

21 Aug


Originally posted by No-Particular-3619

His blind has pretty low scaling (60%) and gragas literally just got a buff that gave him higher scaling (Think the highest is now 80%) despite having a insta kill combo, teemo doesn't have this... His q needs 80% scaling or higher, and if he only has 1 damage ability, we need his passive to also have better scaling or just give him better AA range cause bruisers can close the gap with his current one... blind isn't an issue when it's duration is up to 2 seconds, also doesn't work on up swings unlike pc lol so using it prematurely also takes from his utility...

So 60% isn't as low as you think, looking at Brand his highest single ratio is 55%, Ekko's Timewinder is also 55%. However, I haven't been on the balance team for a while and am a bit out of the loop on where things are at, if I know there is a bug with his ultimate not that the team wants to fix and past that I have no doubt that we will make any balance changes as needed.

Having only a single damaging ability (not counting passive) isn't great both for balance and satisfaction. One thing to keep in mind is that while he does have a lower basic attack range than on PC he also has a dash. It is worth keeping in mind that no ability is in a vacuum, so something being different/lower than PC doesn't really mean much with how different their kits are at this point. This doesn't mean we can't/wont buff him (again I'm not on balance) I'm more so just bringing up than being different from PC doesn't hold a lot of weight.

I'm not sure what you mean by "up swing" can yo...

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Originally posted by No-Particular-3619

Then how do you feel about teemo at the moment? That champ is scaling horribly and struggles to go into baron lane, low hp, low AA range compare to PC and ult is underwhelming in most cases, masters is stupid impossible to play him cause even the champs he counters can turn around and delete him

I haven't looked at Teemo's data in a while, but his big issue is satisfaction. I remember before his ultimate change he was FAR more powerful than people gave him credit for, that was the whole reason for us making the change in the first place. I assume it is a similar situation here, though like I said I haven't actually looked. Any DoT focused champion tends to be lower satisfaction unless they have a very feelable payoff for their DoT (Brand passive).

In Teemo's case having the poison on his passive, thus making room for him having a dash, is a meaningful buff. But it does mean that power needs to come from someone where else. We would like to increase his feelabilty, but it is a tricky problem for sure.

20 Aug


Originally posted by CostNo4005

Question if wild rift gets a older champ or one in need of a kit overhaul are you allowed to rework them completely or only a bit until lol pc does?

We are separate games and will do larger reworks as needed. However it is unlikely we bring over a champion in need of a large scale rework unless we have ideas on how we might want to update them, then we might take them on. Or maybe bring a champion over with smaller changes if we think they don't need large scale work. Though we are interested in these updates both large and small.


We take reworks and updates on a case by case basis, LoLPCs champion changes won't always be the best fit for Wild Rift, and change for changes sake isn't what we are looking for. We will still be doing our own updates as needed, and are 100% open to mirroring PC's changes when they make sense for Wild Rift, but we have no expectations we will mirror everything.

In Sona's case it isn't something we are looking to do right now. Her changes on PC were done to push her out of the solo lane and to focus on her being a support. Wild Rift Sona doesn't have that issue so there isn't much need for the changes.

19 Aug


Originally posted by TheFinalBoss90

He is? Since when? Last time I looked he was one of the most played champions among challenger rank players in NA, this may have changed but I highly doubt it.

But yeah, he didn't receive a buff or nerf when the skin came out.

Popular isn't the same as strong. Lee Sin has always been popular, and flashy but he has never been as strong as people give him credit for in Wild Rift.

18 Aug


Originally posted by TheFinalBoss90

If you include pc this has been consistent for 10 years They might not "work together" but it is a big coincidence that whenever a big change occurs to a champion they get a new skin.

I strongly suggest going back and looking over the history you are talking about, Godfist Lee Sin just came out and we have no plans to buff him despite us openly saying he is weak at all elos.


Originally posted by arturorios1996

I mean isnt that the point? A game you can always come back from specially if you are 2 drakes behind shouldn’t be winnable all the time.

We want it to still be powerful, and it should be, we just overshot the mark a bit for its release.

07 Aug


Originally posted by ashvsmay00

With all new runes and items for damge dealers, tanks already have a bad time. Tanks can't even last more than 3s in a team fight now. Why did you even nerf their item? Maybe you and WR devs think making tank players suffers and everyone else happy is a major win?

Many of us actually love tanks. I've said several times that tanks are actually very strong, even more so after this patch, but are not as satisfying as playing a carry to many players. So a change that increases their satisfaction without buffing them is a MAJOR win. There is still work to be done to increase satisfaction for tanks, but it is tricky given how powerful they already are and how much players care about kills.


