

10 Mar

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Both buyers and sellers of RMT will have their accounts actioned against, and while we do take in multiple factors when determining punishment, I would not recommend taking player claims like these at face value

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I appreciate the feedback coming out of this thread, and will be sure to share it with the team. At this time, I am not sure off the top of my head when some of these features are planned for our version of the game (Trials are already being thought about, there’s a quick spoiler note on the Achates section but not much info yet), but I will make an effort to see if that is something that I can get additional info.

I also want to mention that the PvP Vendor will be live when PvP Season 1 kicks off later this month, and you can start earning that currency now.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks – I will report this to the team and provide any updates I can

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the reports, team is looking into it right now

09 Mar

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

SGR still does the development for the game, yes, which means on the technical side they implement/code/whatever. Decision-making tends to be a function of teamwork from both sides.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think I have a widget that can localize timezones in forum posts – lemme play with that. Thanks!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

No worries; I get the confusion here, working with multiple languages can be tricky. I also don’t love playing the “trust me, bro” card, but unfortunately the notes I do have aren’t approved external use, so best I can do is reference them and pass along the info to help try and provide clarity

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I commented in another thread, but it seems worth to post is here, too…

I don’t speak Korean so I don’t know word for word what was said or how any mistranslations may have come across… but I still have the actual interview notes and outline in my inbox, which is what I am referencing directly in telling players that 2 - 3 month intervals was the intended message here. I’m not trying to argue or change any information, but my goal in sharing this is to clear the air on something that seems to be causing a lot of confusion.

That said, as I’ve noted in other threads, happy to share feedback about players wanting more classes with the teams.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

All of it; we all work together, and this information gets shared with everyone directly.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t speak Korean so I don’t know word for word what was said or how any mistranslations may have come across… but I still have the actual interview notes and outline in my inbox, which is what I am referencing directly in telling players that 2 - 3 month intervals was the intended message here. I’m not trying to argue or change any information, but my goal in sharing this is to clear the air on something that seems to be causing a lot of confusion.

That said, as I’ve noted in other threads, happy to share feedback about players wanting more classes with the teams.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I clarified this in another post, but Gold River’s statement in the Crown interview was that classes will be released every 2 - 3 months; however, we are definitely sharing player’s feedback on the topic.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

As the tweet says in the original post, we decided to pull the roadmap and slow down a bit so that we could revisit it now that we have more information on player progression data. While we are absolutely looking forward to sharing more with players, we are taking extra time to ensure that we’re hitting more informed beats when it comes to delivering new content to players.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya, I think there’s a good opportunity to provide some insight here. Argos is definitely late game content that some players aren’t able to reach yet, and we hear that – which is why we’ve delayed the game’s roadmap to make adjustments.

Read more
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Lol, I appreciate the passion in your post! Sorry if any phrasing was confusing, but it is delayed as we lock in those changes, and will come after the update (which is happening tomorrow) but not immediately

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Classes are not included in the March Update

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello – we are aware of this issue, as is Orange, who have shared publicly that they are looking into this as well. Obviously I cannot represent Orange in any way, but I do suggest reporting with them as well if possible to help this issue get tackled from both sides.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The feedback is appreciated and heard, we’re definitely passing it along

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nope, those will stay in the store!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

As of right now, there are not honing changes in the patch, but this feedback has been passed along.

It’s also important to note that while this is our shiny March Content update, we will continue to do smaller weekly updates each week that can be expected to include things like adjustments (for the sake of example, the hot topic of last week’s T1/T2 tweaks), bug fixes, and other odds and ends. Can’t guarantee what will be in those patches right now, but the game will continue to be updated in the time between this content update and the next.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

New classes were not planned as a part of this first March Update