

11 Feb


Originally posted by Caenen_

She starts at 19 like a bunch of scaling mages mid lane, so their armor growth is rather high to catch up. List:

I wonder if that's actually 'right' from a design perspective anymore, in particular with the dynamics seen in mid lane, maybe u/PhreakRiot can shed some thoughts on why yes or no?

I wonder if that's actually 'right' from a design perspective anymore

What specifically do you have in mind there?

10 Feb


Originally posted by girl__fetishist

Beaten by a little girl.

Just raising visibility - there was a bug with autoattacks that was depressing many champion winrates by very large amounts (3-4% in some cases) that was introduced with the patch. We fixed it last night, and Annie's winrate is now falling considerably. As a result, I don't believe stat websites are going to paint the correct picture of Annie's power level for this patch.

She's still overtuned and may be hotfixed - just noting that she's not a 59% win rate champion.


Originally posted by persephonesspring

"we're definitely not going to kill mage supports off"

Why not? Literally what's healthy about them, except for being a last minute pick when everyone else on your team goes full AD against a Rammus? They get to absolutely annihilate the enemy adc without ever worrying about resources and CS (thanks spellthiefs!), because their kit wasn't ever intended to be in bot lane anyway 🤷‍♂️

Since the durability patch, they have been so much harder to deal with as a tank support. I can all in with Leona on a Lux (if that Lux player is too stupid to zone from half a screen away) and the Lux will most likely survive the engage anyway. And that's funny, considering Leona is the only tank support still somewhat viable versus mages, Braum/Naut/Rell will get popped immediately by a mage all in cause their sustain just isn't good enough.

Mage supports were never healthy to begin with, but they couldn't break the game cause they were squishy. Now that you've removed their o...

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Brand is a nearly 10-year support pick at this point. There's an audience that we're going to be respectful of.


Originally posted by _raimu

Is there any new info about fixing top lane satisfaction? Feels like we were the only lane not touched on here haha (despair)

Other than very excited to hear that you're continuing QGT, always liked reading them.

The bet was that ensuring that the winning top laner could scale throughout the game would move the needle on agency and satisfaction; in practice we needed to push items further than we sustainably could in order to succeed that way. We need new tactics as a result.

I will note that resolving the bot lane 3v3 slingshot is likely to help here. Hard to have influence on games that get that snowballed that fast in a fight you can't participate in. But that's not going to be resolved instantly.


Originally posted by Proxnite

Many of them have moved to Support instead, but when we poll players on champion frustration, Mage supports are reported as among the most frustrating champions to play against in the entire game.

Surely it couldn’t be because Spellthief’s removes any need for mana management while also being the easiest support item to proc and evolve? Surely.

I don't see evidence that the trend is that recent. Suspect it's more that having to dodge a pillar of flame every time you step up to CS is infuriating when the Brand doesn't have to position around his own last hitting needs, and that flipping a defensive/long-fight oriented champion (tank or enchanter) to a burst character completely changes the shape of the game.

We're definitely not going to kill mage supports off, but it's a clear warning sign to be a lot more careful allowing mages to migrate there, and its one of the reasons getting mages more comfortable in mid lane is important.


Originally posted by ketzo

I've always liked the Quick Gameplay Thoughts series, because I like getting in-depth thoughts on why game balance/design choices were made. I kind of thought this article was lacking.

There’s been some question of making power farming more worthwhile in order to reduce how often junglers gank—we’re potentially taking a small stab there

I think this is cool, but I wanna know the thoughts behind how this is happening.

How does the balance team go from "gank junglers are too powerful" to "we should nerf treat gold and increase xp per camp?"

  • How did the team decide gank junglers are too powerful?
  • In what ways are they too powerful?
  • Why did they choose the "treat gold" and "camp xp" levers, and not something else?
  • What do they plan to try next if this doesn't work?

/u/RiotAxes I'm always grateful when y'all take the time to wr...

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I've always liked the Quick Gameplay Thoughts series, because I like getting in-depth thoughts on why game balance/design choices were made. I kind of thought this article was lacking.

The plan is to go more in-depth in some of these articles - this one was a bit of a reintroduction to the space, so I went for a survey of what we're currently thinking about instead of going deep on one of them.

29 Jan


Originally posted by PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics

Sadly I don't think you can say that about most of the balance team at this point.

For all we know most of the balance team could be like Phreak. The only real difference is that we're getting videos with his reasoning for the changes. I can assure you people would have been freaking out and saying Riot's got no clue what they're doing with last patch ADC changes if we didn't get Phreak's video beforehand.

People need to stop talking about the Balance team as a faceless, abstract entity; They're a group of people with probably the same enthusiasm and knowledge as Phreak, they just don't interact with players and I can't blame them seeing how the playerbase treats them

For all we know most of the balance team could be like Phreak. The only real difference is that we're getting videos with his reasoning for the changes.

