

11 Mar

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To confirm some of the conversation happening here, these changes were made to directly combat abuse of these rewards systems by botters and gold farmers. I apologize that it was not included in the patch notes

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Héros d’Archésia,

La transparence compte beaucoup pour nous, et nous voulons vous faire part des mises à jour du jeu et des problème sur lesquels nous travaillons avec le plus de cohérence possible. Au fil de l’implémentation de nouveaux contenus et de mises à jour, vous remarquerez que ces mises à jour sur les principaux problèmes seront publiées des jours différents.

Cet article recense plusieurs problèmes en cours, mais l’équipe surveille également l’arrivée de nouveaux problèmes avec la mise à jour de mars. Nous vous ferons part de ces mises à jour dans un article séparé, le cas échéant. Vos retours et vos questions sont toujours les bienvenus ! Continuez de nous les envoyer sur notre forum officiel.

Bannissements de bots

Vendredi dernier, nous avons entamé une vague de bannissements de bots qui a ciblé plus d’un million de compte illégitimes. Nous savons que seule, cette mesure ne suffira pas à résoudre le problème, et qu’il reste de...

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Helden von Arkesia!

Transparenz ist uns wichtig, und wir möchten euch so regelmäßig wie möglich über das Spiel und alle Probleme, an denen wir arbeiten, informieren. Werden dem Spiel neue Inhalte und Updates hinzugefügt, könnt ihr darunter diese Updates über die wichtigsten Probleme finden, die an verschiedenen Tagen in der Woche veröffentlicht werden.

Dieser Beitrag bezieht sich zwar auf mehrere bereits bestehende Probleme, das Team hat jedoch auch ein wachsames Auge auf neue Fehler, die mit unserem März-Update auftauchen können. Updates dazu wären wir, falls erforderlich, in einem separatem Post bereitstellen. Wir wissen euer Feedback und eure Fragen zu schätzen! Schickt sie uns in unseren offiziellen Foren.


Letzten Freitag haben wir mit der Einführung von Bot-Sperren begonnen, die bereits über eine Million illegale Konten entdeckten. Uns ist bewusst, dass dies allein nicht ausreicht, um dieses Problem zu beheben, und dass e...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héroes de Arkesia:

La transparencia es muy importante para nosotros, así que queremos hablaros sobre el juego y los problemas en los que estamos trabajando lo más regularmente posible. A medida que añadimos contenido y actualizamos el juego, estas actualizaciones sobre los problemas principales se publicarán en diferentes días de la semana.

Aunque en este artículo vamos a hablar sobre varios temas que ya vienen de antes, el equipo está vigilando para estar al tanto de cualquier problema que pueda surgir en la actualización de marzo. Si es necesario, avisaremos de esos problemas en un artículo aparte. Os agradecemos todos los comentarios y preguntas. Seguid mandándolos en los foros oficiales.

Suspensiones de bots

El viernes pasado empezamos a suspender a bots. En total, más de un millón de cuentas ilegítimas. Sabemos que esta medida no arreglará la situación por sí sola y todavía hay bots en el juego. Os aseguramos que no ha sido más que u...

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Heroes of Arkesia,

Staying transparent is important to us, and we want to share updates about the game and any issues we are working through with you as consistently as possible. As content arrives and updates are released into the game, you may see these Top Issue updates being published at different days through the week.

While this post references several topics that have been ongoing, the team is also keeping a close eye out for any new issues that may spring up with our March update. We will provide those updates in a separate post if necessary. We appreciate the feedback and questions! Keep them coming on our official forums.

Bot Bans

Last Friday we began rolling out bot bans, targeting over a million illegitimate accounts. We know this...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This stream happened at Korean hours, by the Korean director, because it was targeted towards the Korean version’s audience to address their roadmap, delays, and what is happening in that version of Lost Ark, which is separate from ours here in the West. It had an entirely different target audience and purpose from addressing players in the West, which is why it did not – not because Gold River is unaware of what is happening here with Lost Ark, but because this livestream was not intended to serve the Western player base.

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Thanks, this will be fixed in with a lil client patch soon (no downtime)

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This has to do with an issue with the on-screen keyboard, as was linked we are aware and working on a fix

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I’ve removed the image since it has another individual’s Discord username in it, but I would not blindly trust this claim – we do action against RMT, and buying that alleged sum of gold would not result in only a 3 day ban.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the reports! Our team is aware of this bug and has also escalated it for a fix due to the impact.

10 Mar

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We hear this feedback, appreciate it, and already have a request out to try and get better flags & tags to make it clearer what skins are dyeable when they are in the shop. Will keep posted

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Appreciate this, the team is aware and it’s out for a fix :slight_smile:

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Client patch has no downtime :slight_smile: just a simple download for players

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Hold on to that currency, the Vendor will become available when PvP Season 1 kicks off later this month :slight_smile:

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I am hunting down an answer on this now – will let y’all know when I receive that information.

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Thanks for the reports, this is being tracked by the team currently

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Thanks, this is a bug that should be resolved with a simple client patch in the near future

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Thanks for the reports, and the neat megathread! Will make sure this is being tracked with the team.

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This was a result of the prior discrepancies between the skins, but I currently do not have the insight I need on the changes that happened in last night’s update – I am seeking for more information on this, and will provide it here when I can. Apologies for the confusion.

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No, we were not thrilled with the launch experience for players in Europe Central, which is why much of our staff was working around the clock to help resolve outstanding issues with things like stability, opening new servers and regions, matchmaking, and making queue improvements where possible. However, we do not have plans to provide additional compensation at this time outside of what was provided early in the launch window.