

10 Jul


Originally posted by South_Bend13

Why hasn’t aram had a similar thought process in mind? Ability specific buffs and nerfs instead of modifiers has been desperately needed for years now and this new game mode is receiving them within not even a month of being on PBE. Just a bit weird to me but hope this idea will be out towards aram if it proves to be successful.

ARAM has started doing this as well recently. Currently the individuals who do a lot of that balance are helping get Arena out the door at the moment, but I expect them to continue doing tailored changes for ARAM in the near future.


Originally posted by wharblgarble

Any thoughts on Global/semi globals with channels? I am thinking mostly Quinn and Shen who's ults lose a ton of viability in this mode.

Removing or at least reducing the channels would help a ton without needing to do something crazy.

If we find they are weak with more data we can take a more measured approach. But currently we are targeting the outliers first as we don't want to just slap +X damage -Y damage on every champion to save time


Originally posted by Ok_Regular_9436

theres the jeweled gloves (abilities crit for 20% extra) augment and its really strong in niche cases such as GP, are you aware/fine with the interaction? it can be good on stuff like kayn too.

Yes :) We will nerf if it's too OP but it's meant to have pretty strong combos with frequent spell casters


Originally posted by Caosunium

I said it around 5-6 times and it still hasnt fixed, wow. I will reply with this every time i see a rioter message.

The augment "+1000 hp -10% damage" actually grants 750 hp, not 1000

thank you



Originally posted by Ninja_Cezar

What is your opinion on combos like Millio & Kog'maw? Eventually they will outshine and autowin if left unchecked. Even if this specific combo is not OP to break the game, eventaully a combo with such idea in mind will come to exist and actually break winrates. Will you take action and nerf or even remove interactions to fix such issues?

We intend for some combos to be strong, it's part of the appeal of the mode. With that said, we recognize some on-hit+enchanter combos are OP which is why we nerfed Rageblade+scoped weapons with this update. We will continue to keep an eye open to outliers but if an intuitive combo (enchanter + marksman for example) is strong, that's actually intended.


Originally posted by CuantosAnosTienes

Any updates on that bug regarding Ornn?

Any significant bugs/exploits will be resolved before live. We are aware of all the major ones afaik.


We will continue to keep an eye on Arena balance, ESPECIALLY on live, and react to make sure the gameplay experience isn't too heavily disrupted by disproportionately imbalanced items, augments, and champions. We appreciate all the player feedback and excitement thus far!

28 Jun


Originally posted by Phenyxian

Please don't nerf just because it wasn't intended. It looks really fun.

Everything in the post is very, very intended.



27 Jun


Originally posted by Oaktreestone

Really like the changes to items to bring power spikes to a pretty even level across the board, wish they talked about changes for stacking champs in this devpost though

Stacking champions will all have (relatively) appropriate stacking speeds for the mode. They should coincide vaguely with levels that would be equivalent on SR (e.g. Viktor gets evolves when he would on SR)

26 Jun


Originally posted by Vastator10

No offense, but given all design team's track records over the last few years, paying attention to any of their ideas on how a champ is supposed to do things seems pointless until half the kit is inevitably removed due to lack of foresight everyone except the design team saw coming.

Definitely not offensive


Originally posted by f0xy713

The difference between Zed and most other assassins is that he can be outplayed even if you're out of position - his Q is a thin skillshot, if he uses W to gapclose then he can't use it to deal damage or follow you after you flash/dash away, if he ults, you know where he's going to reappear so you know where to aim your skillshots and he shouldn't be able to kill you with AAs and E alone unless he's already omega fed

Naafiri just sounds like an even simpler Talon or Pantheon to me but she's not going to help anybody learn an assassin like Zed or Qiyana

That isn't the point; the difference between champions within a class is the micro. How do you combo spells together, aim key skillshots, use flash effectively? However, zooming out, the goal of Naafiri is to make an assassin who teaches you the macro fundamentals of Assassin gameplay. Some of these are choosing your targets, finding key roam opportunities, not striking too early, and avoiding trading 1-for-1 into scaling-advantaged teams. Sure, by playing Lethality Nocturne, Talon, or Naafiri you won't learn how to triple shuriken combo on Zed, but you will have a better understanding of the role of an assassin and when/where their win conditions lie.


Originally posted by nonzeroprobabilityof

Is there any reason to believe this champ won't be absolutely broken like every other new champ?

I’m working on her so probably will be

07 Apr


Originally posted by Sluukje

I think a lot of tooltips could use some work to be honest. Wouldn’t it be an idea to ask some general feedback on here regarding tooltips and check out the top comments or something?

I unfortunately don't have infinite time to log all the feedback right now, and a lot of tooltip inaccuracies are actually logged somewhere internally. I just saw this Kled one (and his tooltips in general) to be pretty significantly off and believe they warrant sooner iteration.

I imagine as I get more time I'll be able to hit some other tooltips as well in the near future.


Originally posted by alolololo123

A ton of stuff is missing from kled's tooltips, from the top of my head:

Passive: No mention of: dismounted ms loss, increased dismounted attack range, no info on how much courage you get for attacking things. No mention that the passive has a cooldown!!!! Also, no mention of the knockback when dismounted, but that is not that important

dismounted q: no mention of how much courage it gives

E: no mention of minions knockback, or that there is a range to your e recast.

R: does not display minimum dmg (a lot of other similar abilities do).

Hope I got everything

Thanks I'll probably dedicate some time to doing a tooltip pass on Kled in the near future; kinda lame to leave them in this state for so long.


Yeah tbh I have no idea what's goin on here. I'll take a look

05 Apr


We intend to do more of these as we get a better understanding of the effects they have on the mode.

24 Mar


Originally posted by Reinheardt

Just admit you release new champs overtuned on purpose

I wish that was true, it’s more like releasing balanced (and worth playing) is a tough task I haven’t mastered yet :(


Originally posted by Wolgran

Why nerf the Healing on the W if you can aswer. The passive i understand, but the healing already was low for such high cooldown and mana usage. Now it seems even more insignificant

Because W max first was technically optimal, and the only ways to nerf are range extension, heal, and cooldown.

We believe the cooldown likely can’t get much higher, and the range is the cool thing that quickly becomes unfeelable, so the healing seemed like first to be knocked down.