

10 Feb

02 Feb


Originally posted by LeVentNoir

Allow blue trinket from level 1.

There's no reason to not allow it unless you think people should be exposed to danger to place wards, and if that's true, then why is there a range on sightstone and yellow trinket anyway? Give both 150 range, melee amounts.

It's absurd in games where you know someone is in a bush, but can't even approach to fight them of it because of the power of a surprise hook.

Think a blitz or Leo camping a botlane bush.

If you don't have vision reveal or strong untargeted damage, you simply can't go within 800 units of the bush without risking an all in.

That's really it, insisting that low mobility champions be acceptable targets for getting jumped and preventing any way of playing well that negates it.

One of the issues with blue trinkets level 1 is that they would be used to find the jungler 95% of the time, which is not gameplay we would find to be positive for the game.


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Neeko can likely viably be played in all 5 roles.

Brand too now that I think about it.


Neeko can likely viably be played in all 5 roles.


Interesting idea but has a decent amount of effects we’d have to account for, such as warding over certain walls into bushes from safety. For example, you would be able to trivially place wards across jungle areas during invades, or from one end of a bot lane bush to the other bush, avoiding melee supports trying to get an engage.

Not saying we wouldn’t investigate something like this, but it’s a version of increased safety and vision creation we would need to carefully consider is not more damage than gain.

30 Jan


Yes it should. It's easier said than done though. I tried doing this myself (without engineering support) and it was very involved and required adjusting every champion in the game one by one as there's nothing in tooltips that marks them as a heal or shield specifically, it's just text. It's a noted request, just needs the right moment to be worth the effort.

27 Jan


It deals 100-200 base +20% AP. At around 300 AP this is less than 250 damage, which is significantly short of another 40-50% damage for a burst champion, and is very similar to the average output of many, many other items in one fight. Stormsurge may have shipped pretty overtuned but you may want to observe its average output in a fight on the newer, nerfed version.

19 Jan


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Yeah we should fix this. It's inaccurate after we had a different version (that spawned more statues) that ended up not being viable for large-scale. I'll make sure the team is aware.

It's set to be fixed for 14.3, sorry about that.


Yeah we should fix this. It's inaccurate after we had a different version (that spawned more statues) that ended up not being viable for large-scale. I'll make sure the team is aware.

10 Jan


Looks great! Well done

31 Dec


Poppy is a good one for beginners.


Originally posted by chomperstyle

They still refuse to give us blood leaters curse. Its ap black cleaver and would really help out ap fighters. They keep saying that they want to give them proper itemization but wont

The game isn't really balanced around there being access to a % shred MR item. Black cleaver exists because:

  1. A staple of basically every comp is an ADC, who's job it is to kill frontline first rather than backline like most AP champions
  2. Champions gain more armor per level rather than MR per level. In order to make a % shred item, we would need to increase base MR, which would in turn make situations where you don't have the item weaker.
  3. Many AP fighters have % pen in some form built in. Rumble E shred, Gwen true damage, Morde % pen passive, etc. The game is built around % pen not being accessible already.

30 Dec


Originally posted by PrincessTrucy

This actually happened to me on Arena and I couldn't believe my eyes. Lillia's ult is a projectile?

I was part of the team that made it that way. It was because we had to give it a visual (the magic that flies to targets you R), and we try our best to not have any “gameplay irrelevant” missiles in the game, as them flying through windwalls would be confusing.

So it was “Design the ultimate” -> “Realize it needs a visual that shows Lillia putting the target to sleep for satisfaction” -> “realize we can’t make a missile that goes through windwall-like spells” -> “Allow windwalls to block it”

26 Dec


Teams are aware an investigating, sorry for the inconvenience :(

28 Sep


Originally posted by Rickmanrich

Honestly, why don't they bring in pros to playtest champs? At least for NA they are already there and will give valuable advice. I don't trust the plat riot employees to really know how a champ will effect high elo.

To be clear; a majority of our high level testing is with players/Rioters that are currently masters+, previously pros, or both.

In addition, while I agree having current pros play a champion to give their impressions would be more than 0 value, implying that they would have the right read is pretty unproven. We review the examples all the time of how pros thought Zeri and Ksante were useless on release (even when playing in their own ELO, which is not guaranteed in internal playtests).

The reality is that it's really just up to myself and my team (Game Analysis) to do a better job at identifying the real-world effects of dangerous patterns earlier than we do. Using K'Sante and Zeri as examples, they were both identified as risky designs for a number of reasons, but where we drop the ball is quantifying what is dangerous but tenable (Akshan Revive, Renata berserk/revive, Lillia speed) and what is dangerous and untenable (Zeri speed, K'Sante sharpness). When we fail ...

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20 Sep


Season 2, was in junior year of high school I believe. Great times

11 Sep

27 Jul


Originally posted by HazelCheese

Huh I never even thought about the new terrain type with it's own vision mechanics, it just felt natural. That's actually really cool.

Agreed! When it was implemented it was no more than just a blue rectangle, but it was immediately intuitive and the map designer really had us scratching our heads saying: "Huh, it's genius, why haven't we done this sooner?"

18 Jul


Originally posted by mahadasat

So you're telling me they still arent fixing the rengar bug where if he ults, your screen is no longer darker and you don't hear the music? As someone who hardly keeps their screen on their own character, its so unplayable against rengar come mid/late game

We are aware of the bug and people are looking into it, just came in too late for this patch.


Originally posted by letmestall

Sure, until a bug is found that drastically reduces the win rate of an augment. How would you know if such a bug exists? Riot isn't the best when it comes to communication.

We have data internally to identify augments that have dramatic balance issues or bugs, and can micropatch/disable if necessary for players.

The inverse of what you said is that every player should have the augment winrate website up on their second monitor, which is obviously what we want to avoid. We intend to patch frequently and we already have been doing so with data from PBE.