

16 Mar

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Okay I was leaning towards the cats at first but the mice with the hats are RIDICULOUS and I feel like I HAVE TO HAVE ONE

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the patience as well – I know players want things addressed ASAP, and while we always want to move quickly when we can, this was a pretty sizeable undertaking that took a ton of coordination between the teams at Amazon and Smilegate in terms of finding a path forward, locking in communications, and international travel, too :stuck_out_tongue:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep, this was fixed earlier this week! You should be good.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We can’t believe it’s already been over a month since Lost Ark launched to western audiences. Our teams, at both Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG, have been working tirelessly on stability, combating bots, preparing new content, and much more behind the scenes. We appreciate the support and patience we’ve seen from players around the world, and before diving into our team update, we’d like to thank the millions of heroes who have set foot in Arkesia and joined us for the start of this adventure.


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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Actually, this happens fairly regularly, haha! It isn’t the first time they’ve been out here, starting even before launch – I know that a lot of folks seem to think that SGR is out of the loop despite the fact that they remain the developer of the Western version of the game, but we’ve got weekly meetings and reports sent back and forth, daily direct emails/messages, all that jazz. We work together every day (though the trips aren’t as frequent because of the distance).

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hah, yeah, looks like some of the context is being lost or misunderstood as the thread here evolves, which happens. All good.

In the first thread, I was specifically speaking about the pacing of Argos being the first content update so soon after launch and the fact that a lot of players were/have not been able to reach it. We know there are differences between the versions of the game when it comes to item level pacing and what content is currently available to get there, and we need to better plan and adjust around that as we look ahead.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

There aren’t changes in this week’s small maintenace, but we’ll have an update to discuss the path forward coming soon

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héroes de Arkesia,

El mantenimiento semanal de Lost Ark tendrá lugar el 17 de marzo a las 8am CET / 12am PT. Esperamos que los servidores estén desconectados durante aproximadamente 4 horas. Estos son los cambios que implementaremos:

  • Los eventos dentro de juego han sido ajustados para empezar acorde al horario de verano. Tened en cuenta que el reloj dentro de juego puede no estar sincronizado con la configuración de horario de verano del reloj de vuestro ordenador. Implementaremos una solución permanente próximamente.
  • Debido a la confusión causada por el cambio de hora y el inicio y final del evento Grand Prix de Arkesia, vamos a proporcionar 3000 monedas del evento Grand Prix a cada jugador. Estas monedas serán enviadas al inventario universal de cada jugador.
    • Estamos al corriente de un error que impide a jugadores participar en el Grand Prix de Arkesia si intentan completar la misión del evento con un personaje del nivel inferior a nivel 50. E...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héros d’Archésia,

La mise à jour hebdomadaire de Lost Ark aura lieu le 17 mars à 8h00 CET. Il est prévu que tous les serveurs et régions soient donc indisponibles pendant 6 heures. Voici à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre avec cette mise à jour :

  • Les événements en jeu ont été ajustés pour se déclencher correctement avec l’heure d’été. Veuillez noter que l’horloge du jeu peut être désactivée en fonction des paramètres d’heure d’été de l’ordinateur du joueur ; nous déploierons un correctif permanent pour cela à l’avenir.
  • En raison des problèmes de minuteurs en jeu qui ont causé de la confusion quant au moment où doit se tenir l’événement à durée limitée Grand Prix d’Archésia, nous fournissons à tous les joueurs 3000 jetons d’événement Grand Prix. Cette devise sera automatiquement envoyée dans votre réserve universelle.
    • Nous sommes également conscients d’un bug qui empêche les joueurs de participer au Grand Prix d’Archésia s’ils tentent de terminer l...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia,

Lost Ark’s weekly update will take place March 17th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 8 AM CET with an expected downtime of 4 hours for all servers and regions. With this update, you can expect the following:

  • In-game events have been adjusted to trigger properly with Daylight Savings Time. Please note that the in-game time clock may be off depending on a player’s local computer DST settings; we will implement a permanent fix for this in the future.

  • Because of the issues with in-game timers causing confusion around when the limited-time Arkesia Grand Prix event was taking place, we are providing all players with 3,000 Grand Prix event tokens. This currency will automatically be delivered to you Universal Storage.

    • We are also aware of a bug that prevents players from participating in the Arkesia Grand Prix if they try to complete the event quest with a character that is under level 50. Although this will not be fixed in ...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is coming :smiley: I know it’s taken some time, but we have been making sure all of our teams are aligned (Amazon and Smilegate alike) and working on it together – literally. SGR is in one of our offices right now.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have warmly invited him to hop into English threads as well :slight_smile: He’s still fairly new to the team, so ramping up will take time (he’s doing awesome work already honestly), but that’s the goal!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We will have a weekly maintenance tonight to fix this – sorry for the extra few days of annoyance, but we didn’t want to pull the game down an extra time for one fix when we do a weekly maintenance

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

For what it’s worth, DST timers are being fixed in our weekly maintenance (tonight, full announcement out very soon). The hotfix didn’t work as intended obviously, but we didn’t want to bring the game down for an extra maintenance for one issue.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Suuuuure thing!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are definitely working through our plans and a message from our teams broadly address this – I totally get the urgency, and I am extremely eager to share it with you all, but we are locking things into place now