I’ll look into why folks aren’t able to reply to these threads, as that shouldn’t be the case
I’ll look into why folks aren’t able to reply to these threads, as that shouldn’t be the case
I understand that “we’re working on it” can make things feel slow and frustrating, but right now we are working through some things, and these changes can and need to take time. The original roadmap was pulled because things moved to fast and were planned out before we had real player data to take into account; I think a lot of the reaction to Argos has made that clear. Now that that has been realized, we are taking our time to scrutinize the next decisions we make and the path forward. I understand the desire for speed, and my job is certainly a lot more fun when I get to share news, but with this new learning experience under our belt we’d rather do things right than do things quickly
I am willing to help ya out if you DM me (and the name is appropriate )
Vamos a desconectar todos los servidores en todas las regiones el 15 de marzo a las 8am CET (12am PT) para aplicar una corrección. Esperamos que esta desconexión dure aproximadamente 4 horas. Esta correcciones solucionará algunos errores conocidos y añadirá el evento de fin de semana Fever Time.
Notas de parche
Alle Server und Regionen werden heute Nacht, am 15. März um 07:00 morgens , für einen Hotfix heruntergefahren. Die voraussichtliche Ausfallzeit beträgt etwa 4 Stunden. Dieser Hotfix wird einige wichtige Probleme beheben und das Wochenend-Event “Hot Time” einführen.
Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions seront indisponibles pour la publication d’un correctif ce soir, le 15 mars à 7h (Heure de Paris). La durée prévue d’indisponibilité des serveurs sera d’environ 4 heures. Ce correctif corrigera certains des problèmes principaux et ajoutera l’événement de week-end Happy Hour.
Notes de correctif
All servers and regions will be coming down for a hotfix tonight, on March 15 at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 8 AM CET. Expected downtime is approximately 4 hours. This hotfix will patch a few key issues and add in the Fever Time weekend event.
Fix Notes
We are re-adjusting the game’s roadmap directly due to player progression on the live servers so that we can make appropriate choices based off of player experience. Even if the original roadmap was out a week before launch, we would still be in this same position, as we are learning and adjusting based on data.
Yup, we are definitely working through re-working the roadmap based off of player progression data that we’ve been collecting since launch. We are looking to share those updates soon, but we are taking our time to properly reassess plans
If you receive gold mail from an account you don’t recognize, do not accept it. Reject the mail, report the user, and you will be good to go.
There is indeed a daily purchase limit! You should be good to go tomorrow.
SPELP issues can be indeed be different and difficult to pinpoint at times because the error code shows for a variety of different issues; most often it can be an issue with a player’s local connection, but like in the case quoted above in the original post, it was an issue with a particular ISP.
Closing this thread not only because it’s got a lot of combativeness, but also I have no idea where “T1/T2 is free” is coming from. This is not anything that “leaked,” either, because it’s not something that’s happening.
Do not purchase game keys through third-party sites – we cannot guarantee the integrity of these keys. We do not provide them to these sites, which means they are often the result of fraudulent methods or purchases. The only way to safely any purchase anything through Lost Ark is directly through Steam or Amazon.com
This is going to be fixed tonight – stay tuned
We are aware of this and are going to fix this with our next maintenance. When we do it, the login rewards will restart – so players will be able to re-claim the first 4 days of events, which means some bonus goodies for the inconvenience
We are aware of this and are going to fix this with our next maintenance. When we do it, the login rewards will restart – so players will be able to re-claim the first 4 days of events, which means some bonus goodies for the inconvenience
Appreciate the report – the team is aware of this bug and has it flagged for a fix
We have this out for a fix in an incoming hotfix
You won’t be banned. Feel free to claim it