

29 Jul


Originally posted by JackMehoffFast

It's to accommodate for the fact that we don't have the ability to select our targets with the same precision as PC players. They mentioned this was the reason why they changed Annie's Q and MF's Q. It adds skill expression as well while also opening up certain mechanics.

This is a big part of it, but it still depends on the ability. By default your abilities will prioritize champions and both Annie and MF Q are frequently used for last hitting and it would be painful to need to target these at minions that frequently. Skill shots also have some nice gameplay to them that we like, and allow us to put more power into these abilities. Tap targeting does a lot to lower the skill floor of our controls, though there are plenty of times where you want to aim, and we feel that accounts for the added skill that these being targeted adds.

In Kassadin's case we knew his laning phase couldn't be as punishing as it is in LoLPC and thus he wouldn't be using this as as much of a farming tool. It being a skill shot also allowed us to make it a silence due to it inherently having some unreliability.

We always want to evaluate what is best for Wild Rift when making a champion and that might result in changes to abilities.


Originally posted by DropTopMox

Hi, thanks for the input. Don't you believe its an option worth giving though? It'd definitely make certain situations (like teamfights) a lot less chaotic to approach as you have total control of your camera and still have both fingers available to move/aim skillshots.

I'd love a little toggle next to a recentre button in the top right, as I already mentioned. It may be not intuitive but it could definitely be a tool to allow even more skill expression.

Having said this have you considered adding a "smooth camera" option? When I pan the camera and observe a specific area my screen ends up twitching a lot. Might be my finger not being the steadiest but it'd be great to have some stabilization (or the option to have it).

Congrats on the controls and the settings btw, so much customization and everything fits great on a mobile screen!

Thanks, it means a lot to hear people enjoy what you are working on.

Settings are a tricky thing as much as I would love to have a settings option for everything settings tend to be VERY rarely used, so we tend to want to focus on things being global changes. And we don't want settings changes to feel mandatory, or like you can't do X without changing them. Plus each setting we do add reduces the discoverability of all settings.

My personal concerns here would be 1) It could become mandatory at higher levels of play. 2) it doesn't feel intuitive to "lock" your camera at a location and move around at another location. 3) if not mandatory it becomes a HIGHLY specific setting that will see very little use. 4) the game was designed with the current camera in mind and all our designs are done with that in mind, and we feel we can make a great experience without changing this.

As a note on settings, the On Button Down was going to ship as a global change bu...

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Originally posted by JinkoNorray

u/R0gueFool says in his Twitter bio that he works on controls so surely he has the answer.

Yep yep yep, I am one of the designers working on the game's controls.

There are currently no plans for free cam controls, the game is designed around the camera and the information that it provides/obscures. We feel that the free cam is a bit less intuitive for Wild Rift's controls and we don't expect most players to be needing to focus away from their champion enough to warrant having it.

While we are still working on the game's controls, we don't expect to be making drastic changes but rather smaller tweaks as needed. Things like the "On Button Down" change last patch or some upcoming ones we are working on for future patches.

22 Jul


That physical damage is still affected by the targets Armor so against a target with no Armor it'll deal the full 10% (such as a jungle monster), but against a target with 100 Armor (such as the target dummy) it'll deal 5%.


Only Riot employees can have Riot in their username. It doesn't mean they work on Wild Rift, but it could. I've ran into a few other Rioters when playing, it's definitely not impossible, we do play a lot.

Edit: to be clear not every Rioter will have this tag turned on.

20 Jul


Originally posted by dvrsd

I think it's flat + %.

Could you confirm if this is the case? u/R0guefool

I was summoned! Yes, it is flat + %. This is to help balance out how valuable it is for champions building defenses and those who are not.

17 Jul


Originally posted by manurift

All good. It's nice to see you comment on "her final enhancement", does that means she is still on the table for an ultimate rework? ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴

Also allow me to express how pleased I am with the new event Star Guardian 2022, hopefully the event's team will read it. Feels more interactive than previous events. The whole familiar gimmick and how you get to choose how to accomplish the goal based on your playstyle is great. But the best part is the commics and dialogues that makes it even more immersive. It explains the lore for those new players like me who know nothing. Also lots of rewards!

Really nailed it the devs right there. Hope we get these types of events more often. The Reedemed one is a good one too, tho it seems more like the previous events where you just play the game and come back just to reclaim rewards. The price and the grind is on point. I had my doubts on the grind but it being released on summer is worthy. Just wanted to share a positi...

To be clear I just meant the bonus HP for having 400 stacks, not changes to her ultimate itself. Either way nothing planned for her atm but we would like to do something larger at some point, this passive rework was something we did to account for the Elemental Rift changes and took the opportunity to make sure a bit less feast/famine while we were at it.

I will make sure your post gets seen by our events team. I have to agree with you I'm loving this one, this and the "Who's the Champion?" have been some of my favorites they have done. I'm always super impressed with what they can pull off with the constraints they have.


