

14 Dec


Originally posted by JustJohnItalia

I thought they said the jaksho changes were neutral for tanks, where's the neutral part?

We're micropatch nerfing it while working to get it back to a similar balance state for tanks (considering tactics like making it stack percent bonus resists instead of flat resists, for example).

We have few tools to reshape an item in a micropatch since it can't change any client data, including the text of tooltips, unfortunately.

29 Sep


Originally posted by TrAseraan

Its probably just put there cuz players kept building it on fighters just like how is ashe listed on the support list now even tho how garbage ashe support it.

It's there because it's an important piece of the Fighter item space. It's not an accident.


Originally posted by J-Colio

Shred vs pen? I think everything is pen now, yes? There's only pen and lethality.

Black Cleaver, various champion spells


Originally posted by kanated

Wit's End was an issue of being TOO good first item

It's basically the same story for all the items on that list.

Riot has never said they nerfed legendary items because "OMG how dare you not build a Mythic first". It's such a ridiculous thing to even suggest. Especially in a thread about BotRK, which has been built first by several champs ever since Mythics came out.

Everytime there's a comment in this sub saying some variation of "Riot said/did X, but now they're doing the opposite" it's always either misleading or flat out bullshit.

Riot has never said they nerfed legendary items

Just to be clear, this does represent a shift in our approach to Mythic items. (I don't remember offhand everything we've ever said about them, but internally it's a thing we've been changing recently)

17 Jun


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

It's funny because for years we only had a bare handful of skirmishers (like, Yi, Yasuo, Trynd, Jax, Riven, Fiora) and then at some point someone at Riot realized that holy shit people love playing melee carries and opened the floodgates.

Something like that. They’ve always been extremely popular, but 4 or 5 years ago we felt we finally had a good handle on how to best serve that audience, and it had been significantly underserved for a while.

That said, this year ended up unusually dense on them for some scheduling shenanigans reasons and we’re looking to cool it off a bit - I don’t believe there’s one on the schedule next year, and if one is added onto the schedule next year it’d be because we had a VGU that made sense opportunistically (say, Trynd or Jax), not a new champion. I don’t think there’s currently one on the schedule for 2024 either but schedules are extremely fluid that far in advance so very much subject to change.

For the record, Zoe is absolutely as much an artillery mage as Sett is a juggernaut or Lillia is a skirmisher… which is to say not a pure one but definitely in the category.

12 May


Originally posted by Namulith94

It really seems like a 40% nerf on illaoi’s heal is completely over the top. I get that effective health on heals gets better when champions are tankier, but the nerf goes so far past that extra effective health to the point of absurdity. It doesn’t make sense to me to nerf her due to the gw nerf by essentially putting a constant unnerfed gw aura on her that stacks with actual gw. Do you have any context for why she’s seeing a 40% heal nerf while 90% of the roster is seeing it in more the 10-20% range that’s actually in line with durability increases?

It's intended to be a nerf from 5% to 4%, not 5% to 3%.

The target here is nerfing heals from around 10% at level 1 to around 25% at endgame; not all champion spells have the tools for us to nail that perfectly. She definitely should not be nerfed 40%. (We used a different target for shields, as heals are also accounting for Grievous changes)

11 May


Originally posted by NitronBiohazard

Iirc the durability changes were intended for preseason and ended up delayed. Was apparently explained on one of the devs streams about why it was delayed.

We started exploring them around when preseason shipped. This was the earliest patch we'd have been able to ship them since we started that investigation. They were never at any point intended for last preseason.


This is an absolute bloodbath of nerfs to compensate on the advantages champions get that prioritize on shielding and healing after the whole champion durability buffs.

I want to really emphasize the bolded part here. If we don't act on healing and shielding, their relative power levels go up quite significantly and champions with them end up much more powerful relative to champions without them, so we've applied an across the board (with only a small handful of exceptions) approximate nerf on all of them. We additionally elected to go slightly further on healing in order to allow us to nerf grievous wounds, which we feel has been tuned inappropriately too high for a while now (but which requires something like this amount of retuning when we nerf it, so has been difficult to get traction on).

Some nerfs are clear placebos however

These numbers changes are not intended to get you...

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Originally posted by PersonalSycophant

Unironically might make for an amusing April Fools mode. Just the reverse of everything that's URF--less damage, longer cooldowns, lower maximum level, with an evil counterpart to Urf the Manitee as mascot.

Probably wouldn't catch on past April Fools, but Urf wasn't supposed to catch on either.

We made the joke some years ago (talked about it, did not ship anything). I promise it's not an amusing mode though - it's funny to read, but the novelty lasts much less than the duration of a single playthrough. It's miserable enough that I'd hate to see it even as an april fool's joke. Or at very least we'd need to allow players to disconnect without penalties or something.


I won't rest until we've turned Summoner's Rift into NURF mode.

06 May


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share what you think will happen with burst mages then? Seems like the changes may benefit drain or dot mages a bit

Mixed signals. If I had to guess I'd expect them mostly to be similar or weaker, but very low confidence.

Basically they're worse at one-shotting you themselves, but most of them have a long range CC spell optimized for generating picks and picking an enemy when you have teammates around is still lethal; increased champion durability potentially gives them more chances to generate that pick.

The uncertainty is why we're not attempting any pre-balancing here.


