

04 Jun


This is why they are rare. They are not meant to be a huge gamechanger or to be planned around. They are meant to be a nice bonus for that particular mission you find them in.

There is not presently going to be new terrain just to accomodate the boots - they are meant to be used in the standard terrain they are found in.


Originally posted by Doctor-Kukui




While we'd love to, an official implementation is sadly not in the cards. It's a massive technical hurdle we are not equipped to handle at this time.


While we'd love to, an official implementation is sadly not in the cards. It's a massive technical hurdle we are not equipped to handle at this time.


Originally posted by RoXBiX

Remember, all replies have to be constructive and reasonable. Therefore explain yourself.

Increased fraternization between miners would impact the corporate bottom line.


Originally posted by Competitive-Mango457

Mission control can you talk to management about a bowl of mixed nuts for the bar


03 Jun



01 Jun


Originally posted by Squeaky_Ben

Do you think we can help out by giving ideas/concepts, best if already fleshed out?

We never turn down hearing suggestions, but I assure you that it's time, not lack of ideas that is holding us back. ;)


Originally posted by Kraftyr

Yeah, rocket boots look cool, but that raises another concern. How common are they? How long do they last? Are they only for the rest of the mission? Because their existence renders the scout class completely useless.

I know, they synergize nicely with the scout's already existing mobility, but I'd rather have a gunner with rocket boots than a scout with a little extra mobility. And I say this as a scout main. You pick scout because of the agile playstyle, if everyone gets it, I'd rather have a class that's extra useful in other ways. Same thing with driller. There is no point in having one if you are constantly flying everywhere. Its like having a crate that gives everyone turrets and a platform gun. Why would you pick engi then? But I think it's wiser to wait until we can actually play it to test how it feels, but it bothers me a little bit.

Short version: The Jet Boots are rare to find, and last the whole mission once you do. They are there to mix things up occasionally, not to create a new meta or to invalidate any classes.


Originally posted by nekofol

Are they going to be on every mission?

No. They'll be fairly rare.


You *can't* always use them. They are not a permanent upgrade. They are a fairly rare find in missions, which changes gameplay for that single mission alone.


Originally posted by KosViik

I may be wrong, but apparently no new weapons/gear/overclocks? That one I was a bit bummed out about.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I was seeing.

The jetboots look neat, and I was laughing my arse off on the jetty boot hacking minigame.

I personally care for neither the infested weapon framework (though a few may look particularly cool and I'll use it, we'll see), nor for the DLC pack. But I'm picky on that front anyway so not really something I weigh in on, I think they look nice though.

The enemies are neat, love that they look unique and not just a quickly modified glyphid model. For some reason I also love that Harold is not a gigantic enemy but a smaller one. Feels interesting I guess?

To reiterate what was said on the stream today as well: You will likely not see new weapons for a good long while. At this point in the game, adding even one new weapon is a tremendous task and not something we undertake lightly, as we are still a comparatively small team.

Each new weapon requires:

- Stand-out functionality. We are not going to add another Assault Rifle that shoots slightly slower but harder. Each new weapon we add has to bring something new to the table.

- A full upgrade tree that cannot overlap too much with any existing weapon.

- A full balance pass in regards to how it plays alongside every other weapon. And that's a task that continues for months even after release.

- A comparative set of brand new Overclocks, that all have to be balanced, fun, and inventive. This in itself is an enormous amount of work.

- Models for every single Weapon Framework currently in the game. And conversely, every new weapon makes prod...

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Be welcome, Miner. We are happy to have you.

Let this be known: DRG welcomes and encourages employees of all creeds and orientations. The only requirements are that you do your job and respect your colleagues.

31 May


Originally posted by S1LV3RboSS

Thank you for the clarification, Robert. The last thing I wanted was to spread misinformation. It was clearly an error on my part when creating the post, but I'm glad many people have commented and pointed that out as well. I'll try to do better from now on.

Like a lot of people here, I'm personally grateful for DRG Team's efforts and I'm looking forward to the new Season as well as the new DLC. Rock and Stone.

PS: By the way, I'm still waiting for my other post to be approved. I know it's dumb, but I did put some effort into making a Danny DeVito Driller damn it!

No problem, we are well aware the whole system is more confusing than it should be. But not much we can do about it now. :D

We'll do better next time.

And I approved your beautiful post. ;)


Originally posted by Combat1004

Normally I don't take sides for devs, many games grabbed me by the wrong beard, but man, GSG seems so passionate about DRG it is unreal! Im glad that we get to have such a nice Devteam working on such a good game, it reminds me a bit about older times If someone of GSG reads this: I love you guys, take care, do breaks and never forget to ROCK AND STONE!

Rock and Stone, Miner.


I will neither confirm nor deny that the resemblance is on purpose.


You have toiled long, and shed blood, sweat, and tears. Rock and Stone, Miner. Management sends their regards.


Just wanted to add my two cents and a little clarification here:

Firstly, we are truly humbled by the response we're seeing to the DLC update. Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts. The entire team in here is super stoked about it - and relieved.

Secondly, let me make it completely clear, since I get the impression there is some confusion on this topic still: We are adding just the PAINTJOB of the "old" DLC to the Performance Pass - not the entire DLC. Why? Simply because we thought it was a rockin' Paintjob, regardless of the initial public response. We trust you'll agree in time.

The Framework (that is, the actual new meshes for the guns) is still the main attraction of the new DLC, and is the same one you saw originally, but now with new, added detail, and a brand new and sexier Paintjob. The less-detailed version of this will NOT be added to the Performance Pass.

And thirdly, on a personal note, since I'm a dev myself: My heart goes out to...

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30 May


Originally posted by Nazarick1337

Very great news, but now I have a question about the next performance pass. As they're adding the original to it, will the original be put there instead of frameworks they had prepared for this season? Will we get double the amount of frameworks in this season? Will they use the frameworks meant for season pass later? (I know we didn't see season pass tree yet, but with two weeks before start of season, I think it's safe to assume they had most of the frameworks and skins ready)

Just to elaborate a bit on what Jacob said: You will get the original Paintjob in the Performance Pass, not the original Framework. There will only be one Framework in the Performance Pass, as always (and not the one from this DLC pack).


Originally posted by Chamben1

This is great news!!

My question is though, was anything removed from the Performance Pass to make room for the old skins?

Just one of the minor resource caches. We have those in there for this exact reason, in case we suddenly need a new slot, so to speak.