Originally posted by manurift

The rework is truly amazing, nice job, now she can jungle.
I do noticed that now you are forced to go bruiser build tho. Like you cannot longer build ap in her cause they're the last abilities that get upgrade.
It would be nice if you get to choose which ability to upgrade.

We talked about being able to choose abilities, but her upgrades don't have the same kind of impact as Kai'sa or Kah'zix's upgrades do. Even if we let players choose what upgrades it wouldn't be much of a choice, there would be a correct answer as these are not playstyle or utility type upgrades, but tend to focus on damage. This also lets us control the pacing so you can't won't just always pick the strongest ones, but instead have to adapt to it.

As for her AP builds, I haven't seen the data but I don't believe this should have much of an impact on what build she can go. Nothing was changed except for her passive so before you had the roll the dice on what upgrades you could get, you know know what/when they are. If you were going AP before then it is totally possible that you didn't get the dragons that you were hoping for, now they might not be right up front but you know you can get them.

We wanted to do something a bit more exciting for her ultimate's enhanc...

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Originally posted by StonkerGraduation

You are right probably, but she is definitely different! Even one of the games when i had 0 dragons, with a full tank build that I use for last 100 matches, she was stronger! She has some stacking buff now that she didnt have before! Not really look at it!

We reworked how she unlocked her passive enhancements, but that shouldn't add much durability to her kit. It sounds like this is a case of PLAYER SKILL!


You can't prove that I'm jealous about how amazing that is.


Originally posted by forthwright

You say durable, but it's all in relative terms. Time-to-kill is adjusted for casual mobile gaming tastes, at least that's what it feels like. I can see that team fights were designed to have much shorter durations than even pre-durability update regular LoL, I have no idea what killed me half the time. Rammus is who I main on PC and I literally can't in WR because he also feels like paper relatively.

Yes durability and time to kill is relative, but I'm going to push back on it being shorter than LoLPC (at least pre durability update). This was actually a contentious topic internally when the game first launched, some people felt that our longer TTK would actually hurt us when compared to LoLPC, ultimately we stuck with the levels of durability we had and LoLPC ended up adding the durability patch, that brings them both closer together. Though I am not sure where both games are relative to one another at this point.

Rammus is one I play a lot, and I do agree that in a very late game I feel a bit too squishy, but up until that point Rammus with just Thornmail and Sunfires feels plenty durable and deals good damage back.


Originally posted by Kyokka

In other words, tank supports in this game will never be meta for solo queue.

That really comes down to what you think of as meta. If meta is what is successful in winning games, climbing the ladder, and having the agency to make plays then tank supports are already meta in solo que. If you are talking about meta as in what is popular then there is still work to be done.


Originally posted by Kyokka

What about at least adding more mres items in the game? For now, it’s much easier to build a tank agaist a full AD comp than a full AP one. Literally have to build just hp or damage when I run out of resist items. Also, the issue with Zeke’s is that if you use your ult to disengage or to help your ally disengage, this item is a waste of a slot. It’s not really beneficial unless you fight in groups of 3-5 most of the match. Which somehow rarely happens. As for Protector’s Vow, it protects only 2. While Sona heals everyone around her, Lux shields everyone with her.

Right Sona is the archetypical enchanter, and Lux has some enchanter qualities as well they should be enchanting groups. Tanks should not have the same outputs that enchanters have this is important to what makes each class unique.

Tanks are designed to work best in team fights so groups of 3-5 makes sense. But if you are a tank using your ultimate to disengage the group fight then yes Zeke's will not be helpful, though if the other team is forcing you to use your ultimate to disengage then you are already on your back foot and any enchanter style team buffs are not going to be as impactful as your ultimate would have been.

Keep in mind we also just reduced ultimate cooldowns, this is a major buff to tanks, and Zeke's (so doubling down on a buff to tanks).

Edit: forgot to address MR items

MR items are very niche. Armor is always valuable. Armor helps vs Towers, Epic Monsters, and most enemy champions, whereas MR only helps vs certain champions. And ...

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Originally posted by RedKingDre

Ok, fair enough. But I think tanks should also be able to survive longer and soak damage and some CC while their teammates group together to finish the fight. Just some slight buffs to their defence, either innate or from items/runes, nothing significant.

So that comes back to the core issue we keep coming back to. Tanks are already strong, but the satisfaction is lower to most players. This isn't an issue where we have room to give them buffs, they are already winning a majority of their games. So giving them more durability isn't the answer and would come with a trade off. And small durability buffs (with balancing nerfs) aren't going to provide much satisfaction either.

Magnatron is an example of us trying a high satisfaction (dash+CC) tank tool as opposed to the generically powerful Stoneplate Enchant. The hope is that these two can co-exist at similar lower levels, but we Expect Magnatron to be much more flashy with a higher skill ceiling that provides good satisfaction. (Stoneplate being changed to a shield was also primarily done for satisfaction reasons).


Originally posted by BlitzBlotz

If im scared to get comboed as a tank by an assassin it just doesnt feel right. I never came across a moba where tanks are as squishy as they are in wildrift.