Originally posted by Mundane-Historian-57

I've always wanted to ask, what does balance team think about the idea of balancing AD assassins through lethality scalings?

Then they can have less base damage and AD scalings, since damage with lethality items will stay the same and at the same time probably-nerfed lethality items can't be as effectively used by someone else (ghostblade riven as example). Similar things were aready done to Pyke (lethality), Viego and Zeri (crit) to encourage their intended build paths. Senna also has lethality scalings, so concept of just having them isn't new either.

what does balance team think about the idea of balancing AD assassins through lethality scalings?

Open to it, haven't felt we needed it very often. Could be a useful tool if necessary after these changes if we're seeking new balance approaches.


Originally posted by Zancibar

But even if assassins are balanced after the changes their winrates will most definitely plummet anyway at first because they've had 3/4 years of getting consistently easier kills, how long will you take to make sure it's a balance issue rather than a player issue, how will you determine that?

Imprecisely. We'll be using the best data we can get access to as well as our judgment but the reality is this game is too complicated to get perfect confidence in stuff like this, and some situations are going to look extreme enough that we feel we need to act when in retrospect it'll turn out we didn't have to, or even did the wrong thing.

For example, you mention a learning curve for assassins around their burst thresholds; there's also going to be a learning curve for ADCs around the appropriate safe distance for them to position at, and there'll be teams that lose games because their ADCs played too safe while the opponent's ADC judged it better. Will this be a larger effect than Assassin learning? It's hard to measure and we won't have perfect context.

It is going to take time for balance to settle back down - there's no way around it.


Originally posted by korro90

> Assassins drop in winrate

> Riot buffs them to overwrite these changes

> The cycle begins anew

One of the things we did that isn't part of the patch is we spent time aligning on what good looks like for various classes.

For Assassins specifically - I think it is very likely they will be less powerful and we need to buff them (though that'll be followup, not pre-buffs).

In general, we are comfortable with burst characters killing their targets very quickly - the problem we're solving right now is that many of them can do it while building bruiser items and getting too durable, or without needing to pass any key skill tests, and sometimes even without having to commit their full kit (we don't want Zed killing an ADC with just QWE+AA when they're on even gold), and that too many characters who have other strengths are also able to one-round a squishy champion without giving anything up.

If we need to buff Assassins just by win rate, we'd first check to make sure they can secure kills on squishy targets when they're building burst damage items (l...

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Originally posted by ArshanGamer

Hopefully they change Vayne. If they don't she might seriously be the best champion in the game. Durability doesn't matter if you die in 10 hits anyways

We are pretty close to 100% certain we will need to quickly nerf or buff a variety of champions, but there's a lot of uncertainty about exactly which champions and by how much. As a result we're already planning a 12.10b micropatch to address the most immediate balance outliers.


Originally posted by PogFish_

Other side-effects we're looking at include map elements (Baron and Turrets) doing less damage

Already felt like turrets tickled champions

This was a miscommunication. Baron and Turrets would do less damage if we didn't act. The patch will increase their damage dealt in order to keep their damage relevant.

01 May


Originally posted by Zeddit_B

I thought the experiments Riot was doing with SUPER low damage numbers to see how it affected the game were really cool. How did these experiments lead to this gameplay decision?

Edit: I just read the tweet (of the comment) so I presume you'll talk more about this in an official post. Just curious if there's any details you could share now :)

I thought the experiments Riot was doing with SUPER low damage numbers

They told us that there was very likely a better version of the game worth pursuing, gave us an idea of what the specific values we're after were, and illuminated some of the areas we'd need to pay attention to in a real implementation. It was a very useful exercise.


Originally posted by AgnewsHeadlessClone

Just wondering, does this mean damage is being pulled universally? Or does the skill expression statement mean that champs like Lux, Nidalee, etc that are supposed to reward combos or long shots with high damage will still be oneshot type champs?

We're likely targeting champion base durability, plus a variety of systems that we know will need adjustment.

We're not doing much direct champion pre-balance, but a lot of the work we've put in over the last few months has been aimed at understanding our balance levers so that we'll be able to react to what we see. I do expect some rougher balance for a bit after changes go live though.

30 Apr


Originally posted by -Yunan

On the topic of damage, I would love to hear your opinion on liandry's / demonic embrace? Particularly these items on supports. One of my good friends and duo queue partners two tricks brand and zyra support and in many of our games he does more damage than our mid laner.

I'm mainly hesitant about the items and their ability to do carry levels of damage with limited gold investment but I do have some concern about brand's ability to continue doing damage after dying too (and Liandry's Demonic plays into this aspect).

I would also love know if it seems like the general consensus within Riot is similar to yours overall (all of your opinions not just about liandry's).

There's a lot to unpack about mage supports but they're not a primary focus right now - if nothing else, Brand and Zyra topping team damage charts has been happening for a very long time and is really the only thing they bring to the table as supports, so it's not the cause for any recent damage creep.

Allowing players to pick damage oriented supports and get enough gold to really scale with them was a major part of the changes that ultimately solved support autofill problems and we'd be hesitant to go back on those; we'd prefer to tune durability around the reality that many teams swap a defensive character (support or tank) for a damage dealing one and balance the two approaches against each other.


Originally posted by Dazzi

Can I post this comment on twitter next?

Just make sure you sign someone up to screenshot your tweet