I want to really emphasize this point. The balance team IS staffed with those people. Not all of them want to be front-and-center talking to players. And Phreak brings 10 years of on-air experience talking to an audience about League of Legends, which makes him uniquely effective at communicating changes.

He's doing great work and I don't mean to imply otherwise - but the narrative of him fighting (or revolutionizing) the balance team is simply false.


Originally posted by CorganKnight

can we not think of pantheon as a support?

Pantheon will not be balanced as a support-first champion. He's a long way away from that right now, though, and his support audience is real.

25 Jan


Originally posted by DelRo11

Is 18 months of unacceptable state of play not an excessive amount of time to give before doing what is being done in this patch? It's not like the pick has not been top priority the last 2 years+

Yes, it's much too long. We were too slow to act on her. We've attempted to deal with it through our normal balance strategy, and she demands a different approach.

24 Jan


Originally posted by cfranek

I can't remember if it was pre-rework poppy or karma, but I remember some champion having a 38% win rate. Yuumi could make a run for the record.

Ryze, Kalista, Azir, Akali have all been around that low at one point or another. Olaf and Evelynn were put at least that low for extended periods of time while being reworked.

It's a clear sign that something isn't working, but it's not unprecedented.


Originally posted by Zuldak

So if this still doesn't bring her out of pro play she is going to be looking at more nerfs?

If she's still an OP pro pick then yes, we'd nerf her again. I don't think that's going to happen, but it's certainly not impossible.


Originally posted by ShadowBeatMelisma

Holy shit they f**king murdered Yuumi

I want to talk about what we're doing with Yuumi real quick. Couple things right up front:

First: She's significantly overpowered right now in pro play. We do nerf low win rate champions who are overpowered in pro play; usually the thing that eventually lets them off the hook is a successful rework of some scope. We're already working on that.

Second: Our approach to Yuumi over the last 18 months or so hasn't been effective. She's increasingly more of a pro problem over time, with a lower win rate for average players than ever, and players are letting know that she's not in an acceptable state. We agree.

This patch, we're nerfing her with the goal of getting her out of pro play if possible. She's going to be in a rough state for solo queue in the meantime. When it's ready, we'll be shipping an update with the goal of bringing her winrate back up without bringing her back into pro play. At the same time, we'll be aiming to make her more supportive of specific...

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22 Jan


Originally posted by Dontspinbutwin

"Behind me lies a farm. I wonder if there is bread upon the hearth, and if I will ever return"-Pantheon

My absolute favorite quote in all of league

I'm so grateful for the writers on that project.

12 Jan


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Axes do you think this trend is applicable to other non-traditional matchups in other lanes, like Seraphine and Ziggs bot or Vayne going top?

Certainly for at least some of them, but not necessarily with the same implications for game balance. Bot carry very likely has a related pattern with the set of mages who tend to counter ADCs, for example, since nearly every matchup is vs an ADC.

Using Pantheon as an example, his mid lane win rate appears to (and there are LARGE caveats on this analysis, so I emphasize "appears to") be inflated because he is both sharp in terms of who he counters and is countered by AND because the things he sharply counters are so much more popular than the things he is countered by. If every champion was exactly equally popular, his average win rate would very likely fall quite a bit in that position even with no gameplay changes.

(The inverse pattern is found on Akshan - his mid lane win rate is depressed by the fact that Yasuo is very strong counter to him, which gives him the appearance of being better top lane sometimes)


Originally posted by Reshir

My favorite takeaway from this video is that some champions' win rates are skewed by how they fare into Yasuo, Zed, and Katarina because of how popular those three champions are

I did some digging on this right before the holidays. Zed, Yasuo, Katarina, Yone, Sylas, Akali are all top tier popularity champions in mid lane and there've been patches where at least one of them is in something like 30-40% of all games as a mid (it varies - but not as much by win rate as you might think, the patches where these go down tend to be when there's a new mage midscope, or Viktor got a huge and permanent playrate spike from Arcane, that sort of thing, not necessarily the patches where they're relatively weaker or stronger).

The thing that makes this hard is that they all have weaknesses to a specific profile - durable stat checkers with a reliable CC. It's pretty hard to get reliable data on true toplane bruisers midlane because they're so unpopular there, but aggregating the data from patches 12.17 through 12.21, we were able to get a decent dataset on Renekton, Riven, and Sett. I looked at Pantheon as well because even though he's played mid lane, he fits the...

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Originally posted by ploki122

Isn't that simply because it's the only good/reliable GW item?

