

28 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Reav3 would you know if the folks on the modes team is going to continue to expand now that Arena is out or would folks start moving back to their old teams on SR and champs

I mean some will and some won't. I still believe that new games modes are a very important part of gameplays strategy going forward, so given that I still want to make sure the modes team is healthy and can keep making exciting things for players. That does mean that other teams might need to be a bit smaller then they have been historically so that modes can continue to make awesome things for players.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RiotMeddler

I mean, if an example from more than 7 years ago is the best case you've got...

Shots fired

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Can't wait for another 2 mage items


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 4Teebee4

Big like last seasons or actually big?

You will have to wait and see, just like everyone else

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Taurhoes

Hi reav! last time i had asked you about whether we could still expect the ionian midlaner this year in which you’ve told us that everything is still on track as of that moment. Is that still the case right now or is he possibly being moved to next year instead?

It still is on track, yes

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Weird that the video is mostly focused on the casual side of League. I guess more SR news is coming later?

As for the quick mention of SR, is this preseason only slated to have a "big item update"? I remember /u/Reav3 mentioning that this upcoming preseason is big, and for the sake of League, I really hope it is. Item changes are just not enough. The game flow needs a shakeup as well. That constant evolution is why League has stood the test of time.

We going big

26 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Seraph199

Don't you toy with our emotions u/Reav3

I can't play when I'm working 😭 why else am I redditing?

I’ve been playing it when I have time between meetings. This mode is so good it’s probably going to get me fired.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 350

Yes, its not sticking around (this time)

If it’s popular enough then it’s always possible it sticks around this time

22 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RiDaku

Because she was designed as, and advertised to be, a jungler... did you miss that part in her teasers?

edit; I know this is wrong, I was trying to gaslight them into playing Naafiri jungle as well by making them think that she was always meant to be a jungler LMAO

We never once advertised her as a jungler. We consistently and quite strongly communicated she was a mid lander many times

21 Jul

20 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Curious_Produce1182

Hello Reav3 and thanks for taking your time in answering. I feel more relieved that it was discussed to be able to create a custom gamemode for Arena. This game mode is a huge step in design and I was honestly confused on why the feature wasn't available.

Now if I may ask... You did mentioned that it is something that Riot would like to add in the future; does this mean we can expect for the game mode to stay in the game after the Soul Fighter event?

I mean that will all depend on how many people play it. Could be permanent, could just come back in the future as a rotating game mode. I think based solely on PBE engagement its clear it wont be so unpopular that we wouldn't at least bring it back in the future. Either way it was a feature we really wanted to do for this event but we sadly had to cut it due to time constraints.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We really wanted to do it, we just didn't have time to do it by the event. It's definitely something we want to add to the mode in the future.

02 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by blueragemage

Riot's on vacation, hopefully they actively balance the game mode on PBE when they come back

We plan on doing a pass at balance before it goes live and also during the event each patch of the event. Taric is for sure getting nerfed before it goes live

27 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

I can understand why a mageseeker might be hard to do, but a new Demacian champion (in general) is still possible right?

yes, of course

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

I'll tap pandora's box and ask where did Seraphine's champion opportunity space come from. You've said several times she wasn't made for the K/DA comeback event, but people still believe she was. I always thought the idea was to design a musical champion and then K/DA was happening, so the projects just got blent in together naturally.

But even if she was made for K/DA she's proven to stand as her own character, so there shouldn't be a problem to talk about it

She was made originally with the intent of making a singing based champion in League, or Runeterra's version of a pop star. We were making her before we even knew we were going to do K/DA for that worlds. At some point Joe Tung, who was the lead producer of LoL at the time called a meeting with all the leads from all the teams and said we were going to do K/DA comeback for worlds and we had a brainstorm about what cool things we could do for Worlds. I shared that Champions Team was making a pop star champion and showed early concept art for it. People loved the concept art and then we decided to make her part of the K/DA moment. The skin, twitter campaign and everything else came after that as we brainstormed cool ways to include her in the moment.

