u/Reav3 Is Naafiri going to be the 200 years novel-lenght description or simpler to play? Didn't quite get which one was.
First of all I don't think ability description lengths have anything to do with how simple or complex a champion is to play. Jhin has one of the longest ability descriptions in the game but I would consider him fairly simple to play.
Naafiri is meant to be the simplest Assassin in the game. In 2021 August made this complexity matrix and we realized we didn't have a low complexity Assassin or a High Complexity tank in the game. We made K'Sante to be a high complexity tank and Naafiri is meant to be a low complexity Assassin.
That being said Assassins are one of our higher complexity classes, so I wouldn't expect a Champion as simple as Garen or Annie here, but something closer to like a Master Yi (skirmishers also being a generally higher complexity class)