  • Morellonomicon is 110% gold efficient, but requires the enemy to be <50% HP for full GW effect (and gives no AH).
  • Chainsword is 116% gold efficient , but requires the enemy to be <50% HP for full GW effect (and gives no AS or Crit).
  • Thornmail is 80% gold efficient, and requires immobilizing effects to get the full GW effect (and gives no MR).
  • Putrifier is 102% gold efficient, and requires healing or shielding an ally for full GW effect (and gives no heal/shield boost).
  • Mortal Reminder is 118% gold efficient, and requires attacking a champion 3 times (ish) for full GW effect (and gives everything an ADC wants).

I'd say there's a clear line of Reminder > Putrifier > Morello > Thornmail > Chainsword.

Otherwise, the fact that all 4 other items have baby versions for much cheaper, whereas Putrifier shares Morello's component (which means 0 benefits on h...

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Isn't that simply because it's the only good/reliable GW item?

I think that's a contributing factor but not the main one. Gold is extremely multiplicative in League of Legends. If you know you need a given team utility effect that isn't going to multiply out the rest of your fantasy, its an optimization for teams to put that option on the already low econ player. We've seen that in the past with the aura Aegis of the Legion being assigned to either supports or junglers years ago (depending on the meta).

The answer here about being a solved solution is also relevant, though those things will move over time based on changes. We've found players are really slow to respond to patches when we're talking about adjusting behavior over weeks, but actually pretty effective at responding to a new meta over a period of months, to my totally-not-scientifically-accurate understanding.

Don't expect to resolve the Enchanter item particular pain p...

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14 Dec


Originally posted by hellosaidhello

Follow up question for you /u/RiotAxes:

1) Do you think the state of Ability Haste is overturned for bruisers and undertuned for tanks/mages ATM? Noticed its hard to get 40% CDR on the latter but easy to get 55% on the former

2) Are you guys aware of the growing problem of AD being cheaper than AP? You can now easily get 400-500AD by end game and only 500-600 AP by end game unless you go Horizon Focus (AP Mages with high AP ratios indirectly getting nerfed - cough Orianna)

To (1) - they're very different spaces, don't think decisions on one necessarily tell us what the optimal decision on the other is.

For a bruiser, assuming we're going to tune them to about the same spot (...somewhat lower than how they're doing today, but not that much lower), if they have less repeatable output, we either have to make them even more durable, or make them burst harder, or sustain harder or find something else for them to be good at. Think repeatable outputs are closer to the fantasy and closer to being fair than the alternatives. I realize some folks are going to disagree.

For many mages, I think we get a different answer as to what the right tradeoffs are. But mages are such a diverse group that I suspect we just need to better support the differences within the class. AD being cheaper than AP is weird... it's not intrinsically a problem (we tune ratios around the items that exist, if we added a lot more AP you'd probably see your ratios go down t...

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Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

/u/RiotAxes, thank you for the candid and to the point responses. Feel like we really benefit whenever your team comes in and addresses these things.

Could I ask about the anti-heal item work, directionally what you're currently considering? Something like a stacking effect or Debuff over time?

What would be really cool about that work is it also presents an opportunity to make chainsword/morello more interesting items, right now they're not very satisfying to buy and the effect isn't too visible.

We're not massively reworking the Grievous Wounds mechanic. Frankly, it has flaws, but the alternatives also have flaws (including "just delete it").

The direction will be something much closer to the pre-Items Update system - components with 40% grievous wounds so that you can access a counter when you need it, growing into stat sticks that make more sense within builds, but not specifically upgrading the GW amount. For example, Mortal Reminder will once again trade off against Lord Dominik's Regards - will have armor penetration and grievous (vs armor pen and giant slayer). I'm aware that this won't fully solve the issue - we're looking at healing soon as well.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Is 13.1 going to receive more changes once you guys get back from break (outside of current highlights like Jax)

That is the current plan, yes.


Originally posted by bz6

I have a few questions /u/RiotAxes:

1) Are you guys concerned at how bruisers are tankier than actual tanks?

2) Can't mention tanky brusiers without healing. What are your thoughts on the state of healing? Considering we had targeted changes to address said issue.

3) Any worry of ability haste creep?

4) What is the teams analysis on the Durability Update? Since we are obviously entering a stage where patch changes are adding more damage.

(1) Think this is hyperbolic for most tanks vs bruisers, except the big sustain bruisers (more in point 2).

(2) Not in a good spot, too much healing in the game. Currently working on grievous wounds items and likely to also take a swing at healing values.

(3) Yes but the problem is difficult and the game isn't necessarily terrible when champions cast a lot of spells, so it's a bit further down the priorities list.

(4) Highly successful, still a major factor that we actively consider for patch changes. It's going to fluctuate. More damage was added in 12.23 than removed. More damage is being removed in this micropatch than added.