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Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

What about demacia, mageseeker added a lot of lore and characters and we still don't have a mageseeker champ even though their important to the lore in demacia or even the durand family

We have explored a Mageseeker champion in the past (while working on Sylas) and it's still something we are interested in if we can make it work in game. The reason we have been hesitant is because to make a good champion you want the gameplay to match the power source/power fantasy. The Mageseekers are all about nullifying magic, and in game the kinds of kits that would do that would either be really annoying to play against (basically a kit built all around a silence mechanic) or really niche counter-pick type champ (Basically a champ that can somehow counter mages specifically like Anti-Mage on Dota) If we could figure out a gameplay kit that would be fun and healthy for the game but also deliver on the mageseeker fantasy we would be all for it, but it has proven difficult thus far.

26 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HandsomeTaco

I appreciate this comment but to raise a tangential concern, in the last few years, especially with LoR's existence, it's felt more and more like Narrative is not having enough of a priority on champion releases.

I'm not really questioning the quality or way that certain thematics are reached, but from your comment and judging the output of the last 3-5 years, it feels like League champion development should really start considering region parity and narrative roles in each region a lot more. At least IMO champions should be a microcosm of the world and their respective regions and have a diversity of viewpoints and personalities but it doesn't feel like this facet of roster diversity and utility is being considered.

E.g. Ionia and PnZ are getting champions faster than some regions that have about 1/4th of their roster. I appreciate that at least Ixtal is getting some work done now, but it really needs to be more consistent to prevent content gaps like 6 years witho...

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It's certainly not a case of narrative getting discarded, or not being involved. What you are suggesting would mean a lot more "handing down" a champion to Champions team and taking away some of the teams agency in what Champs get made, which I'm not sure would be great for the team. The team isn't old to make Ionia champs, and every Champion has a narrative writer on it from day 1. Narrative usually works with art to pitch what background/region a Champion will have while it's in DNA. It just happens to be that Champions team also gets excited about some of the more popular regions. We do bring up often in DNA which regions we haven't got a Champion from in awhile, but we don't want to force it if it doesn't work. We explored a Watcher Dog for Naafiri in DNA because we are aware how long it's been since we had Freljord Champion but it just didn't work very well for the kit we were making. We really want to get a Freljord Champ out soon as well.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

/u/Reav3 /u/NeoLexical

Hello, hope you're having a good weekend. I just finished watching August's stream and he was saying somthing that I found a bit concerning, not sure if you can shed some light on the situation or simply just have a conversation about it.

August seemed a bit sad and was even hinting that Briar could be his last project. I'm paraphrasing here, but he started saying how creativity and autonomy when it comes to champion ideation has been decreasing year after year. Champion ideas are mostly handed down from management. Champion designers don't get to "pitch" champion concepts anymore and just end up receiving such work from up top.

How do you feel about that?

Feels incorrect to me. It is true that every once in awhile we do a Champion that has a very defined opportunity space, and that is handed to a DNA team. To be clear that isnt handed to the DNA team from upper management, its handed to them by the Leadership team ON the champions team, of which August is a part of since he is a design lead. Ultimately the Product Owner approves the opportunity spaces before a team starts on them but they are usually generated by and created by other people, many of times from members of the Champions Team. The only time they are "handed down" is for stuff like Senna, but even then, that was a opportunity space I put together as Lead of the team, and also talked to the team about it and the team was SUPER excited to make her, so it wasn't like we "forced" it on the team.

Viego came about when August himself came to me after Sennas release and said we should do the Ruined King now, since tons of players were asking about him with Sennas rele...

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Reav3 are you able to share if the cameo champs will be the SF champs going forward or is that just going to be unique to event, like the Ruined map for Ult Spellbook, and you guys will swap them out.

Its just unique to this event