- As a prelude to Rogue Core, it's the intention for it to hopefully get you pumped for Rogue Core, while at the same time to be a worthy season on its own. Since, well, we love DRG, while also wanting to make new games after 7 years of constant work on DRG.
- This seems like more of a statement of your own than a question, but I'll try. We're excited about the games we make. And when making a new game that literally ties into DRG, it would seem odd to us not to make mention of it in DRG.
- Doubtful. The current plan is for Season 5 on its own to be completely independent of Rogue Core, apart from sharing a common theme. As development continues, that may change in some way if we find a cool way to do it, but we're not out to "force" players to play both games if they don't feel like it.
- A lot of assumption on your part here, which seems to be a running theme in most of your post. Doubt I can give you an answer here that will satisfy you, I can only say t...