I do think there are things we could do, and have started doing, to raise the satisfaction for non-carry champions. But that is a tricky problem and takes time, reducing the impact of early scuttle crab is an example of this. Now weak duelists aren't automatically behind early-game powerhouses simply because they can't fight for a crab. It isn't perfect, and I don't expect it ever will be, but I do hope we can improve the situation and get a variety of jungler archetypes that feel more viable.
I'm actually pretty happy with the approach of devs took regarding to jungle gameplay, else I wouldn't play 4000+ games as a jungler haha. Maybe I'm just jealous because of the amount of top lane champions that get released patch after patch lol. Anyway, you guys are doing great, keep up the good work 👍
<3 Thanks for the kind words. When Sion is released let me know what you think about him as a jungler. I expect he should be good as both a Jungle and Baron laner.