

20 May


It is to signify you have earned a rest, Miner. Rock and Stone.


The Coil Gun gets a framework too. Its absence here is a mistake on our part.


DRG welcomes experienced combat miners of any kind. The Rockpox has our forces stretched thin, and we we do not possess the luxury of turning away new allies - nor should we.

19 May


Stay where you are and put your hands on the circles designated on your wall, Miner. A Compliance Team will be with you shortly.

That said, where did you see this? I wish to look into it.


Warms the c*ckles of my blackened heart, so it does.

Still looking forward to D4 tho... :>


Originally posted by SteelShroom

The most hostile planet that has been discovered so far, at least.

So far!


Originally posted by Eve_the_Fae

Can I just gush about the fact that I've never seen another game company actively participating in their reddit community. Let alone actively getting influenced by said Reddit community.

Rock and Stone

Rock and Stone, Miner.

18 May


I believe you will all call it other and more colorful names once you get to meet it.


What hath science wrought.


I love following this discussion. Especially since you're all way off... :>


I have seen R&D's reports. The Scout's grapple and the Jet Boots are very different creatures. And as others here already point out, I think you may even find all new synergies once you equip them.

Fantastic art, tho. :D

12 May


Originally posted by MollyMyBeloveed

Bless, I'm so scarred from working on Nintendo fan games the very idea has me scared of dev teams. As always, I'll make sure people playing know it's not affiliated with the official product, and don't have any intention of making money off it.

Rock and Stone, Miner. Make something cool. :D


Rock and Stone, Miner.


We DID warn you it was the most hostile planet in the galaxy, Miners...

09 May


Rock and Stone, Miner.


His name is Mikey and you damn dwarves keep leaving him raw shrimp so he is getting fat.

04 May


On the other hand, so long as the workers focus on each other, Management won't be targeted...


As long as you are not profitting off it in any way, or pretend to be affiliated with Ghost Ship Games directly, and make it clear that what you're doing is fan-made, you'll hear no complaints from us. Fan art is encouraged. Rock and Stone, Miner.