His blind has pretty low scaling (60%) and gragas literally just got a buff that gave him higher scaling (Think the highest is now 80%) despite having a insta kill combo, teemo doesn't have this... His q needs 80% scaling or higher, and if he only has 1 damage ability, we need his passive to also have better scaling or just give him better AA range cause bruisers can close the gap with his current one... blind isn't an issue when it's duration is up to 2 seconds, also doesn't work on up swings unlike pc lol so using it prematurely also takes from his utility...
So 60% isn't as low as you think, looking at Brand his highest single ratio is 55%, Ekko's Timewinder is also 55%. However, I haven't been on the balance team for a while and am a bit out of the loop on where things are at, if I know there is a bug with his ultimate not that the team wants to fix and past that I have no doubt that we will make any balance changes as needed.
Having only a single damaging ability (not counting passive) isn't great both for balance and satisfaction. One thing to keep in mind is that while he does have a lower basic attack range than on PC he also has a dash. It is worth keeping in mind that no ability is in a vacuum, so something being different/lower than PC doesn't really mean much with how different their kits are at this point. This doesn't mean we can't/wont buff him (again I'm not on balance) I'm more so just bringing up than being different from PC doesn't hold a lot of weight.
I'm not sure what you mean by "up swing" can yo...
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