For me its basicaly against the archetype or core concept, what I expect how it feels to play a tank when I can actually be bursted down.

A enemy should hesitate going into a 1v1 against a tank or else he gets whittled down. In wildrift it feels like tanks are, outside of CC, not a thread at all.

This sounds like we might be using "tank" to refer to somewhat different things. I wouldn't say a tank should be much of a threat in a 1v1, that sounds like a bruiser or juggernaut.

When I say tank I am referring to someone who is durable and good at starting fights (Amumu, Malphite, Rammus) these tend to have great target selection or fast ways to quickly engage on a group, we call these Vanguards. Or Wardens who are less focused on starting fights (though they can) and more focused on protecting their team, or an individual (Braum and Galio).

The important thing here is that they are a team focused class and if the assassin is focusing the tank then either A) the tank is out of position or B) The tank is happy because they are tanking so the assassin doesn't focus the carry.

Often I hear people refer to Dr. Mundo or Darius as a tank and while I can see why, they are very durable, they are the ones that should be a threat over time.

I agree that...

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Originally posted by nagabalashka

Tanks (on baron lane, tank supp are fine imo) feels bad for various reasons imo :

In early it's the lack of mr/armor runes and doran shield, you feel weak, minion hurt a lot each time you start a trade, and because every toplaner run ignite, matchup can be real hard to play and you can often just be able to farm undertower, and with the lack of teleport as a summoner when you start falling behind it's really hard to come back. Add to that tank start with Rubi crystal while bruiser/DPS start with long sword and you have a big gap on stat on the lanes.

During the teamfight it's because the game is faster paced, on pc a tank will be naturally tanky and will be so for like 20/25min, on wildrift this window is much shorter, and because you snowball much more/faster on wr versus lol PC you will often fight against a fed enemy a tank that will absolutely melt you.

Overall its because the laning phase doesn't really help to play a tank and the way the game is pa...

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I think the pacing comment is a fair one, but minion aggro and Ruby Crystal favor the tank. Because your defenses will compound and your opponent (with fewer defense) is also taking minion aggro.

I personally would like to make a clearer difference in bruiser and tank starting Armor/MR, but all that would really do right now is buff tanks and this is primarily a satisfaction problem, not one of power.


Originally posted by Kyokka

How about bringing the cost of Brumble Vest in accordance with the Oblivion Orb cost? Also, tanks are not overlooked. Tank supports are in a tough position compared to any Enchanter. The items are more expensive, plus you are supposed to roam = less passive income. I play 17 supports, solo queue, middle elo. I know what I am talking about. Playing tank is also less rewarding stats-wise. It actually just screws your kda.

So reducing Bramble Vests cost would buff them, but we aren't looking to buff tanks. Really what we would want to do is actually keep them power neutral, or a slight nerf, but increase satisfaction, for tanks. So a buff to Bramble Vest would likely mean we would need to nerf it's stats. This might be worth it given the increased access to Grevious Wounds though.

So when you say they are in a rough spot I think it comes down to play style, yes supports roam a bit, but tank supports are better equipped for that than enchanters. When I'm mid and Leona or Alistair roams to my lane I'm much more concerned than seeing a Janna or Yuumi.


Originally posted by RedKingDre

u need to focus on who ur engaging

Isn't focusing on 1 particular person the job of assassins, or any melee playing like one?

Assassins are designed to focus a squishy target and kill them, but tanks can still focus. For example Nautilus is great at locking down a single target, but if you want a tank built for starting fights against a group Malphite, Alistair, or Leona are going to be much better.

In my experience the difference between a good and a great tank is knowing when to start a fight and who to focus when you do. Waiting for the right opening after the opponent used an ability, or the carry took one step too far forward is VASTLY better than just being the guy who starts the fight.


Originally posted by Kyokka

Can we have items for tank supports that increase their allies’ AP resistance and armor please? Enchanters have items that buff their allies’ damage. It would be only fair to have an equivalent for tank supports.

We are unlikely to add an item that gives passive defenses, we already have a very similar item with Protectors Vow, and it is difficult to feel. The issue is that something like this is difficult to appreciate, Armor and MR are about as invisible as a stat can be, Protector's Vow gives a shield so that already makes it much more noticeable, and it still does a poor job.

Tank supports already have Zeke's and Protector's Vow so they have similar tools already. However enchanters and tank supports SHOULD feel different and have different tools at their disposal, giving tanks more starts to take away what makes enchanters special and we end up with little distinction between the two.


Originally posted by forthwright

Regardless of what the numbers say, it feels bad to get eviscerated in 2 seconds by a single champ as a tank. I come from PC League where tanks feel pretty alright right now (still not perfect, but they live WAAAAAY longer than in WR). I find it better to build tanks full damage. At least that way I actually do something before I die in the same amount of time.

This feeling is the part that really matters here. Tanks can be strong without feeling tanky enough and that is totally valid. We would like to adjust how this feels, I personally have felt plenty durable when playing tanks (typically Rammus), at least until the very late game, but that doesn't mean they are weak.