Originally posted by slimbf

There's some irony in the whole situation. As you've stated, the item is weaker than it was previously (in regards to damage mitigation, not utility). So in an effort to make the enchant more "accessible" to the casual player you've effectively reduced the effectiveness of a tank item on tanks and allowed it to be used to boost the utility of non-tanks to make them more tanky. I hope that was the intended consequence of the rework.

So this wasn't so much about making it more "accessible to the casual player" it is really about increasing satisfaction, and clarity what it is doing for you. Yes that does affect casual play but satisfaction is important at all levels.

We did intend to nerf the item, I did say it was OP. If we can do something that increases satisfaction while nerfing something that was OP that feels like a major win.

06 Aug


It is really an issue that it is more visible now that it is a shield instead of just increasing health. It is VERY easy to overestimate things based on how noticable they are. Even though the item is weaker than before it feels much better seeing the shield (it was very OP before). This is similar to the fact that many people underrate tanks because their impact isn't as obvious, or swear a champion is OP because they get kills.

Gargoyle is still good, it's just that it was OP and hidden before, now it isn't so hidden. But ya I don't think I would recommend it on carries, -40% damage can be rough to deal with.

05 Aug


They are both rather competitive for her. There seems to be a bit of perception around Kraken Slayer being weak, but whenever we have looked at its power it lands similar, or even slightly ahead of Lethal Tempo for most marksmen. I think it'll really come down to if you expect to be at full LT stacks for a long time, or if you are going for shorter trades.

30 Jul


Originally posted by ZMowlcher

Why not try having alternate control layouts.

You are able to make 2 custom layouts so we don't do a lot to preset those for players. But you are able to customize your own, including button size and location.


Originally posted by ZMowlcher

Why not a "next target previous target" button(s)? Could put them right under the aa button or we could place them where we want.

We don't want to add more buttons to the game, but a similar approach would mean replacing the minion or tower button, but that is the funky controls part I was talking about.


Originally posted by ZMowlcher

If you're still answering questions, how do you swap between targets to use MF's passive more effectively?

This is something I would love to improve on, but I don't think we can without reworking the passive or doing something funky with controls. So really what you want to do is swap targets by dragging your attack button, but that is a bit more tedious than we would like.


Originally posted by Elugorn

Im talking about how Rengar is utter garbage right now.

It really depends on where you are looking, he could definitely use some love at lower elos, but he is actually fine at the highest levels of play. Looking at his items the VAST majority of players are building BC first, but he does much better with Triforce or DS. If you are struggling then I suggest rushing one of those instead. Rengar is deceptively complex and seems to have a much steeper connection to MMR than most champions, but that also means that he scales a lot with player skill/player knowledge. Ideally, we would love to make him a bit better at lower elos, and I think we have some planned, however, I'm not on the balance team so I'm a bit out of the loop on the details.


Originally posted by Elugorn

Is that so ? Did riot perhaps forgot Rengar then ? :)

Nope, if I remember correctly Rengar was fine at release, but he has been out for a while now.


Originally posted by SnooDonkeys5834

Can I just say, I think ur the best wild rift employee, standing behind next to allen

I will not be bribed into buffing Twisted Fate!

29 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe never, maybe he's been in the game since the beginning, maybe the entire Wild Rift takes place inside the dream of the Volibear. You gotta stop thinking of time as a linear thing. Each choice that is made could create another universe, imagine a universe where everyone is Volibear. We gotta be careful we don't make a mistake and wake the beast.


Originally posted by Elugorn

Yuumi, Ekko weak ? In which time space ? Yuumi banned every single game and ekko in high elo is abused by 30% players.

Time: Their release

Space: Wild Rift.

You gotta remember I am talking about their release, even now neither are particularly strong. And Banrate does not equal power, it is a better measure of frustration or at least perceived power. Pickrate is similar, in that popular champions are often not the strongest ones, the truth is that some people enjoy playing certain champions regardless of if they are OP or not. As for 30% of players playing anything, I don't think anyone has had that high of a pick rate, Ekko is just a popular champion even when weak.


Originally posted by Brusex

Like every champ isn’t some sort of op on release and forget about the ones already in the game to those too

I think at this point we have a better history of releasing a champion under powered. Nautilus, Ekko, Pyke, hell Yummi was the weakest we have ever released. There are a few exceptions, (Brand, Asol, and Kayle) but it's been a while since any of them.

I haven't seen Kassadin's numbers yet, but the team is learning a lot about gaging a champion's release power and their growth as players get familiar with them.