratio may be 55%, but he also has a max hp% damage burn, and he also deals burst max hp% damage when he hits enemies with his abilities thrice. Not to mention his abilities have a unique effect on enemies affected by his burn passive. Brand's ability with the highest ratio, Pillar of Flame, may only have 55% scaling but it deals 30% more damage to enemies affected by his passive.

Ekko's Timewinder has 30% scaling on first hit and 60% on the second hit. It may have a low base damage, but it provides 2 stacks of Ekko's passive if he manages to hit it twice. It also slows enemies on hit which is helpful for catching up to his target and quickly activating his passive for a burst damage and extra movement speed.

Even if Brand and Ekko have abilities with lower scaling compared to Teemo, their abilities actually synchronizes with their kit and could do...

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Right, the important thing to remember here is that any ratio only matters in relation to a champion's kit. Brand, for example, doesn't have a dash and Ekko doesn't get to lay long-lasting traps. Again I'm not saying the ratios couldn't be buffed, just that saying a champion has lower ratios than another, very different champion, doesn't hold much weight. I haven't played much of Teemo myself (outside of ARAM) but yes if his damage is low there aren't a lot of places for us to buff, and his first ability's ratio is something we could target.